Some home truths about Cutting Edge

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argh ...........
so i have to be like ruathian or xana to get o ur despise list ?
well i dont know ruathian so ill have to be like xana
Brutally honest, slan, swedish(worst part), lamer(allready there), rp whore, and damn damn damn damn damn damn damn easy to PO ... ok im on it ...

pm me when im on the list killgorde or make a homie with topten .. PLZ


Killgorde = selfish jerk ;|

Ebe you are a top player - grouped with you lots of times.
Please dont let some kid knock you out :)


I wont say to much cuz it gets me in trouble...


Finster, Warlord retired, was wise enough to run for the woods and hide before everyone noticed how selfcentered and egotist he was.

guys. it s a hell of a job to GM a guild and i can imagine the pm flood kill goes through. i understand why eben is aggrod, but i do know i d be scared if my members would start sending investigators for good standing after me. whatever the result of this, i hope it won t have 2 ppl quitting the game.

kill, somewhere down the road from founding CE you forgot to relax.

Finster, <Nolby Pride>


Originally posted by old.XanateA
Teh truth surfaces!

The perfect guild with the perfect atmosphere appears to be a guild filled with itam-whores, hotheads and a dictator as the cherry on top


seems CE and NP are pretty similar then



Well.. posting the sshots is fine, although I'd have preferred just a chat transcript (won't someone consider the modemmers). A better way for support might have been to not post your own conclusions (which inevitably twists the weak minded), but let people come to their own.
It's easy enough to make anyone look bad by a few well placed logs or screenshots.

I'll still be in CE for PvP; and I'll make up my own opinions (impetuous as they are) then.


Ditto Nightchill

Ebe is a respected player but i really dont agree with airing your dirty laundry in public.


Damn was already thinking why I saw so few gtaoe damage lately :(

And sure I do agree with some things said like in that stun example. It was a one time thing and if it did happen more often I would simply not team with those players anymore because they just don't seem to see what's best at that time to do but they just do what they always do (no experience in combat to be honest, even a monkey could do the same trick over and over again...). The really good people adept their way of attacking at the moment things happen.

But why has this quarrel come so far? It's just a game guys. I've been mad at some players and people also because of things said and not said... But at the end it's not about that it's about having fun which each other.

And don't forget, you win some, you loose some (rvr battles)...

I wish thee well Ebeneezer and will miss you a lot. You maybe an enemy to my realm but a damn good one :)


If you think they're bad now, just wait until tzee joins :/


Ahh Lol this is funny

Well Killogrde, as U know I have played other Online games with him, and started Nazgul with him and some others.

But didnt get an invite to CE, and was kicked from Nazgul for being too hot headed, wont go into the full story here, as pointless if u ask me, but I will say this most of Aesirs are going into CE-PvP so I messaged Killgorde and said so I can stop with my mates, can I join, to get the response NO, well not exactly NO it was well mate if u join about 8 other people wont join (WOW didnt think I was that liked disliked as it goes) He of course couldnt name these people, and then spouted off about how I had a collection of swords in Nazgul and blahh blah blah and that I was a loud mouth loot whore.

Tiss simple as this if you ask me like I said to Killgorde I ave made alternative arangements on PVP, but as I have seen Killgorde in other games and know what he is like he just seems to want to be the best, (and i do respect him for that) but it would appear he dont care who he shits on while he gets there.

Like I said got know problem with CE or Killgorde its just how he is.


*Bravo* I spend 2 weeks trying to sort my inventory best i can so i can be more effective for RvR now branded a Item Whore and apprantly without heart, sure why the hell not personally i lost heart a week or so before most of nazgul ran off but surprisingly Killgorde changed my mind, i dont post about other people theres no need, either way i couldnt care anymore daoc has sucked and the stage where im told that a game comes before my real life is plain stupid, thus why i dont play it. Kill you lost my respect when i found out you were double sided, but i was still around for when it counted, once and a while when i couldn't cause of rl obligations, either way Kull aint going to be back.


Eb, I'm sorry to see you depart CE in this way. I won't comment on the incidents that caused you to leave or take sides on who's right and wrong but obviously I had hoped a solution could have been worked out last night after we spoke. I've enjoyed grouping with you during our times together in Nazgul and CE and wish you good luck in whatever you plan to do next.

emer Roma

when you left the guild ,about 1 month ago, was very sad and asked Killg to get you back. I considered you a good player ,a friend and a person always available to help others.
That's why I always defended you in guild even if your behaviour wasn't exactly what I expected.
Now , after reading your post, all I can say is :

I'm very happy to see you leave our guild and - I hope - the game.

Your mean post - a low revenge - is an offence only to yourself .
And ,obviously,many ppls are happy to get the opportunity ( at last !!) to cover with mud CE and our GM .....well all those ppls aren't better than Ebeneezer.

CE "the perfect guild" ? maybe not perfect , but surely a good and strong guild with precise rules ...and NO xanatea....we aren't filled with item-whores , they couldn't survive in our guild.
Some ppl join some leave ,isn't the same in other guilds? We /wave all leaving...but the true CE are still in.

As for Killg ,he doesn't need to clear himself. He's working hard for CE-pvp spending HOURS of his game-time in chat replying all pms ,so why to be surprised if sometimes he's tired or disappointed?
Instead of weighing every single word in chat (in that chat we were fighting , btw) , look at what he DID.
While everybody was roting in emain ,he decided to lead us in FS.....and if you go ,now,in FS it looks like the metro in Milan.
He set out a strategy for keep defence.
And once again , who organized the relic raid ?
Surely not those ppl posting their criticisms in this thread.

Ebeneezer, you got upset simply coz you didn't understand or didn't accept our rules , but those rules are written you had only to read .
GL irl


Emergency Roma healer 50
<Cutting edge>


Dont leave Ebe

U will be silly to leave us Ebe.

Kio.47 RR3 flammen stinker :) who is no-ones damn buffbot :)


Re: Dont leave Ebe

why cant u all remember how good eben is and tht it is his account cant u ppl let him do what he wants, after all if someone was to lie behind your back and badmouth your guild you'd do something and this is how eben has done not saying it was the right move but its a step in the right direction and lets ppl be aware of this mans actions.


Originally posted by old.Kull
Long Story, look above :p


Everyone knows Kill's a 1st class asshat with 2 sides.
When Nazgul's doomsday arrived most of us saw it as Killgorde's fault even though they now deny it because they're brainwashed into Cutting Edge. (How the fuck did he get GM status anyway.)

I liked him at first, but after he went on saying some bad things either about Nazgul or my close friend circle I could skin the fucker alive.

Oh thought about the name yet? His guild? It describes kill, I mean, his so called "Cutting Edge" (2 sides and all, this the one that hurts if you liked him :p)

I mean, he was all nice and such, sure, straight in the face. But when you heared things he had said, or even done by our name, as a Nazgul back then, I can't see how many people like the guy / trust him.

But Kull man, don't leave me alone :-(

I mean, Alone with Bjodald and Bazza man! I'm going to be so doomed :<

Oh well, atleast come online to say Hi or summat, miss you man!!!!


Oh and Ebenezeer, you're an ass hehe, but you knew that already.

Hey I liked you because you were an ass, I'm an ass aswell :p

Well enough ass-talking.

Have fun with what you're going to do, oh and btw, DON'T TRY NEOCRON! I heard it's addictive.

That being said with 2 liters of beer.

-The SevenSins


Originally posted by old.XanateA
Teh truth surfaces!

The perfect guild with the perfect atmosphere appears to be a guild filled with itam-whores, hotheads and a dictator as the cherry on top

Xana this is the essence that makes a good guild -> without dictator.

You cunt :>

Hope to meet ya and skin your ass on PvP.

-The SevenSins


no jimli not saying hes human saying hes 2 faced 1 rule for alliance and 1 rules for his own guild.
here an example we talked for hours about the new alliance and it was decided anyone spaming as 1 of 2 thing would happen either there guild would be asked for there as to be remoced or asked to remove em from alliance .
i have a chat log with kil where he informed me i must calm down on as or he would tell my guild to take as from me.
when there was an incident with his own guild ie cubby and buffer slaging of antother guild on as for 2 hours what action was take um nothing as thay both continued to have as ability how can a man say well if you spam as you will lose as but when its his own guild does nothing that is just saying well my guild the best and i wont do it to them but others who gives a dam


Ok time to admitt that we are all human i personaly have enjoyed alot of nice games with killg and CE and iknow killg can be a hothead some times but i also know for a fact that like me he loggs of to cool down to but wtf arent we all human ive called ppl bitches hoe and worse ingame .

But what im saying is WE ARE PPL HERE not fricking robots so fecking what killg has a temper like all other in this game so hang him for that pls cmon most of you ppl are just gloating in this and Xanatea put ur ugly smålands face in NP buiness not in others ok

And Ruathian wtf are you on about ? there isent many ppl that can handle ur babbeling on as either Ruathian = i got rams midgard is safe o_O cmon dont give killg shit for making midgard a far better place than it was so fecking what if he has done or said things that not are 100% fair at all times who the hell are you and the other to judge him ?

I suggest you leave this for CE to settle and further more stop acting like its a fricking soapopera this game this is partly why i left cus i couldent take all this b*llsh*t in this game ppl jelaus and talking shit sigh i can call me a killgorde lover or whatever but the plain and simple fact is i admit im a humanbieng and i do make hasty stuff once in a while so who are you all to judge and convict other cus im pretty sure most of you are not perfect nuff said peace.

Eben ur a great m8 so soz ur quiting like me but take care and hope to cya you agian m8 :)


OK I'll reply to these now - seems a busy thread - goody!


Originally posted by Envenom2
u know mate i think everyone can agree with you here that you did the right thing i mean them chat logs are disgusting in my opinion if i was ever in a guild that the gm or any person talked to me like that it would be a big fat /gc quit.

although i wouldnt want u to quit why not try a new guild ? surley better then quiting?

Many thanks for your support.

I have had offers to offload my account (and will listen to other offers - just PM me). I've also had many new guild offers too - many thanks - but at this stage moving on is the best move.

Playing NWN and having a blast :) And I don't have a hypocrital ogre telling me how I should play the game :D


Originally posted by Subbiz
funny, its the exact same guy from when I tried my luck with planing relicraid, and playing this game as a realm/team-game.

He never had any constructive to say, he just babbled out with his oppinions and views, not listening to the rest of us, or giving us any input we could use. Then we decided to just ignore him and leave him out. Result?

quote by killgorde:
"Sub must be the worst communicator in the realm of midgard"

(or something very close, its been some time now)

saying this behind my back, while arranging the final steps of a relicraid (which actually ended up with us getting a relic home, and another the following day).

I had the impression that he changed a bit, since he had so many followers for his guild and alliance, but clearly his real personality is just shining more and more through.

good luck in the future ebe, and killgorde too, thats one guy who's gonna need it.

Thanks Sub for your support. You've always been a credit to your guild and realm.

One thig I will say: love em or hate em, at least NP are definitely what you see is what you get...certainly no cloak and dagger behaviour as proved in my screenshots.

Good luck to you too.


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
Killgorde is genrally a really nice guy...

not spoke to him in a long time (since we fell out back in the old Nazgul days) so i can't really comment on him now.

He just wants things to go right too much. (bad thing?)

He likes to play tactically, an is pretty good at leading, but when things dont go according to plan he can get a little hot headed.

There's a point where winning and fun become very different.

Don't defend him mate - he has compared me and you before when we had a "discussion". He says bad things about you too, even recently, not just when he forced you to quit Nazgul.


Originally posted by old.rauthian
i have always had a high opinion of killgorde he is a good leader but that went down to hating to stupid git when i found out he called a very nice girl a whore for no dam reason other than she made mistake in rvr that was so dam pathetic to call any girl that for something she did by acident in game he does not no her irl.
and as for the screen shot well it just goes to prove how 2 faced ppl can be he proved that when he mones about spaming on as but when its his own guild that does it and cost the alliance members he then stands up for them instead of doing what he tells other guilds to do and take action

also i am now so dam ashamed that i was the one who talked kill into creating the dam alliance in the first place it worked great at the start but now its falling apart hence i will not join any guild in that alliance as long as ce run it i can not stand the 2 tire system he runs ie if anyone does or sayys anything on as he demands action but if its his own guild members he does nothing about it just lol o well it happens. that action is not only disrepecting the alliance but placing his own guild above all the other i kinda see a new were the gods of midguard coming here from ce the guild that does nothing rong

eben sorry to see you leave game over this its cray to leave all caus of 1 person seting double standards for himself and others you was right about pibe and root he was rong to back pibe as he did and say nothing roots is just as good as mess it does the same dam job and if pibe cant see that then man what a stupid git her is and so must kill be not to back you on this and talk to pibe

You're another he has slagged in GC - called you stupid several times.


Originally posted by Xandax

Hehehe - well Killgorde for one (and most other old CE) know (should) why I left CE back when I did.
The main reason involve one of the persons you had difficulties with Ebe. - and I have also been told somewhat similar thinges as you apparently have.
(don't get me wrong -have no problem with Killgorde or many other in CE, think they have done/do much for Midgard)

But that I really don't care much for, but I am however sad to see you go I think you instead shoudl stick to your alt. chars and play them ;).

Otherwise I will miss you ingame - have had fun with you as Ebe. and Giselle both in Nazgul, CE and out of guild-regi. :)

/salut a great shammy and /cry for a loss for Midgard

/salute to you too - a great player and good mate.

I know why you left and I'll happily be tarred with the same brush as you. I'd rather have the courage like you to speak out and stick to principles rather than let someone get away with murder.

Good luck for the future.


Originally posted by Killgorde
No one's less than most.

Thanks for making that perfectly clear to everyone Ebe. The public manner of your displaying it I am sure will show your level of maturity and character in the correct light. Nice collection of screenies as well...would that I had the time and inclination like yourself to make a collection for public airing. That isn't my style m8...though obviously its the kind of thing you enjoy doing.

Nobody's perfect, least of all either of us.

Some people disapproved of the screenies. Well I had no choice. Nobody would believe me otherwise.

As for character and maturity, I tried to speak with you privately about grievances, but you had to sound off. I've had a lot of public and private support for my actions and I do not regret it one bit. Yes I could have slipped away quietly, but you said several nasty things to me and I was not going to cow down before a bully. You said some wanky things to me just because you didn't get your way. Well I wanted you and the world to know the strength of my opinion towards you. Nobody has insulted or patronised me in game to the scale that you have. So you deserve everything coming to you as a result of this thread.

Of course I state that the aim of this was not to pop at all other members of CE. Almost all are great people. If they get shit from this thread that's bad, but then perhaps they should ask if their leader should parade himself around the realm like a demigod, pontificating about how people should be doing his thing.

As for style, many people agree - based on the evidence I have shown, your style is hypocritical, rude, self-centred, egotistical and downriht nasty. Just because you claim to have ran around commanding a band of cutthroats and saved someone's life it does not automatically make you a better person than anyone or give you the right to slag people off serially. I read your post on the CE PVP forums, setting out your stall to be their leader on PVP because you ran this army squad. I dare you to post it here. Seems like you love yourself so much I bet you get a hard on every time you look in the mirror :D

Originally posted by Killgorde

But lets clarify one issue. Every action with respect to players in the guild I take is based not on a "Killgorde knows best" basis, but as a mirror reflecting the general consensus of opinion of the majority of people in the guild. Your spat with Derianna was one incident when I erred..because the majority decision of the guys in the guild was that you were the one out of order and not him, and yet I backed you (looking back now God alone knows why ;)) Perhaps you can explain to everyone out there that while I may put people forward for approval who wish to join the guild, it is your collective decision without my involvement as to whether that person joins or not. Every decision I make is based on the the majority interests and the feelings of the guild members. No individual member of the guild is more important than the team unit and that includes myself. Putting the interests of the team before any personal self interest is the basis upon which this guild was founded. If someone decides to dedicate his time to playing and levelling an alt on a full time basis rather than recognising the need of the other members for his presence why should he complain about feeling "shunned" in /gc, - when the team is fully focussed on keeping each other alive rather than pandering to his insatiable need for attention?

Lets talk about time shall we? I average anywhere between 10 and 30 pm's an hour ingame, whether its relic/keep raid plans being put forward, mgc frontier defence issues, CE position availability or a lot of guys who just want an old fashioned chat. Each and every one of them I try to respond to politely and comprehensively while at the same time leading the crew and trying to outwit our opponents in the Frontiers. If you wanted some quality time from me and the rest of the team, levelling an alt away from the action where everyone else is isn't the right way of doing it. Especially when there are some of us who have given you a hell of a lot of individual attention off our own backs to level your primary char (who you announce you are retiring) out of friendship and a wish to help you out.

Let's not try to change the thrust of my debate either. I have provided documentary evidence of your shoddy behaviour and you have not bothered to defend it. Truth hurts huh?

Don't give me that shit again about spending loads of time powering Ebeneezer. I never once dinged in your presence. I'll admit I had some help from you, but not much. I've had more help from the likes of barbar. However, as far as levelling and devoting time to guildies is concerned, Ebeneezer was right up there. I powered lots of people and helped them get their epic armour. Didn't see you helping me get my armour. Hell of a lot of attention levelling my arse.

As for the shunning, well nobody else shunned me - just you - that's why I pmed you. I wanted to know your feelings. Little did I expect you to throw the toys out.

Originally posted by Killgorde
You said to me "I will always come when asked as Ebe" last night? I and nobody else in CE will ever ask you to do something you don't wish to do. That isn't the way we operate. Its something you should choose to do because you want to help out. We play together as a team because we enjoy each others company and it is the choice of every individual whether they wish to take part or not. A case in point was earlier in the evening when we were crying out for a secondary support for a trip to the gorge. We weren't going to ask you to join even though your services would have been appreciated by everyone present. YOU chose not to, we got wiped (and Xanthian you hit way too hard m8 ;)), and then you start complaining about getting shunned? Maybe you should consider whether or not you will ever be a true team player when your first priority has always apparantly been to put your own interests above that of those that considered you their friend.

I was in the lair powering an alt specifically for RvR. Nobody asked me to go to the Gorge. Crying out loud? Well afterwards yes, but nobody asked me. I would have come. You're right - I CHOSE not to come, but I WOULD HAVE COME if the guild asked. I always have. You just got the hump because you got owned and decided to take it out on me. Deal with it.

As for friendship, you're actions in game showed that you did not regard me as a friend. Clearly I was the guild buffbot to you.

As for never RvRing, I have many screenshots of great ganks we have noth been involved in. I could provide these to remind you just how Ihave managed to attain nearly 500K RP. People know that I was hardly in Emain, so where did I get all those RPs? Ganking greys in the Collory? Ebeneezer did a lot more RvR than you're prepared to give credit for. The last time with you was when we had several keeps in Albion. But then you went AFK for 30 mins and it all petered out. Has to be said that it's rather rich popping at Oloren for big afks when you're forever taking 5 "for a brew". Glasshouses and all that.

I laughed when you ordered me not to mention dings again. FFS you keep gloating about RPs...I remember your recent gloat over 700K RP. You also take great pride in overtaking other guilds in the RP stakes. God damn RP whoredom.

Originally posted by Killgorde
Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

And you too.


Originally posted by soullessminion
You fotget mate 1 major fact of being a shaman, everyone thinks of you as nothing but a buff bot.

1 If anyone dies, they will instantly blame Shaman for not healing. Dosent matter if 7 other members of grp are healers, they think shaman has nothing else to do but heal.

2 If not rezzed then its Shamys fault as he has nothing else to do. After all Ae Dots don't hurt (Honest)

3 Shamys are Gimps if not speced full Aug, reason there gimps is they dont fit everyones nice Slave idea.

4 Conforming and being a full Aug Shamy, can be compared to a $10 Hoar, once you buff them they say thanks then couldent care what hapens to you :p Though maybe if you think of your buffs as given them a dose you might enjoy it :p


Ps: Eben mate Don't quit your 1 of the few Shamys I like (rest are all fooking Bot slaves) Mid cant aford to lose Shamys that actualy play there class, not run about like lap dogs glued to owners arse.......

Thanks for your support. I always tried to play the battle shaman and enjoyed it a lot. It's great to see yourself, Katod, Hoksar, Pevia etc doing what shamans are supposed to do.


Originally posted by old.Garnet
Sorry to see yu go Ebeneezer :(

Good luck in whatever you do in the future :(

And you too - a genuinely great person.


Originally posted by Negura`
Killgorde, when i was in midgard, i had nothing but the upmost respect for you. I now realise that leaving midgard was one of the best moves i could have made. It does shock me how you could be that two-faced about one of your own guild members. Another thing i was shocked about was in one of the chat logs it said that blizzard had been disbanded from the alliance.... well the last time i saw a blizzard member defending the amg was a couple of weeks back, which was the last time i saw any decent players defending the amg in odin...... big mistake to let them go i think. As i said before, i had a lot of respect for you when i was in midgard.... but after reading this post about you, ive come to a new opinion about you.

You sir, are a two faced prick

I find it hard to believe that you went out souley for your own benefit on all those prince raids blizzard helped you with, just to get your nice sword, but you dont have the time to get Ebe a GA hammer that he has wanted for a long time. Its not exactly hard to kill mobs for an hour with 2fg of CE or something.
I find it hard to believe that you can be angry at Ebe for politely asking someone why they did what they did.... he wasnt flaming at them, merely asking in a polite manner why Pibe did what happened.... and all he gets back was people flaming him for being polite.

I think there is one sentance to sum you up.....

"Its only good if Killgorde says its good"

I will look forward to our next encounters in rvr Killgorde


Ebe - midgard has lost a good player, shame that you had to leave under such circumstances, i hope you find fun somewhere else and in real life mate.


/salute Negura

Your support is most welcome.
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