Some friendly advice for GOA



What a load of crap.

Lonewolf made some very valid points, then some idiots come and pick stupid little holes about eh meaning of "british servers". The fact is gentlement, the servers ARE british servers, call me what the hell you want, but i dont mind other nationalities being there, but the English servers are exactly what they are called. ENGLISH. That means the language spoken there is english and no more, stop picking stupid little holes into lonewolf's valid debate and try debating with him without the childish little comments such as "The british education system is crap".. This is not the debate at all, the main point stated by lonewolf is that GOA are seriously lacking in the communication side of things, and they are. Face it people, we dont hear enough, can anyone give me ANY idea whatsoever on when the next patch is coming?

GOA rarely gave us any details at all on the old forums, but they couldn't face the bad propoganda for people coming to view the forums and they closed them. Along with server bandwidth (I presume this is what lonewolf meant, rather than space).


Did you read the rest of the posts? We happened to discuss a couple of other points other than that you know... Or did you just read that bit then go "What a moron"?

Congratulations on your incredibly selective reading.

And by the way, I didn't say the british education system is crap, I said it was crap at teaching foreign languages. Which it is.

Brannor McThife

Amazing...that after all this time. You just don't get it do you?

The forums were created for the INGAME community. Not for you to air your views of GOA or to flame them, or to pose questions to them. So many failed to see this that they drowned out the people who were using the forums for their correct purpose. This very thread, would have erred on the side closing the forums.

But, hey. You didn't stop there, why stop now. Keep asking that screen of yours instead of (asking/complaining to) the right people.

And, anyone that claims Prydwen and Excalibur are anything other than servers for english speaking Europeans...well... you can earn yourself an /ignore.



He made some valid points too, it eventually comes down to 3-4 key points that have been raised that GOA have to address

1) Communication NEEDS to be improved, whats going on lads come on it ain't hard to make a weekly or fortnightly update at a regular expected time

2)The method of translation and making British people wait for a patch which could be put on our servers now, however we are made to wait 2months+ for the other languages to be changed when we don't even use them servers, if the patch server infrastructure was changed has to be considered at least.

3)The overall attitude of GOA towards their customers needs to be addressed and the use of Rightnow

I would not be moaning, but if anyone has seen the way that the American servers are run they would be pulling their hair out and their servers have only been running 2months more than ours

Come on guys sort it out I think I may copy and paste my post into an e-mail to Mythic see what they have to say on the situation seeing as I am a paying customer

Oh and Brannor is making me lose my patience with is silly "they are not british servers"


How many times do I have to drill it into u? If someone comes up to me speaking Swedish I go, excuse me this is a english speaking server and they usually happily oblige

And do you seriously think that with Kemor posting patch update news and downtime news on the forums that no one was going to make posts about Customer Service and when the next patch was going to be??!!?? That is verging on the side of stupidity if not naivety

And if you did then u live cloud cuckoo land my friend and I suggest u stay at school/University because your never work in the world of business, thinking that human beings are going to use the forums for purely game related posts, when ever have u ever seen a forum for a game where posts purely relating to the game are made, people always bring other things into it and with the state of GOA's reputation you can hardly not expect some person out of the many thousands not to make a post regarding GOA

As for our foreign language teaching, yeah we are cack at it


/ignores the forum troll (brannor) :)

Good points Lonewolf


Well I personally enjoy speaking other languages and I have learnt several Swedish words and phrases already!


Cya! - Hedja!
Diarrhea - Rannskita
Nice one mate! - Gratis grubben!
Idiot - kronjon
Marijuana - Majja

er thats enough.... :)


I tend to agree with points 1 and 3, but under the current server structure, I accept that it is essential that all three language version patches are made available at the same time.

Communication is one of the most important aspects of any successful relationship, whether it be personal or professional. It seems that the more technology advances to allow improvements in communication, the less of it there is. Successful businesses are those that are aware of the paramount importance of excellent customer relations. Those organizations that operste under the dictatorial attitude of "here's your product, now go away and shut up", are those that are doomed to failure.

Mythic have done things the right way by hiring Sanya. I would love to have her job ... it involves everything I love doing:
Research - what is everyone saying about DAoC and Mythic, and what are our competitors doing?
Analysis of that research - categorizing of bug reports, complaints and kudos.
Coordination - daily/weekly meetings with dev team project manager to get updates on bug fixes (bugs having been analysed and categorized from customer feedback, and forwarded to dev team project manager).
Writing - preparing small daily, larger weekly, and as-needed major news items to inform customers, giving them the information they have asked for.
And most important of all ... helping the company to excel in customer satisfaction, thereby helping to ensure the company's success and growth.

Hmmmm ... I'm looking for a job right now. It's a pity that GOA don't realize how badly they need me. :p

Excellent thread, but please keep the flames/personal attacks out of it. I was surprised to see them from a former "old forum" mod. :(


Ok its clear that people tend to feel that all three languages need to be available before patches are implemented

Therefore through the wishes of the majority I retract my request and simply ask for

1) Better communication

I thanku :clap:


nice point

Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Amazing...that after all this time. You just don't get it do you?
The forums were created for the INGAME community. Not for you to air your views of GOA or to flame them, or to pose questions to them. So many failed to see this that they drowned out the people who were using the forums for their correct purpose. This very thread, would have erred on the side closing the forums.
But, hey. You didn't stop there, why stop now. Keep asking that screen of yours instead of (asking/complaining to) the right people.
And, anyone that claims Prydwen and Excalibur are anything other than servers for english speaking Europeans...well... you can earn yourself an /ignore.

Well very true there were forums there that were for IN-GAME discussions there are here too (they are called Prydwen tavern in “role-play only”) but there was also one called now what was it GENERAL DISCUSSION surly this is/was, for discussion that, is well general???
Asking about the patch (which is still about how the game can/is going to be improved) would come under the general discussion about the game

Yes I know there were idiotic people out there that flamed, sweared at them what ever. As for the servers who mucking cares who plays on them
(/clam-down= on)
I think that the major point that is not being picked up here is the information that is coming form the European point of contact for DAoC (GOA) is very little

What does it take for them to say it will be out in June IN being the word deadlines change we all know that, we are after information on a weekly basis not monthly that is not good to us
Lets say in a moth we could have progressed to lvl x from lvl y and what we have chosen to do z would be wiped out by patch b

The flamers will still flame no matter what (that is what they do they are normally ignored anyway after the first one)


Re: nice point

Better communication is the key to all successful thing marriages, business, work, friends NEWS

Without communication we would all live in our own little boxes grunt at our mirror images, as we don’t communication is the key to unlocking happiness, also a lot of other things…..

All we ask for is better communication
It does not cost much
That is not a lot to ask for is it....

Brannor McThife

Respond to me how you want. Lonewolf is just making an idiot of himself by insisting on this "British"thing.

Anyway, facts are, you (global) asked and asked on the official forums, and they didn't respond, what, pray tell, makes you believe that they'll respond now? Also, please, do NOT assume that I am AGAINST what you are asking. I've never said that. In fact, even though I did myself state on the old forums that "GOA is faceless" (remember that?), I then figured out that doing things the correct way saves time. You don't see me complaining anymore do you? Of course, it amuses me (and others that know) to see you flame me for things I already suggested about 2 months ago...



The English language servers are just that - for people who speak the English language - the same as the German and French servers are for those who can quite happily converse in those two languages.
None of them belong to or are owned by a specific country and that's as simple as it gets surely?
Those of us who speak the English language and play on the English language (occasionally called British or UK servers) would like a third one so we can play in all three realms - what the hell is wrong with that?

Perhaps the reason why there aren't as many people playing on the English language servers is because the publicity and promotion for the game in the UK (the main English language speaking country in Europe ffs) has been, to all intents and purposes, none existant!

PC Gamer still advertises the damn game at £39.99 to buy - how the hell is that kind of thing possibly doing any good in attracting people to buy and play DAoC?

There was no push or additional promotional literature (other than that which I saw in PC Gamer and PC Gameplay (received in Dec/Jan)) for this game when it launched in the UK.
I am a journalist of 13 years experience and I now design and edit web sites for the UK's largest regional newspaper group - there was NO promotional literature sent to the none-gaming specific media that I am aware of (none arrived on my desk or that of my web editing colleagues, let's put it that way).

The lack of promotion of this game in the UK is the biggest reason for the lack of UK-based gamers, that and the fact that the vast majority of them went straight onto the US servers in closed beta and have seen nothing since to persuade them to move back to Europe.

Sadly if something isn't done about it, the experiences of GOA in running the European version of DAoC might be the only attempt at providing servers specifically related to our gaming community and that would be a truly sad day.

We all better get ready to go back to 2 and 3am gaming ;-(


Glad to see no one responding to Brannor because he seems to be the only aggressive factor in this thread

And yes there was no promotion and/or advertising of the product so a very valid point there I feel

And as for making points here, I am constructing a long e-mail to send to Mythic, correction bombard Mythic with, until I receive a response and/or solution

Hence the reason to post here is to get a general community feel for what exactly is going on over here in Europe


Originally posted by Lonewolf
Glad to see no one responding to Brannor because he seems to be the only aggressive factor in this thread

I usually find myself agreeing with him, but maybe he's having a bad day :) I wasn't too constructive myself at first either ;)
And yes there was no promotion and/or advertising of the product so a very valid point there I feel

And as for making points here, I am constructing a long e-mail to send to Mythic, correction bombard Mythic with, until I receive a response and/or solution

Hence the reason to post here is to get a general community feel for what exactly is going on over here in Europe

Well, I don't think anyone's argued with better communication being a good thing, and yes, better (or even some!) advertising in the UK and perhaps other places outside of France and Germany (I haven't heard of much outside of them either) to try and attract more players would be welcome.

I don't agree with the necessity of another server just so we can play all 3 realms, but then I don't particularly want to play any more realms at the moment, I'd rather stick to one character and build him up. Still, it has been stated that when there are enough players on the English speaking servers they will add another one, so don't give up hope, get your friends to play instead, and their friends... until we end up with enough people to need another server :)

Anyway, once you've written that email Lonewolf, if you post a copy of it here then the more lazy among us will have something that we can send out too. I'd just suggest sending a copy to GOA as well as Mythic. Oh... and the email addresses too... not that I'm lazy or anything. :rolleyes:


firstly, i skipped a lot of posts, as they get very long ;)

But lonewulf, the servers being german, french, and english. have nothing to do with who plays on them, all it means is that you must be able to speak that language to play on them. For example, i studied french at school, and can speak it quite well, so I have a character on the French server, so that I can play there every once in a while and make sure I ain't forgetting my french. But my primary language is english, so I play on the english server...less thinking involved :)
So they are not French servers for French people
German servers for germans
and British for british
They are different language servers, not different nationality servers
And I don't know about anyone else, but I always thought that if you asked most people in the UK, (english, scottish, welsh) what ntionality they are, they would most likely reply with either English, Scottish, or Welsh, not many would say British ;)


Yeah no problem gonna construct the e-mail tonight or tomorrow and CC in GOA to see what reactions I get, I will keep hounding them until I receive a reply

Thanks for all the support and information lads
:clap: :fluffle:


Brannor, uhm as you may have noticed from the wealth of posts supporting you, its not Lonewolf who's coming over rather badly here mate. I understand you maybe a bit pissed still from losing the official boards, but do you have to aggresively nitpick quite so much?

Dunno if that's some anti-english sentiment you got going there, but what does it matter if someone calls its the British, English, Anglo-saxon, English speaking European or International server? Who cares. Its a server designed for English speaking customers, their actual location or nationality is irrelevant, end of story.

Maybe posting here won't do jack, but there's no harm in people having a chat about issues that concern them.


Originally posted by Veritreus

And precisely where does it say they are UK servers? Because they have a little flag indicating the language? Bah, what a ludicrous statement. There's more support for them being French servers cos that's where they're based. And I'd guess there were more people from outside the UK playing on them than inside.

Ok turn them into French servers and move all the UK accounts over to the US on a UK server. Better still have a server based in the UK with patches straight from Mythic.

Excaliber and Pyrden are UK servers for people that can not speak French or German. The main language spoken and written on these servers is ermmm can you guess ? yep English.

I want to have the UK servers moved to the UK so we don't have to wait for some French gi... guy to translate everything into German or French.

Ultima Online and Everquest has servers all over the world now that are patched all at the same time in their respective language, yes there are bugs but at least they get more information than what we get.

Anyone know the email for Mythic ? I want to ask them for so mercy and get them to take the UK servers off GOA.

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