Some Advice please guys'n gals



just ordered my copy of the game, arrives on 23rd!! woot timing or what!!

have some questions... most i know will be covered in the manual so ill stick to the ones i really want to know right now...

1. Combat: what is combat like? is it DAOC stylee? i.e you pull mob and bash to death etc.. or is it more free roaming like Ultima Online?

2. Careers: im looking for a char that is versatile, i like ranged attacks, to be able to heal myself when needed and to be able to get by in melee close range.. what is best options for me?

3. XP?: how does it work? is it like DAOC a set amount of XP per kill/quest? or more like a moving bar for each skill.. and the more i use that skill the higher the bar moves?

4. Server: im Euro..but i want a reasonably populated server like Excalibur in DAOC and Europa in UO, whats the best choice?

thanks for any questions you can answer, im wetting my pants in anticipation of this one!!


Lets see

Combat style: The only thing thats alittle like daoc, is that it pays to grp, and u kill the dam thing.
hard to explain, but ul learn as u play.

XP: There is a set amount of xp, but not type of xp.
Lets say u use a rifle, then u get XP in Rifle etc.. and healing XP u get from healing..

Proffesion: U can pick up multiple profesions, so u can be a healer (medic,Daoctor,Combat medic), some sort of ranged attacker (pistoleer, Rifleman, Carbineer, comando,bounty hunter), and a mele type.. but there is a set amount of Skill point u can use, so u cant pick up everything, and hafto chose visely. and some profesions takes more skill points to reach than others.
and u have Base proffesions.

Server: The servers is more populated than the DaoC servers.
FarStar is a good choise, medium populated compared to the other EURO servers.


1: less camping due to the majority of mobs not being static spawns, and less control than DAoC, but more hectic.

2: you dont pick just one career, you could have many if you so wanted, although the more you have the more thinly your points will be spread around them all, most people have 2-3 elite professions, which gives plenty of options.

3: As for XP think UO or morrowind, heal someone and you get healing xp, shoot something with a pistol and you get pistol weapon XP etc.. when you get a certain amount of XP you can train for new skills etc.

4: Although from the UK ive decided to stay on Eclipse so no idea about the Euro servers, apart from Infinity is the newest server and hasnt been up long and Chimeara 'seems' to be the most populated.


Once you decide what skills and profession you would like to have , people will be able to give you thousands of tips and strategies on how to play. Theres just too much to tell you otherwise.
Overall i do keep mentioning this is try out different professions, you dont have to go to far up the various skill trees to know when you particularly like a play style so try as many as you can.
Read some of the player guides out there on warcry, swgcenter etc. You can never really go wrong.


Pistoleer/Fencer with a touch of Medic.
Rifles/Pikeman with a touch of Medic.
Carbines/Swordsman with a touch of Medic.
TKA/Anything again with few points in Medic.


Actually the only class I would say is essential is a bit of medic, and possibly the scout class so as you can make a camp.

(Bloody essential when your vehicle dissapears fron under you 10k from the nearest city :p)

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