Tears said:have a shovel, your just proving your own stupidity again.
Escape said:According to Sko, if you inform everyone of a banable offence, they'll all login to try it.
Naagauk said:you just thought albion how to use a ban able offence
you think that's a smart thing to do?
if i were you id edit the posts explaining details asap
Escape said:^^^^^^^
According to Sko, if you inform everyone of a banable offence, they'll all login to try it
Sko, I haven't seen anyone say it's against the CoC apart from you. So either you know something we don't, or you're trying to scare the competition. You might not be the one porting out with the cloak but you do spent alot of time hovering around there.
Darzil said:Tears - I reckon you hacked Sko's freddieshouse account and posted that screenshot. <grin>
How else do you explain it ?
Aoln said:nice thread, WTS som cloak 15p thanks to it ^_^
I know all about it, i did it months ago xDTears said:Im 100% sure you know this Aoln, but to point out to the un-educated.
To do SoM, you enter the circle and pickup a cloak (this is NOT shades of mist.. its just an item) whoever the pathetic sojo is is just taking an item and not the artifact, you dont get the artifact until the encounter is complete and the sphynx dead.
Porting out with the cloak does :-
NOT get you SoM
NOT get you credit
screws up the encounter, as its started and never finished
As was said in the 4th post down, officialy its not breaking the CoC/EULA as you are starting an encounter, but the resulting effect is locking the encounter so that no one else can do it, im sure there must be something in the CoC/EULA that can get you a slappedwrist for doing that.
Aoln said:I know all about it, i did it months ago xD
Morimdin said:![]()
Tears, are you thugs brother? like 2 seconds older? you english is slightly better, but you both seem just as retarded, shortminded idiotic, and you both somehow got the tought that someone actually gives a flying fuck about what you think,
Tears, you are just a lame name on a lame forum.
Tears, you are just a fucktart with way to much time on hes hands, who thinks everyone loves him cause he organized some raids.
Tears, please SHUT THE FUCK UP
And your English is slightly worse :<Morimdin said:![]()
Tears, are you thugs brother? like 2 seconds older? you english is slightly better, but you both seem just as retarded, shortminded idiotic, and you both somehow got the tought that someone actually gives a flying fuck about what you think,
Tears, you are just a lame name on a lame forum.
Tears, you are just a fucktart with way to much time on hes hands, who thinks everyone loves him cause he organized some raids.
Tears, please SHUT THE FUCK UP
Kite the mobs to the town for the guards to killEthild said:Its possible to finish the encounter solo after you have portalled with the cloak, that way it doesn't break it for everyone, and you get the SoM cloak not the black cloak (and arti credit too ofc).
Is with a bard at least, I don't play Alb. Mincer can prolly do it too.
Me and Kandig did that once, one sphinx wiped 14 buffed town guards. xDAoln said:Kite the mobs to the town for the guards to kill![]()
You might wanna start the encounter to breach the power magic that gives them +50 levels then.Jeeves said:Me and Kandig did that once, one sphinx wiped 14 buffed town guards. xD
Morimdin said:![]()
Tears, are you thugs brother? like 2 seconds older? you english is slightly better, but you both seem just as retarded, shortminded idiotic, and you both somehow got the tought that someone actually gives a flying fuck about what you think,
Tears, you are just a lame name on a lame forum.
Tears, you are just a fucktart with way to much time on hes hands, who thinks everyone loves him cause he organized some raids.
Tears, please SHUT THE FUCK UP
Tosen said:There's not really much to it... It's NaaguakThere... I said it
...Hmm... btw... this ain't the first time Naagauk steals something is it ?