So you want to solo and not to get ganked by an FG...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Coldbeard said:
lol, aren't you one of those "Team Zerg" morons? And you expect someone to show mercy to you, my fucking god how stupid.

You are all the same...the only sad ones are they who claim to have high ideals and dont:p
I have seen everyone of you guys claiming to stand by one ideal and have half of the population claim you talk shit the next heartbeat:p
revenge isnt very noble either....but its noble to ignore and and not whine and just realise its a game and move on:p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
brad said:
Yeh i think he is, remembered the name.

Runs up to stealthers and pops them for people to get zerged down by killsimba etc.

And if he doesn't beat you in a 1v1, he waits a while and you end up having a couple vamps and stealthers try take you down with him.:worthy:

sounds like realm versus realm to me ;) quite sensible. I'm stupid :( I just run around solo and get ganked ;)


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
ebenezer said:
You are all the same...the only sad ones are they who claim to have high ideals and dont:p
I have seen everyone of you guys claiming to stand by one ideal and have half of the population claim you talk shit the next heartbeat:p
revenge isnt very noble either....but its noble to ignore and and not whine and just realise its a game and move on:p

'You guys' ? So without having met me in the game ( I certaintly cant remember meeting you), you classify me as someone claiming to have ideals I dont stand by ? Your whole post is based on assumptions.
I actually agree on that it is sad to have high ideals and dont follow them, it is called hypocrisy and it is quite common. The reason why there is so many people always arguing these ideals of yours is that they have no idea of what it is about. And also, some of the people are just bitching and acting bitter because they dont agree or their playstyle differs.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Coldbeard said:
'You guys' ? So without having met me in the game ( I certaintly cant remember meeting you), you classify me as someone claiming to have ideals I dont stand by ? Your whole post is based on assumptions.
I actually agree on that it is sad to have high ideals and dont follow them, it is called hypocrisy and it is quite common. The reason why there is so many people always arguing these ideals of yours is that they have no idea of what it is about. And also, some of the people are just bitching and acting bitter because they dont agree or their playstyle differs.

you guys referrs to many i seen posting here in all these threads.
Your right on the point that i dont know you. And im happy to learn ur not a hypocrite if you say so:)
Just seem to recognise ur name as one of many being in the fg vs fg threads or the adding threads and seeing so many with ur ideals stating they have such respect for this and that, and then the next heartbeat people with same ideals say they are full of shit, and that they do add. Seen it happend in almost every thead were you guys arrange ur fg fights. But i dunno, the guys whining on you might be full of shit. But i can tell you that as an objective person reading it, it doesnt look very good:p


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
i dont get the point, i hardly ever see gear's group out and that one is just one of many. almost all hib groups instagank soloers without hesitation. begging their groupleaders in pm for mercy is just degrading and pointless really :)

Well thing is that we're starting to run now on a more or less regularly basis and with the way things are at the moment I wanted to have an opportunity to get to know some people that want to solo and to be left alone so I can give em a break. Hence the reason for this thread.

Likewise I have stated my own concerns and have been quite sencere about my intentions. A few people have contacted me and I will definitelly try to do my best to keep out of their way out there and respect their wish to solo.

Anyways, that's all folks, have a nice evening :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2004
>.< Pooned said:
on ur warlock? :p

Pfft, i know Slirre and he will not ever use that plastic garbage toy u could buy in a convinient store nearby =)

he use these instead :worthy:


  • rb.jpg
    34.9 KB · Views: 27


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gear said:
Well thing is that we're starting to run now on a more or less regularly basis and with the way things are at the moment I wanted to have an opportunity to get to know some people that want to solo and to be left alone so I can give em a break. Hence the reason for this thread.

Likewise I have stated my own concerns and have been quite sencere about my intentions. A few people have contacted me and I will definitelly try to do my best to keep out of their way out there and respect their wish to solo.

Anyways, that's all folks, have a nice evening :cheers:

don't you usually recognise soloers by being solo? :eek7: im sure your intentions are good, it just doesn't make sence to me why you want people to pm you to ask to be spared. :p
Dec 31, 2003
toxii said:
yea i just fumble for stealth button , shit im playing a cleric

Yah right, then they pop Stealth Lore and bainlord aoe dds and ur dead anyway \o/

Happends 5-7 times every night, good fun. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 17, 2004
The problem is the groups adding on 1vs1 fights and especially the groups following me half the map when i have used sos...


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Nobility ???

Hell if i was thrown into a pen with the cutest puppies in the world shitting even cuter kittens , id gank every one of their sorry asses for 1rp :)

P.S. As for killing expers , there is a disclaimer in the frigging original daoc manual that makes this a guilt free and highly entertaining passtime ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
What a load of malakies --how many times u "play" with urself to have such an enlightment ? Seriously -- whats the point of this post anyway -- rep points ? play ur game as u alwayz do -- anybody asking pitty ..spare my fooking life to ur grp (whatever the poutso it is ) is a disgrace imo -- the one's that dont add r "known" anywayzzz -- and ur not 1 of them btw --


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Don't think you should make comments on others Spetz. Your normally first to make a FG (early mornings) when most are still solo or duo. Then you just go around ganking all. Making comments on others is a bit hipocritical mate.

On subject, TBH I really dont care, sometimes you get ganked sometimes you get left. I remember the ones that leave you. No Hib groups in that list. Playing scout I expect to get ganked everytime. Must have put arrows in half of midgard last night at Beno. So don't expect any favours. Its Realm V Realm after all.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 23, 2005
Vodkafairy said:
don't you usually recognise soloers by being solo? :eek7: im sure your intentions are good, it just doesn't make sence to me why you want people to pm you to ask to be spared. :p

The logical way to play the game as a hib would be to attack and kill any and all albs or mids around and help any and all hibs fighting albs or mids to win. If you want to fight solo against a lone alb/mid, it is good to know that, then if a grp has enough time to recognize you, it won't interfere, not until you win or lose anyway and in the latter case the logical way to continue is to kill any 'foreign' winner, after all you had your fun and your chance to solo.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
a funny thread tbh. As a Hib group we certainly do not kill soloers. But like every good rule there are exceptions for the following reasons.

We will kill stealther groups when we can see them because so many times have we had Alb and Mid stealthers killing our support and destroying a nice fight.

We will kill warlocks we feel they made their choice.

Is it logical is it hypocritical?

Its not logical we have these guides because this is how we like to play. If I wanted to play a logical game I would be doing bloody sudoku.

Its not hypocritical either we like to stereotype certain classes as the bad guy. Its not the players behind them either its the classes and how they appear to us. Warlocks are ebil nuking machines that must die and stealthers are sneaky bad guys that always appear behind you when you least expect it.

Maybe it kind of relates to RL though. In real life we are anti nuclear (Except Drach) and we don't like sneaky people who come into a room and fart without owning up.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2005
only thing i can say about solo is that i been haveing some very nice 1 vs 1 fights in hib lately, i love to go to DC bridge and then move away when some hibs comes and they follow me and we get a nice 1 vs 1 duel, if i lose i mostly come back for more fights, if the hib lose he brings some more friends to duel ect... always some nice action for me as a solo pala in emain;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Denethors said:
only thing i can say about solo is that i been haveing some very nice 1 vs 1 fights in hib lately, i love to go to DC bridge and then move away when some hibs comes and they follow me and we get a nice 1 vs 1 duel, if i lose i mostly come back for more fights, if the hib lose he brings some more friends to duel ect... always some nice action for me as a solo pala in emain;)

And now all the leechers will come there to farm some rps....

Rule #1 if u wanna keep good solo fights. Don´t tell anyone.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Rule #1 if u wanna keep good solo fights. Don´t tell anyone.

LOL Don't tell anyone about DC Bridge or's a secret! :worthy:


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
If you ever see me on my Minstrel Bahumat i probably dont have buffs, dont kill me but play my slap game.

First to 100 /slap wins an insta stun :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
sounds like realm versus realm to me ;) quite sensible. I'm stupid :( I just run around solo and get ganked ;)

You keep saying that. And, it might've worked if there were an unlimited amount of players.

The thing is though, that if it's not fun anymore, people won't return. Then eventually RvR dies out.

When on the stealther, I try to avoid adding. Sure, I add on certain indivials that repeatedly have proven to add on me or zerged. I also add if it even out the odds. Forinstance, two enemies ganking a solo shadowblade - but not two enemies killing a solo BD as that fight often is in favour of the BD.


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
sounds like realm versus realm to me ;) quite sensible. I'm stupid :( I just run around solo and get ganked ;)

Hardcore ingame FH MOD ganking, best extreme sport :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
I find it amusing that people normally put it this way:

"1 vs 1 is a big NONO adding on."
"It's OK to add on any Caster, regardless of numbers"
"Casters are fucktards they always add on stealther 1 vs 1"
"It's OK to PA a solo caster if he/she for instance has a duo mezzed and is taking his first target down."




Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2005
I think I will do a 180 degree flip.

I fully support fair 1vs1 fights. However that means as a bow specced ranger that unless the other peep faces me with a bow, at a distance I will consider this unfair, and by rights view them as adders and spoilsports.

Of course this is making a little fun of you guys, but the fact is, that to me it is not fair to enter into melee with say a reaver. I will and should get my A** handed to me. But isn't that what a lot of the frustration is about, that you as a melee class have a hard time getting to the target before being blown up, frozen solid, pincushioned etc. etc. ? I understand it is frustrating, but it shouldn't come as a surprise, should it? And if it weren't a challenge, how fun would it be to play a distance class?

Now if we wanna talk about what should happen once you close the distance to said distance killers, then it is another different ball-game. Here I think the game could use some tweaking, as many of the so called distance classes also appear to be amazingly good in close combat.

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