So you want to solo and not to get ganked by an FG...


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Well, here's an idea. I mostly try to check people's names before killing them and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

However, and that's without any guarantee of any kind, if you really trully believe that noone in my groups will have a grunge against you that will make em want to take you down in an insta, feel free to give me a name either via a PM or by posting it here. At least when I bard I'll try to keep my DPS off you*

The disclaimer** is a bit too long but then again better than nothing.

* Disclaimer - Sometimes we have some triggerhappy people for whom I can give no guarantees. Likewise sometimes I might be in a group where someone is not on TS/vent hence no guarantee. Finally and this is by no means an exclusive list, sometimes I might just not have the time to check your name so you're dead again.

** This does not apply to warlocks, BDs and casters. They'll just die.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
dont add on me, i add on you :D

nah reasonable idea, altho dont generalise casters some do have a hard life gaining rps :s (yes i know i aint one of those ;) )


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Gear said:
Well, here's an idea. I mostly try to check people's names before killing them and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

However, and that's without any guarantee of any kind, if you really trully believe that noone in my groups will have a grunge against you that will make em want to take you down in an insta, feel free to give me a name either via a PM or by posting it here. At least when I bard I'll try to keep my DPS off you*

The disclaimer** is a bit too long but then again better than nothing.

* Disclaimer - Sometimes we have some triggerhappy people for whom I can give no guarantees. Likewise sometimes I might be in a group where someone is not on TS/vent hence no guarantee. Finally and this is by no means an exclusive list, sometimes I might just not have the time to check your name so you're dead again.

** This does not apply to warlocks, BDs and casters. They'll just die.

pfft! :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Gear said:
Well, here's an idea. I mostly try to check people's names before killing them and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

However, and that's without any guarantee of any kind, if you really trully believe that noone in my groups will have a grunge against you that will make em want to take you down in an insta, feel free to give me a name either via a PM or by posting it here. At least when I bard I'll try to keep my DPS off you*

Well, here's an idea. I mostly try to check people's names before adding on them and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

However, and that's without any guarantee of any kind, if you really trully believe that I willl have a grunge against you that will make me want to take you down in an insta, feel free to give me a name either via a PM or by posting it here. At least when I add I'll try to keep my DPS off you*


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Arumos said:

I might even add that this counts especially for Arumi and Thaky, but I'm glad to /rude all other Warlocks aswell.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
if im solo and see a fg i just sit down, im spared most the time :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
yea i just fumble for stealth button , shit im playing a cleric


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Thats like a dog showing his owner hes the boss (tail between the legs)
I WILL NEVER SIT DOWN IF A FG INC TO KILL ME!! ill just kill em instead:(


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Soloers should try do what the yank soloers agree on a spot to have duels in yanks have solo area for duels around the Mid tower in agra:p might be an idea for you soloers to think of spot where you can go just to fight 1v1

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
last time i tryed not to kill jamiesmalicus on my sorc but i saw his name after i mezz him and he purge when i /hug him he just continue hitting xD

so im not responsible of the group's minstrel that stun and the theurgist that pwne him xD i still didnt kill him :p

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Slitzzz said:
Thats like a dog showing his owner hes the boss (tail between the legs)
I WILL NEVER SIT DOWN IF A FG INC TO KILL ME!! ill just kill em instead:(

on ur warlock? :p


the i win weapon of massive destruction a grand-father of a warlock prolly :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Elkie said:
Soloers should try do what the yank soloers agree on a spot to have duels in yanks have solo area for duels around the Mid tower in agra:p might be an idea for you soloers to think of spot where you can go just to fight 1v1
we tried that, every shitgroup around came and messed it up :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Elitestoner said:
if im solo and see a fg i just sit down, im spared most the time :p

Yeh thats works alot, sometimes i even run up to the clerics and mess around, ofc not hitting them, and they still let me live, they know im not adding, and probably recognise my char without targetting so solo'ing gets easier as time goes on.

I find only the random groups now will go after me, or that set hib guild group in blue and green, kind of low RR, but really rp whorish. The amount of time they have chased me into full sets of keep guards is amazing. Like really 150 rp's for their group, and they rather chase me into keep guards.

And i don't think they know what testudo does either. When their tanks are dying as they are out of heal range, as guards are hitting them, but they still carry on with a train of red/oj guards trying to kill me in testudo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2005
Dunno if this will help me not get Zerged, but i solo my Vampiir Ballistixxx all the time, which is hard enough as it is, if i sit and /no would i get left alone? i doubt it, tried last night :( at one point i had an entire FG chasing me when i hit charge and sprint :(


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Gear said:
** This does not apply to warlocks, BDs and casters. They'll just die.
So what you're saying is the above might as well add on ur fights, cos you'll kill em anyhow..


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ballistixxx said:
Dunno if this will help me not get Zerged, but i solo my Vampiir Ballistixxx all the time, which is hard enough as it is, if i sit and /no would i get left alone? i doubt it, tried last night :( at one point i had an entire FG chasing me when i hit charge and sprint :(

Probably something to do with you running about killing XP'rs half the time?

Only time i used to ever see you in pennines was looking for albs leveling/arti levelling so alot of people dont see you as an honourable player.

And pfft at vampiir being hard, I solo'd some level 50 casters on my level 37 vamp when i actually started to level it.. shame I got bored. Not to tough to play really. So many interupts etc that without moc they buggered.

As for gear.. killing all casters on sight may not be best plan. I for one never add on FG fights with my theurg unless they zerg me down before hand... and if they do that I will happily come along and just pet all the support and watch your enemy kill you :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Elitestoner said:
if im solo and see a fg i just sit down, im spared most the time :p
I did that once.. I got PA and 2 shotted by a Infil while sitting down indtead :(


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Gear said:
** This does not apply to warlocks, BDs and casters. They'll just die.
i was going to sign up, but then you decided to add that.
Wheres the

Sorc, Bainshee, Vamp etc etc whine too

If you want to have a no add policy makes great sence to exclude people doesnt it :rolleyes:


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Chronictank said:
i was going to sign up, but then you decided to add that.
Wheres the

Sorc, Bainshee, Vamp etc etc whine too

If you want to have a no add policy makes great sence to exclude people doesnt it :rolleyes:

Sorcs come under casters and bainshees and vamps really are classes I can't kill while playing hib, right?

And yes, I don't like casters, I have a feeling that they will add whenever they get an opportunity (that's for hib casters too).

At least here I'm trying to make an effort, if you like it I'll try to be fair to you, if you don't we're back to square one.

Maeloch said:
So what you're saying is the above might as well add on ur fights, cos you'll kill em anyhow..

Yes as they do anyway.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Gear said:
Sorcs come under casters and bainshees and vamps really are classes I can't kill while playing hib, right?

And yes, I don't like casters, I have a feeling that they will add whenever they get an opportunity (that's for hib casters too).

At least here I'm trying to make an effort, if you like it I'll try to be fair to you, if you don't we're back to square one.

Yes as they do anyway.
well as said before, if your excluding people your saying its "ok" for them to add on you at every opertunity


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
Elitestoner said:
if im solo and see a fg i just sit down, im spared most the time :p

Same, and I accept the fact theyre just playing the game and it's nice when your left to solo. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Chronictank said:
well as said before, if your excluding people your saying its "ok" for them to add on you at every opertunity

Yeah, you got me as I was putting the other quote in the post :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 28, 2005
Maeloch said:
So what you're saying is the above might as well add on ur fights, cos you'll kill em anyhow..

Every char with range add on fights in generel anyway... we had a very frustrating fight yesterday with a fg mids, cause of 2 warcocks snaring and nuking our assist train...
Situations like that happens almost every time there is, especially, sorcs and warcocks around. Cause of that i feel no pity by killing em...

I like Gear's idea


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i dont get the point, i hardly ever see gear's group out and that one is just one of many. almost all hib groups instagank soloers without hesitation. begging their groupleaders in pm for mercy is just degrading and pointless really :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ballistixxx said:
Dunno if this will help me not get Zerged, but i solo my Vampiir Ballistixxx all the time, which is hard enough as it is, if i sit and /no would i get left alone? i doubt it, tried last night :( at one point i had an entire FG chasing me when i hit charge and sprint :(

Better luck next time when trying to xp kill me ;)
Nerf OP sorcs :(


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
testudo works wonders! although, the saddest grps keeps hitting me till testudo runs out. At least it is quite amusing.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Ballistixxx said:
Dunno if this will help me not get Zerged, but i solo my Vampiir Ballistixxx all the time, which is hard enough as it is, if i sit and /no would i get left alone? i doubt it, tried last night :( at one point i had an entire FG chasing me when i hit charge and sprint :(

lol, aren't you one of those "Team Zerg" morons? And you expect someone to show mercy to you, my fucking god how stupid.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
"I solo'd some level 50 casters on my level 37 vamp"


I bet they wern't buffed!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Coldbeard said:
lol, aren't you one of those "Team Zerg" morons? And you expect someone to show mercy to you, my fucking god how stupid.

Yeh i think he is, remembered the name.

Runs up to stealthers and pops them for people to get zerged down by killsimba etc.

And if he doesn't beat you in a 1v1, he waits a while and you end up having a couple vamps and stealthers try take you down with him.:worthy:

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