Games So, woot Woot WOOOT!


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
I really really cant wait to try this game. Gonna spend at least a day deciding what character to be!


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
This is the sort of thread which will bring that twat Dorimor back bragging about him being WanKing Of Titwanky


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I know, it deserves it's own thread!!

What would you prefer to see ?

A video of a man licking a womans chops, or a vid of some dominatrix slobbering over some poor gimps boat race ?

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Jesus christ there is no pleasing you

Chill out, I'll try it out, I loved Diablo I and II and played like an addict it while most of you were still busy painting walls with own shit :p.

The problem is that I am missing the next step with Diablo III, it seems Blizzard goes the way of EA instead of Peter Molyneux, they don't develop anything new nowdays, just polished sequels.

Anyway, the game is not done by Blizzard North as most of them left Blizzard and I have yet to see some revolutionary features so your conclusion is right: hardly any pleasing atm, just hype that will turn into success for sure, Blizzard surfing the mass market.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Personally I couldn't care less if they re-invented the genre, I'd play Diablo III if it would look like DiabloII and play as DiabloII aslong as it had a new story.

Everything doesn't have to be new to be entertaining, and I'd personally say stick with a working formula rather than try something new for the sake of something new.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Personally I couldn't care less if they re-invented the genre, I'd play Diablo III if it would look like DiabloII and play as DiabloII aslong as it had a new story.

Everything doesn't have to be new to be entertaining, and I'd personally say stick with a working formula rather than try something new for the sake of something new.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
The danger with things of this nature is that they will either.

(a) fill it with new stuff that breaks the reason Diablo2 was great.
(b) Create the same game that leaves you with a been here/done this feeling.

I really hope they don't but there's still that worrying feeling that i'll buy it only to think, D2 was better than this!

I can see sort of where Mani is coming from tho.. What do you do to D2 to make it better without changing it entirely? And would people really be happy spending months playing a higher resolution game of a game they've already spent years playing? A new story.. sure that will be entertaining for the day it takes to play through but the beauty of D2 was it's lastability, the fact that killing the same mobs over and over again was still fun the 200th time (something MMPORGS could learn from tbh!). I can't see what the magic step is going to be that makes doing it all again worthwhile. I just hope Blizzard do.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
D I was a beauty! D II was even better! If they just keep going in that direction it can't go bad! Even the expensionpacks(Hellfire and LoD) were really good supplements to the actual games


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Even the expensionpacks(Hellfire and LoD) were really good supplements to the actual games

The problem is that LoD wasn't the perfect expansion, at least for me.

As someone who spent their time aiming for the top of the HC ladder, before LoD came out no-one made it to level 99, so there was always something to aim at. I was actually away for the weekend when LoD was released. When I arrived back (2 days later) the entire ladder was full of level 99's, because they utterly messed up the rate of exp.
They also introduced so many (new shiney) items that dying at higher levels became pretty much impossible in all but the most vicious lag spike and completely removed the point of finding that great rare item that dropped in a dangerous zone since you could get far better stuff by farming a mob 2ft from the entrance that couldn't kill even the worst macro programmer.

Now i'm not saying that D3 won't be the greatest thing ever released, and the part of me that wasted 3 years of my life mob bashing certainly hopes it will be.. but until I see it i'm going to refrain from getting too excited because I can see more ways of them ruining it than improving it, and the average gamers demand of more shiney is rather strong these days.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I am enjoying this "christmas is coming" feeling the news of D3 brings me. I deliberately choose not to analyse all the things that could go wrong :D

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