So... who would you vote for?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Look, don't be so stupid. There's taking what you see in the media and judging it's credibility but your views seem to boil down to some manner of crazy conspiracy theory.

Why am I stupid? It's a fact most western media act mainly as propaganda stations for the american/british coalition. Wasn't there propaganda at the Iraq war? Weren't there claims of WMD (never found)?

Ofc i am not stupid to think that everything that you see in the media is fake and that 'the truth is out there' or whatever, i am just saying that in certain cases they exaggerate and twist the truth on purpose or sometimes without any purpose at all. When half of the reporters in the yugoslavian war had as their only source the NATO commander even if they had the best intentions i can't believe they were judging what happened without any prejudice.

It's quite obvious that most western media are eager to believe what the american/british government are claiming and do not double check and triple check their statements as much as they do for Yugoslavian/Iraqi/whatever sources, which is rather unacceptable for a journalist.

You are just claiming that i have a 'conspiracy theory' without prooving which of my points are mute, didn't the media show that report about the Iraqi girl crying about the dead babies? Wasn't it a lie?
Didn't they show the graveyards in Kossovo claiming Milosevic's troops did it?It was proven lately those bodies were there from World War II. Isn't that a lie?
As i said perhaps they are not lying on purpose but perhaps they are just incompetent as journalists.

As for the picture you described, you can see such a picture in almost every war conflict across the globe today, that hardly suggests there's a genocide happening or any of the other absurd things western media were claiming and were quite laughable from people at the Balkans who being closer had a better idea of the truth. And the americans seem to be quite selective about which places they will go to 'protect the human rights', so please don't tell me they went there to protect people whose houses got burnt.

As for the:

so you're saying that my country (the netherlands) would have been better off with the nazi regime?

I obviously meant after World War II, because it's only after that that the US obtained the power they hold to this day.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
fionnel said:
Why am I stupid? It's a fact most western media act mainly as propaganda stations for the american/british coalition. Wasn't there propaganda at the Iraq war? Weren't there claims of WMD (never found)?

thats media not just western. Hell western media is probably more reliable than most others.
About the genocide. It might not have been genocide, but all sides were killing eachother, didnt matter wether it was a civilian or a soldier. So that comes close to genocide. However wether or not there was actual genocide(it wasnt on WW2 jews scale), doesnt change that stepping in there was right as innocent people were getting killed (the bombing of Belgrado was when the serbs/albanians were fighting in kosovo).
Now few years later after Bosnia, Kosovo happens. Albanians fleeing Kosovo as they fear the serb army and causing trouble (due to the amount iirc) in Macedonie(sp?), again it isnt just the serbs who are wrong here, but they were the only one with an actual goverment there and they were wrong(atleast killing civilians, because people of the same race is fighting you seems wrong to me).
There might not have been any systematic genocide in either cases (bosnia/kosovo), but in both cases it was a war where neighbours would suddenly hate eachother and possibly even kill the other and where innocent civilians were getting killed.

About the WMD's, the dutch media(and probably most western media) never actually reported that there were WMD, just that the US said they were there, that Iraq said they werent, that the UN inspectors couldnt find them (and didnt believe they existed) and that most countries didnt want to go to war (yet). So atleast the dutch media never told lies, it possibly reported lies(?) of the US, but it was news and as long as you tell other sides story aswell than it isnt propoganda.
Ow and I cant be sure what other countries media did or did not do, so I cant comment on that(which I didnt).

And it seems that you want to believe that the west is more evil than any other part of the world, while we might not live in the perfect democratic and free countries we think we do. The west isnt the axis of all evil and it probably is better than most other countries in the world and its news media aswell (doesnt mean either is perfect though).

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