So, who has the Unreal tournament 2003 Demo?



Originally posted by old.chesnor
UT2K3 is just UT with a shiny new engine and some under the hood tweaks.

That's interesting.
This must be the first time I've heard someone say it's like UT with Tweaks.
The main complaint of most people is that it's completely UNLIKE UT.

Personally, I think it's quite a bit unlike UT as well, but I like it for that.

There really are a LOT of differences in the gameplay, graphics, physics and so on..

But, everyone to their own opinion of course..*shrug*


Originally posted by danskmacabre
Whatever "Version" you have is not the completed version regardless where you got it from.
Actually , as yet, there IS not completed version, they're still coding it.
I all likelihood you downloaded it from kazaa, which hardly makes you a "l33t haxor"...
It just means you have a ton of spyware on your PC..

Your right there is no complete version, a quick look on proves that. There is a *FAKE* out there, which probably installs about 40 virus's on your machine.

KaZzA?? Euugg, all teh way baby!


Whatever "Version" you have is not the completed version regardless where you got it from.

I can tell you it's not kaza, or P2P, it's the proper 2 discs.

Quote from the PCG nesletter

Yeah, it's over. Another issue - in this case, November - or, for fans
of the numeric, 115 - which has had a stake driven through its black
beating heart and...
Oh, enough of that. We love the issues, but it's good to get them out of
the door, get rid of the things. And it's a good one. I'll save the
majority of the teasers for the next few newsletters before it arrives -
after all, it doesn't actually go on sale until the 30th.
But we'll admit one thing. After months of promising, teasing and
crying, we've /finally/ managed to get a review of Unreal Tournament
2003 in. Jim's still slightly shaken from the effort he put into the
review, but it's all turned out all right.
Has the game? Well, you'll have to wait out for that. You wouldn't thank
me for spoiling the fun anyway.

personally, you can belive anything you want. Or disbelieve it.

UT2K3 is just UT with a shiny new engine and some under the hood tweaks. I had played UT lots, tried the 2003 demo and was bored after 10mins.

A bit more than 10 mins, some nifty new weapons, but it's still no as good as it should be.
I played for a few hours before I got bored.

Just looked though the game folders... help section is missing too, but apart from that, the game is done


Originally posted by SilverHood
personally, you can belive anything you want. Or disbelieve it.

Since nothing can be proved, (As if it really matters anyway).
Lets just let it drop .

bit more than 10 mins, some nifty new weapons, but it's still no as good as it should be.
I played for a few hours before I got bored.

Everyone to their own I guess.
Doesn't sound like we'll get much further than this on this subject either.
I like it, you don't, which is fine. :)
I think I'll let this drop here as well.

Just looked though the game folders... help section is missing too, but apart from that, the game is done
Changes are being done all the time to the game as more feedback is taken in and studied.
So even tho the names of the files, exes etc etc, may be the same
They will almost certainly have changed in content somewhat.
However, since this discussion is getting more detailed than it should here, Perhaps you'd like to take it to the official UT2003 forums and discuss it there, where a LOT more people are discussing the pros and cons of the game.
I'd be happy to discuss it there until UT2010 comes out ;).


what else can you do to the FPS genre? I mean, you're either doing deathmatch, or CTF, or teamfortress, or football-y mods (Bombing run, Q3 Freakball, etc)
Or tactical mods like, ahem, CS. (tactical my arse, but you know what i mean)
There's nothing original to be DONE any more ffs, imho the only real room for innovations now is in mapping.


I agree the FPS genre is basically limited. But look at the games that are still amazingly popular and don't seem to be going away. CS as an example IS a tactical game (or would be if not for the cheats). Each player in a team takes a role, choses a unique inventory and can play appropriately. The best gametype in UT (imho) was Assault (or at least it was the most interesting game type from my perspective). Games like RTCW gave us classes to choose, so as to achieve an objective we had to operate as a team. It meant people could avoid the 'skillz' infested path of the uber-fragger and play a medic or engineer, whose job wasn't mowing enemies down. Although there isn't much room for innovation in FPS, you can make the gameplay more dynamic by giving people a break from the Doom style 'run around a map picking things up and fragging people' formula perfected 10yrs ago by Id.

The reason I think UT2003 is practically the same beast as UT is because its the same old thing. Spawn with donkey weapon, run around a map picking up magically spawning weapons of increasing power and frag the enemy all doing the same thing. We'll have no tactics here ! The weapons are reworks of UT weapons, the pickups are the same. Ok, maybe the physics are 'slightly' different, but not monumentally so.

As for new maps, this is a joke right ? Its just eye candy. Wow, the maps look really cool. But when you are playing seriously, or competetively you don't actually LOOK at the map. You just know your way around, much like wandering around your house. The wow factor on the eye candy is the hook for people to buy the game, its longevity cannot be based on how good it looks.

I really liked UT on release, I had the demo and was itching to buy the game. Sadly I won't be buying UT2003 (unless there is a killer mod or a massive mutliplayer take up).


I was disappointed about the demo. I enjoyed Unreal Tournament far more then the 2003 edition. I just aint the same feeling. The players are smaller and blend to much in the surroundings and I don't think the weapons are effective enough.


got a little treat for anyone who wants to try out the redeemer.

go into c:\ut2003\system (or whateva your folder is called) and open the user.ini file in notepad. scroll down and find where it says "G=" then paste this in after it so it looks like:

g=set xweapons.rocketlauncherPickup PickupMessage You got the Redeemer! | set xweapons.rocketlauncher FireModeClass Class'XWeapons.RedeemerFire' | set xweapons.rocketlauncherPickup StaticMesh StaticMesh'WeaponStaticMesh.RedeemerPickup' | set XWeapons.RedeemerFire AmmoClass Class'XWeapons.RocketAmmo' | set xweapons.rocketlauncher Mesh SkeletalMesh'Weapons.Redeemer_1st' | set xweapons.rocketlauncher AttachmentClass Class'XWeapons.RedeemerAttachment'| set xweapons.rocketlauncher PlayerViewOffset (X=7,Y=2,Z=-7.75) | set xweapons.rocketlauncher DrawScale 0.4

start a new game and press g. then find your self a rocket launcher which will now look like a redeemer. the primary fire fire the warhead but the 2nd fire doesnt work (fly by wire) it fires multi rockets.

great fun firing one into a room with about 6 people in it hehe.

enjoy :)

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