So, who has the Unreal tournament 2003 Demo?



I downloaded it the first evening it was available.
It's very impressive graphically, and the gameplay is excellent.

Obviously nothing like DAOC, but a nice diversion from DAOC when you need some serious fast and hard action...:D


Originally posted by danskmacabre
I downloaded it the first evening it was available.
It's very impressive graphically, and the gameplay is excellent.
Obviously nothing like DAOC, but a nice diversion from DAOC when you need some serious fast and hard action...:D

is it just me but could you insert quake 3 into the title and not notice the difference
yes ok there are differences but they have gone for the junky men that look just like Q3's

still nevermind i liked it look out for "snuggles"(TM)


Re: Re: So, who has the Unreal tournament 2003 Demo?

Originally posted by old.dittytwo

is it just me

It's just you...

Uncle Sick(tm)

Post a link, dangnabit!:D
I am too lazy to look by myself... and I certainly don't want to dl it at Fileplanet aka you are no.234084 in line, your download will start in 3 days...


Originally posted by sickofit...
Post a link, dangnabit!:D
I am too lazy to look by myself... and I certainly don't want to dl it at Fileplanet aka you are no.234084 in line, your download will start in 3 days...

Well, I thought the link for a list of download sites would be blindingly obvious..
However, I'm feeling generous today..

Here it is..




redeemer miisaile!!1 :D


oh and I am 'mts' on the norwegian, swedish and finnish servers... I refuse to play anything under 30ms.. hee hee ^^


If your in the UK best place to get it from is .. I got about 62kps constant on my BT DSL line.

Tis cool but after playin teh maps 3 times over I got a bit bored..


I just loves the Physics in this game.
And BR absolutely rules..
Especially when you score by jumping through the hoop and die horribly down the pit.
Really shows off the Karma Engine.

And the amazing thing is, it actually works pretty well with low specced machines.(if you lower some of the settings a bit of course).

The Flak cannon is better now.

The Replacement for the enforcer is great...since now you have a grenade launcher as alt fire.

The bio gun is excellent, really quite poweful

The lighning gun is too slow to bother using.

The minigun isn't that great, but maybe it'll be better with a cooporating group for cover fire and so on.


Originally posted by danskmacabre
The lighning gun is too slow to bother using.

Your wrong there, the lightning gun may be slow but it sure feels good to get headshots with it ;)

Its like the railgun in quake once you master it you wont ever look back ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Fecking crap Gigex downloads are always corrupted........ nyargh... ie. I will check it tomorrow.


Originally posted by Gef

Your wrong there, the lightning gun may be slow but it sure feels good to get headshots with it ;)

Its like the railgun in quake once you master it you wont ever look back ;)

You're probably right, but if you wanna get the quick kills, and have the fun of running around like a maniac, master the Bio gun.
AWSOME damage....

And yeah, the lightning gun is OK in the CTF level if you goto the top of the tower and snipe, but IMO, not that fun.


Pfft, glossed up QW. You'd think after this amount of time they might have tried to put something new into the FPS genre rather than tweaking a few weapons, graphics and speeding it up to QW style.

BF1942 on the other hand... ;)


Originally posted by Brinx
Pfft, glossed up QW. You'd think after this amount of time they might have tried to put something new into the FPS genre rather than tweaking a few weapons, graphics and speeding it up to QW style.

UT2k3 is completely unlike QW
Unless you spent 3 mins playing the demo and that was it.

The Karma engine is amazing

The Weapons are generally very good (witha couple of exception)

The graphics are awesome.

and they have kept most of the old playmodes and added BR which is my favourite.

And the MOD possibilities of this game are pretty damn impressive.

It's interesting that on the various UT forum's some people were making the "It's just like Quake" claim.
Since then, after they actually played it for a bit, they have taken the claims back, once they realised just how advanced this game really is.

Besides which, Quake3 etc was crap, it wasn't even a full game until all the 3rd party mods came out for it.
The only thing Q3 had going for it was GRaphics, and that was it.. assuming you liked brown that is...;)


Originally posted by Gef
If your in the UK best place to get it from is .. I got about 62kps constant on my BT DSL line.

Tis cool but after playin teh maps 3 times over I got a bit bored..

hrm being on blueyonder might make that a good spot for me :)

too busy on medieval: total war and battlefield 1942 demo (may be forced to buy the full thing)


Originally posted by Brinx
Pfft, glossed up QW. You'd think after this amount of time they might have tried to put something new into the FPS genre rather than tweaking a few weapons, graphics and speeding it up to QW style.

BF1942 on the other hand... ;)

I love both UT2003 and BF1942. They simply rock :)

But as for completely new things UT has a few of those. You can collect 'Adrenaline' by killing other players and in some swanky vials. When you've got 100 you can start doing special moves and such, it's pretty awesome. I can't remember seeing that anywhere else so I think it's completely new..

The Physics in the game are also pretty neat-o. Bodies are flung around like toys and respond correctly when they hit something (I.E tumble down a stair or get caught hanging over a rail).

We wubs it!


UT2003 is going to be [Q3+mods]. They're just pre-empting the community by making their own damn mods and selling em with the game, which is no bad thing imho.
Bombing run is.... ownage. But it's no better than Q3 Freakball mod. :)
Doubt UT2003 CTF/DM will steal a particularly large piece of the Q3/HL playing community, but Bombing Run is seriously fun


BF 1942 is like T2 with panzerfausts :)

(ok maybe a bit more like CS than T2 but it's cool)


no you got a point there fingoniel! just think about player amounts and map sizes.. bf1942 is basically T2 in ww2 :)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
too busy on medieval: total war and battlefield 1942 demo (may be forced to buy the full thing)

I'm downloading the full thing now .. for erm .. testing purposes (honest)

Not really for me anyway tis for a friend, I dont have time to play anything other than DAoC ;)


Originally posted by stu
UT2K3 is too bloody slow

Nice graphics though

Too slow?
It runs like a rocket.

What sort of Pc have you got?


Originally posted by stu
UT2K3 is too bloody slow

Nice graphics though

Turn some of the graphic options off, what system are you running it on anyway??


I have the full game.....

i'm so 1337 and uber! I can Pw0n all the levels since I know them all

am teh HAXX0R!!1!

Too bad the game is repetitive, and very little fun after the first few games


Originally posted by SilverHood
I have the full game.....

i'm so 1337 and uber! I can Pw0n all the levels since I know them all

am teh HAXX0R!!1!

Too bad the game is repetitive, and very little fun after the first few games

Since you're referring to the leaked Alpha (which ownership of is illegal BTW).
That's excatly what it was, an alpha.
You can't make a judgement on a game, which isn't even finished being written yet, based on a leaked alpha.
A lot of the features that were destined for the final release, yet to be completed weren't even IN the alpha.


Since you're referring to the leaked Alpha

it's not alpha.... it's the same code that PC magazines (inc PC Gamer uk) have used to review the game

There's no intro, but that's about the only thing

I played alpha too...... and this is "defo" not alpha ;)


I was very impressed by the demo... and I really do not polay that many FPS games, to be honest I haven't played any on a regular basis for years. UT2K3 is just amazing really... I LOVE the physics engine, the terrain is excellent and it all clicks really.
Also the game runs very good on my poor little 1ghz Tbird, 256mb ram and 64mb GF2.


Originally posted by SilverHood
it's not alpha.... it's the same code that PC magazines (inc PC Gamer uk) have used to review the game
There's no intro, but that's about the only thing
I played alpha too...... and this is "defo" not alpha ;)

Whatever "Version" you have is not the completed version regardless where you got it from.
Actually , as yet, there IS not completed version, they're still coding it.
I all likelihood you downloaded it from kazaa, which hardly makes you a "l33t haxor"...
It just means you have a ton of spyware on your PC..


UT2K3 is just UT with a shiny new engine and some under the hood tweaks. I had played UT lots, tried the 2003 demo and was bored after 10mins. Nothing new, apart from a simplistic new game type (boring after an evenings play) and some new gadgets and tweaks to the tired old Unreal(tm)/UT weapons.

I was kind of hoping for some true innovation (or a step away from the tired FPS formula), but all I got was eyecandy. I was kinda hoping this would be like the step from Unreal to UT, or Q2 to Q3. But its not.

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