So whats the average rvr-group setup in mid these days?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
[NO]Magmatic said:
I doubt the group improves by removing a strong (PB)AoE dmg-caster and placing a single target caster in its place...

I might not have played with this mid group in rvr yet, but I've played similar setup in Albion... This group has more utility then the alb group can ever dream off... The only thing I'll miss is the theurgist...

If we where to run a Debuff-assist group, then a BD could indeed replace a RM, but not in the group we have and not with the playstyle that I want...

And for everyone that thinks NF will change this, I very much doubt it... This group is excelent at defending keeps, you might not be able to hit through walls, but your enemy cant either... Not very strong in attacking though, but I never liked that anyhow...

And we started at level 1 :) New accounts, so no /level 20 for us when we started...

sm ranged dmg output is alot worse then BD (due to instant lt which well played can rly make it hard for the enemy) or the rm which can debuff + bolt or use higher delve specline dd depending on his spec. PBAE is losing priority (sp:I) nearsight + strong dd nukes (which sm's lack) is good to have against opted high rrs (thou doesnt matter much with well played Zephyring, but speaking for myself it will be nerfed sooner or later:p)

About zerk going battlemaster... well that comes down to the mentality of the player, as a zerk i wouldnt go for the babysitcasturs ml line (not saying you zerker will do that before you take it that way :p) meanwhile the banelord abilities really good for offensive tanks [zone of unmana + dex shear + dex-qui ae / single target dex debuff from sm = xD) the grapple-bg line not offering that and with a good warrior your casters will be protected pretty much enough + there arent too many tank grps outthere (xpect for mids .p) to use 2x grapplurs. Agreed on taking zerk instead of svg, but not going bl is a bad idea imo (did i say that?)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
yaruar said:
With the thane being on one of the lowest ws tables in the game those 3 ws will only make a negligable difference. Parry is useful PVE and against dual wielders though.

Although it's all to do with play style really. There are a number of successful thanes who drop shield down to the 30's for the positional stuns and raise weapon to 50 although this is most useful with sword for ragnorok.

anytime stun from slam > ragnarok ( run through and slam from anywhere) tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Dorin is right bout zerker playstyle: warrior can bg one caster and guard another. Zerker is not needed for defence purposes. And BL has realy nice interrupt features + AT if casted before pbae makes sm kill faster.

But i won't tell that BD is that uber as a class. Yes, it is realy nice interrupter + dmg dealer if played properly. But same goes to SM.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
yaruar said:
With the thane being on one of the lowest ws tables in the game those 3 ws will only make a negligable difference. Parry is useful PVE and against dual wielders though.

Although it's all to do with play style really. There are a number of successful thanes who drop shield down to the 30's for the positional stuns and raise weapon to 50 although this is most useful with sword for ragnorok.
+3 weapon spec rewards you up to 30 ws when buffed (depends on ur overall str).
atm i have a thane speced 50sw 42shield and 38sc but still i prefer side combo over ragnarok for dehaste + snare effects. Snared target gives you a chance to run off and cast a few spells. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
I highly doubt that the 10 second snare the snare style gives (or so) gets you enough time to run off from him so far that you can cast dd spells at him :). A decent opponent kinda follows you, and even if snared, he will get to you in time to interrupt.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
well we will have to see how it pans out in rvr :p 2battler master may be unnesaserry, but we dont know that. respeccing to banelord isnt that hard so its not like we forced with our ml setup :p not like ild mind going phat out offensive :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
True Fotm

Pac/mend healer Soj
Mend/pac healer Soj
Aug/mend healer Soj
Shamie with 45-46 aug Perfecter
Savage Battlemaster
Berserker Banelord
Spirtmaster Convoker
Warrior Battlemaster


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
gp_beatrice said:
True Fotm

Pac/mend healer Soj
Mend/pac healer Soj
Aug/mend healer Soj
Shamie with 45-46 aug Perfecter
Savage Battlemaster
Berserker Banelord
Spirtmaster Convoker
Warrior Battlemaster

change warrior to another banelord zerk and sm to dark spec and there we are.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Asty said:
change warrior to another banelord zerk and sm to dark spec and there we are.

why is dark spiritmaster better then BD/RM ? must be nice dmg + casting speed with LT (and red d/q debuff aint bad either) but still, bd/rm can do more stuff imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
yaruar said:
raise weapon to 50 although this is most useful with sword for ragnorok.

uhh... I specced my thane to 50 sword awhile ago.

Ragnarok is pretty crap style, sledgehammer or whatever is the hammer back is better. Hits for kinda same dmg, lower level style and it has a snare innit...

The whole 50sword thing was started by tivook and since he was NP and hitted for high dmg everyone else started doing the same ;)

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