So what exactly is an ALB?

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Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
:bazbeer: WOHOO LETS ALL ADD WOHOO !!! :bazbeer:


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
well you rp whored a lot aswell illu, and you know it. bit hypocritical to whine about another realm, and its a sick generaliziation at that.

judge individuals, not groups of them.

I was judging individuals when I said "It does seem like a minority (I think)". I'm not saying ALL of alb do it, but there are quite a few :> And yes, mids and hibs do it too.

I don't quite understand what you mean by RP whored though? I try and get as many RP as possible in "generally" honorable type of play. If I see someone bashing someone else, I'll let the fight take it's natural conclusion, then kill anyone left over. If there is a fight which is grossly unfair, I will help the underdog. If I see a caster or archer shooting a realmmate who is fighting someone else, I will try and kill them.

I don't care about dying, why do you think I come back over and over again when the odds are against me. What pee's me off though is when I fight someone I have a small chance to win against (Kagato) and it's becoming a good fight with us using everything we have, it's going down to the line, people are watching, and someone steams in and wipes me out :/

But people will play how they want to play. Only made this post after being repeated ganked fight after fight after fight all night long and even I have a limit :)

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Dalilama said:
ye you felt so bad that you hade to drop a dotmine on a alb grp that was alredy fighting 2 fg mid or so... i soooo feeel for you, i rly i do

I must admit, most Alb groups tend to let small groups of people roam pretty unharmed. FG-wise, hibs are the bitches that take you out with no mercy :>

If a FG are fighting a FG, I let them get on with it because I don't want them to steamroll me :)
If a FG is on brynja - they can expect everyone to jump them.
If a FG is in Agramon - then that is where to have exclusive FG v FG fights.
If a FG is in an instaport area, expect to walk on some of my dotmines :>

In instaport area - generally it is chaos, so if albs are fighting hibs and mids, pretty much anything goes, but I definitely try and avoid 8v8's because they can instakill you.

Saying that though, if a FG is resting and not fighting, and a caster is sitting - a PA will always be incoming for the cheek factor :>

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
welcome to the game of adding and zerging.

Can`t cope with it ??? wrong game for you.

honour code ? yours is DIFFERENT than mine. things one person considers honourfull might not be considered the same by someone else...

Good luck to all the soloers out there, you folks need it.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If I had DoT mines, i'd drop them anywhere and everywhere I could tbh. Heck if I had any mines I would.

I really want them :(


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
illu said:
Adding Leeching Bastards :>

Never seen so many RP horny f*ckers! I know the same thing happens in all realms but it does seem like a minority (I think).

At least half the fights I had tonight I could guarantee an ALB would come along and help his realmmate - who most of the time DIDN'T want the help. I was fighting Matmardigan, Kagato, and umpteen others, and it's like you hit the Alb, and he procs another Alb :>

Play the game how you want, you leeching bastards :) - but try and at least to have some good fights before you reach RR10 instead of zerging and adding your way there with 0 skill involved :/

I have no qualms with gangs of lowbies, high RR's powerlevelling low RR's, hell even high RR duo's makes things interesting. The idiots are the ones who see there is a good fight going on - in that it is pretty even, and will probably go to the last hit, and they can't help pressing that zap button or PA button.

This PM I got sent pretty much sums up tonight's RvR :>

Anyway, see you for the same crap soon :>

Oli - Illu

Yeah albs adds alot... on the other hand when i played alb... mids/hibds added alot.... so erhm...


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
illu said:
If I see someone bashing someone else, I'll let the fight take it's natural conclusion, then kill anyone left over. If there is a fight which is grossly unfair, I will help the underdog. If I see a caster or archer shooting a realmmate who is fighting someone else, I will try and kill them.

and thats not adding eh?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
griralith said:
and thats not adding eh?

Erm - nope :>

Originally Posted by illu
If I see someone bashing someone else, I'll let the fight take it's natural conclusion, then kill anyone left over. (Fight has reached conclusion - RPs have been dished out - no add. Person who won the fight gets his RPs, dead person gets some RPs from you killing the killer, you get RPs.)
If there is a fight which is grossly unfair, I will help the underdog. (I do not touch 1on1s. 3on1, 2 high RR on 1 lowbie, basically someone is being steamrolled. If you go into a fight and even the numbers up - it's not adding. Adding is unbalancing the fight to make it unfair odds. This is Evening things up.)
If I see a caster or archer shooting a realmmate who is fighting someone else, I will try and kill them. (Realmmate is having a 1on1 fight, caster or archer is adding on that fight, therefore they are legit target to take down :>)

Maybe my theories are a bit warped, like Muylaetrix said, "honour code ? yours is DIFFERENT than mine. things one person considers honourfull might not be considered the same by someone else..." which I can totally appreciate.

Just let me fight Kagato in peace and feed him to his next realmrank :> He's a big boy and can look after himself :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
adoNix said:
Blow said:
MID - Morons In Daoc
haeaehaehaeh..ehh...ehhh.....e... wait.. that wasnt funny :(
ALB - All Lemming Bastards (As in sons of bitches). Ohh, aren’t we having fun. :rolleyes:

PS. Hello m8 :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Kathal said:
ALB - All Lemming Bastards (As in sons of bitches). Ohh, aren’t we having fun. :rolleyes:

PS. Hello m8 :)

wtf? how do u get sons of bitches from all lemming bastards?

jooo weirdo!


Dec 22, 2003
Banned From FilmgoblinsHouse,

You should know by now Mistar goblin hates ze add whine!

If you wanna know what ALB stands for, below is a screenshot of your regular alb Full group



Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
Kagato said:
If I had DoT mines, i'd drop them anywhere and everywhere I could tbh. Heck if I had any mines I would.

this attitude shares (all) alot of assasins.

Everybody talking about adding (lame playing) Scouts (archers), but nobody talks about how lame DoT mines can be used. I doesnt know how umpteen times i got unstealthed in front of FG Hibs/Mids because of this ability, guess it works like intended. Its an lame ability .

But 1 time (OF) i have had enough. I run into Urizen's Dot mine, ofc i got killed by a FG Mid, after reporting/rebuffing and run back 2 mmg i Truesighted Urizen and i pop'ed him out of stealth in front of a fg Hib.

What happend after was quiet simple, got kicked/banned by him in #stealthzerg because of lame playstyle.

I learned alot of lame things in all this years i play, from all realms, tbh mostly from hib stealther (if i would play hib, i would type: tbh mostly from alb stealther, me guess, but i doesnt play hib), so i can understand why some peopel act like they do.

alot of toys may it be ml9 pets, MoS5 or Dot mines can be used in several ways.

intimate for example use it while fighting, nerf u :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
welcome to a game of realm versus realm combat.......

And since you obviously need to spend less time on forums and more time in game exploring the amazing possibilities of a three-sided realm war you can have a 3 day holiday! Lucky you.

(or in plainer words: add whine is a nono, whining about an _entire realm_ addnig is quite impressive but still a nono ;))
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