So much for a PS3 for Christmas :o


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
cHodAX said:
What has product life cycle got to do with them not putting out enough consoles this year? Seriously, post something that makes some sense for once.

Because it dictates that production will be low whilst the cost of production is high at the start of a product's life, especially when new technology (in this case Blu-Ray) is introduced. There was no new technology on X360, so they could ramp up production fairly quickly. But I forgot Sony are supposed to ignore standard Management Theory so Aada can sell more consoles on eBay.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Aada said:
*inane ramblings*

Wow you're really upset about the market place thing aren't you :)

For the record, I don't make snide comments. If you're a waste of oxygen then I'll ask you kindly to stop breathing it.

Morning Xtro :) (well afternoon).


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Bodhi said:
Because it dictates that production will be low whilst the cost of production is high at the start of a product's life, especially when new technology (in this case Blu-Ray) is introduced. There was no new technology on X360, so they could ramp up production fairly quickly. But I forgot Sony are supposed to ignore standard Management Theory so Aada can sell more consoles on eBay.

Oh please. The ATi GPU wasn't new technology? The 360 GPU was finished in silicon 6 months before a PC equivalent ever shipped and it's universal shader approach won't be on any other new hardware for another year at least. The CPU is a triple core PowerPC with highly customised execution and VMX units, the design is effectively brand new and unlike anything IBM have ever done with the PowerPC. It wasn't just a PC cpu thrown into a console like the original Xbox. Ok they didn't have next generation storage but that has helped them get market early and it hasn't hurt the games in anyway, infact it is going to hurt Sony more because X360 is the baseline that third parties are now making games on.

Games that take advantage of Blu-Ray will be few and far between, the fact is that 9gb is loads of space for a game, name me some games on the PC that come on 2 DVD's? Yet the PC can do far more graphically than either console and doesn't need multiple DVD's for model and texture storage. Blu-Ray is developing into a white elephant, this generation of consoles didn't need more storage for games and it has already come back to bite Sony on the arse.

Now for production run theory. Sony couldn't get the PSP production up to speed quick enough and they noticed instead of harming sales it actually boosted interest, they milked that and artifically generated shortages in every region for over 6 months. Now they are trying the same trick again whilst protecting thier bottom line at the same time from the horrendous costs inflicted by poor design, it is good buisness sense and I will not deny it but the consumer gets screwed.

All I will say is this, there is no shortage of PS3 hardware, Sony just aren't prepared to take the massive hit on profits that will happen if they launched tomorrow with 10 million consoles to retail. Instead they will play the 'shortages' card to the media to generate public interest and free advertising at the same time. They will mass release the console once they can drive down production costs for them, sadly the Blu-Ray drive costs aren't going down in the short term though because the laser assembly is proving to be unreliable and expensive. For that reason you won't see PS3 stacked high for the best part of a year, as much as that will help Sony's bottom line in the short term it could hurt them very badly as Wii and 360 could be getting a massive head start on the PS3.

The only losers from all this are the consumers, litterally caught between a rock and a hard place. I don't blame Sony for delaying release until they can cut costs but I do blame them for saddling the console with a media format that is killing thier bottom line and delaying release by up to a year. The simple fact is that if they had saved Blu-Ray for standalone players and gone with DVD for PS3 they would have been in the shops for 9 months already and Blu-Ray would have probably merged with HD-DVD which would have benefited the whole industry more anyway.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
cHodAX said:
lol stirring and incise eh? That would be a first for me ;)

I'm assuming "getting irony" is next on your list.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

Above the line = shit


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
buy a Wii or an xbox 360 - problem solved. I for one will maybe get a PS3 1-2 years down the line, you would be mad to pay £400 (retail) - £700 (ebay) for one. most of the "killer apps" wont be out at realease (obviously) anyway. As for Blue-ray movies, if PS3 fails it will be a redundant media format like betamax


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Raven said:
buy a Wii or an xbox 360 - problem solved. I for one will maybe get a PS3 1-2 years down the line, you would be mad to pay £400 (retail) - £700 (ebay) for one. most of the "killer apps" wont be out at realease (obviously) anyway. As for Blue-ray movies, if PS3 fails it will be a redundant media format like betamax

This is what everyone is trying to get across to the PS3 fanbois if Blue-ray fails the PS3 fails.

Blue-ray is just so expensive for devs to put games on i mean £60 a pop? comon thats boardering on greedy, i haven't seen them kind of prices since the SNES/N64 days.

Its becoming obvious already that HD is becoming very popular and in 1/2 years time it will already be in alot of homes.

I just think Sony have put alot of none needed stuff into their machine and its made it stupidly expensive, it isn't even really more powerful then the 360 at all all you're paying for is the Blue-ray


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Regardless of the problems I am sure PS3 is gonna be a great bit of kit when the price is right and the second generation of games start to ship. Till then I think Sony have a tough fight on thier hands, time will tell though.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Given that uninformed speculation seems to be the order of the day, I'll weigh in.

The PS3 will shit all over the other consoles.

BluRay will win over HD DVD.

The PS3 will shit all over the other consoles.

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