So much for a PS3 for Christmas :o


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Just spotted this over at The Register, official comment from Sony pretty much saying less than 700,000 units for the whole of the E.U. before year end. It really takes the piss that this console is running more than 6 months late and yet they STILL haven't even gone into production with only 10 weeks to go until launch. What the hell are they playing at?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Ive got two on pre-order :)

gona make me a nice tidy proffit on ebay


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Tears said:
Ive got two on pre-order :)

gona make me a nice tidy proffit on ebay

Don't blame you bud, anyone prepared to pay £400 or so from a shop will probably drop another £150 if they can only get one off ebay. Same happened with the X360 as well.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Is it ethical I wonder? What about those fools who sell concert tickets/footy tickets at insanely inflated prices?

Ngh. :/


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Sir Frizz said:
Is it ethical I wonder? What about those fools who sell concert tickets/footy tickets at insanely inflated prices?

Ngh. :/

Not ethical no but that is the conditions Sony are forcing. The have had an extra year ahead of Microsoft and yet the console still isn't ready and they can't manufacture enough units in time for Christmas.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If people stopped buying them at rediculously over inflated prices, people would stop selling them like that.

It's the same with ticket touts tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
yup - i noticed the same with the 360 and what people were doing on eBay.

Now Sony are releasing the "must have" console and only 700,000 in europe a month BEFORE xmass

I feel sorry for the parents.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Tears said:
yup - i noticed the same with the 360 and what people were doing on eBay.

Now Sony are releasing the "must have" console and only 700,000 in europe a month BEFORE xmass

I feel sorry for the parents.

I have around £1500 put away and have 5 on order knowing full well i will easily get £700 each for the units.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Aada said:
I have around £1500 put away and have 5 on order knowing full well i will easily get £700 each for the units.

I wonder if there worth holding onto until late december with a guaranteed next day courier :)


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Aada said:
I have around £1500 put away and have 5 on order knowing full well i will easily get £700 each for the units.

I hope they all explode on delivery and you lose all your money.


And that the warranty doesn't cover acts of terrorism.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
leggy said:
I hope they all explode on delivery and you lose all your money.


And that the warranty doesn't cover acts of terrorism.

Don't blame me for wanting to make some money blame the people that have to have the MUST have item of year for their kids on christmas and will pay anything to get it.

You tit.

I made around £1500 profit last year selling 360s and i plan to make even more with the overpriced PS3.. lets see on the shelf price is going to be £400-£500 easy i will start bids at £650 happy bidding.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Do you not think that part of the reason there's a shortage is because of money grabbers like you buying up all the stock and ransoming them off to the highest bidder?

Seriously 5 PS3's? And how many other people are gong to be doing that? Of course there's going to be a fucking shortage.

You're free to make money in whatever legal way you like but don't boast about it on here as it makes me think you're pondscum.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
WPKenny said:
Do you not think that part of the reason there's a shortage is because of money grabbers like you buying up all the stock and ransoming them off to the highest bidder?

Seriously 5 PS3's? And how many other people are gong to be doing that? Of course there's going to be a fucking shortage.

You're free to make money in whatever legal way you like but don't boast about it on here as it makes me think you're pondscum.

No i'm just not retarded enough to pass up this money making chance and neither should anyone else.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
No, blame Sony for creating conditions where people can make money buying up consumer goods that are in short supply. The fact is that Sony are losing a bucketload of cash on each PS3 so they are only producing a limited number of machines this year so that it doesn't wipe out the companies profits 3 quarters in a row. It isn't for lack of manufacturing capacity that is for sure, just Sony not being prepared to take a big initial loss then and waiting 2 years to fully recoup it.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I'm guessing you two dribbling retards haven't heard of the Product Life Cycle then? This is a general trend in consumer goods, and tends to say that when a product has recently been introduced, production will be low and prices will be high, especially when a lot of new technology is being introduced. Products will also tend to be loss leaders at this stage. It's all fairly basic business theory and ties up with what Sony are doing with PS3 and MS did with X360. Sony shouldn't be chastised for sticking to accepted business practice. What's more, what they're doing is nowhere near as un-ethical as ripping off parents at Christmas time just cos "they'll pay it".


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Aada said:
Don't blame me for wanting to make some money blame the people that have to have the MUST have item of year for their kids on christmas and will pay anything to get it.

You tit.

I made around £1500 profit last year selling 360s and i plan to make even more with the overpriced PS3.. lets see on the shelf price is going to be £400-£500 easy i will start bids at £650 happy bidding.

Sorry, I think you missed my point. Let me reiterate:

'You are scum. You have a retarded opinion on almost everything. You are no better than a ticket tout selling fake tickets outside a girls aloud concert. Please stop posting immediately.'

Sorted :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
leggy said:
'You are scum. You have a retarded opinion on almost everything. You are no better than a ticket tout selling fake tickets outside a girls aloud concert. Please stop posting immediately.'

Sexy and fiesty. Were I not vehemently heterosexual I'd snap you up!



I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Bodhi said:
I'm guessing you two dribbling retards haven't heard of the Product Life Cycle then? This is a general trend in consumer goods, and tends to say that when a product has recently been introduced, production will be low and prices will be high, especially when a lot of new technology is being introduced. Products will also tend to be loss leaders at this stage. It's all fairly basic business theory and ties up with what Sony are doing with PS3 and MS did with X360. Sony shouldn't be chastised for sticking to accepted business practice. What's more, what they're doing is nowhere near as un-ethical as ripping off parents at Christmas time just cos "they'll pay it".

Nope, Microsoft maxed out production capacity for 5 months at 2 factories so it could have 2.5 million units ready. The 3rd factory couldn't come onstream until January because they were on commited product runs for other customers. Microsoft didn't create a deliberate shortage, from the moment IBM started pumping the CPU out and Chartered Semi started doing the same with the GPU Microsoft had production up and running. They delivered the console on time and on budget.

Sony on the other hand have been recieving finished CELL processors and Nvidia GPU's since late January and they still haven't started building the bloody units yet according to thier own guy. The PS3 spec was supposedly finished 6 months ago so why is production still not underway? I will tell you why, they are doing what they did with PSP in creating artificial shortages in hopes of driving up demand through free media coverage. It is as simple as this, Sony don't want to deliver consoles till they can drive down the cost of the Blu-Ray drive and they can't do that for at least 6 months sadly. So they have taken the route of delivering some consoles now at sky high prices whilst taking a much smaller hit on the hardware than they would have otherwise have had to.

Is it a smart move buisness-wise? Too fucking right. I just feel sorry for the people who are going to get price gouged by being an early adopter. Shit happens though, if they can afford it and don't mind paying over the top to get the console on day 1 then I say good luck to them. At the same time if people want to make a profit by taking advantage of the shortage situation then good luck to them too, after all capitalism promoted 'first come, first served' and we all have to live with that like it or not. The only thing that annoys me is that Sony are artifically generating this shortage and you are way way off when you say Microsoft did the same.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
leggy said:
Sorry, I think you missed my point. Let me reiterate:

'You are scum. You have a retarded opinion on almost everything. You are no better than a ticket tout selling fake tickets outside a girls aloud concert. Please stop posting immediately.'

Sorted :)

I think you missed my point too.

I don't care about some fool on an internet forum complaining about things such as market place downloads that cost less then £1.

You're a moaning arse bag who doesn't like anyone else with a different opinion, shut the fuck up :)

I'm sorry you don't like people wanting to make a profit i'll take that on board straight away and cancel all my preorders so people without jobs like you can go get one on day of release /sarcasm off

See you when the bidding starts.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Don't listen to the mean man Leggy! He sucks and you do not.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Ch3tan said:
Don't listen to the mean man Leggy! He sucks and you do not.

Yes i'm mean for sticking up for myself when someone who doesn't like what someone else does throws a tantrum because he can't make that other person do exactly what he wants.

I guess he called his forum buddie for backup.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Aada said:
Yes i'm mean for sticking up for myself when someone who doesn't like what someone else does throws a tantrum because he can't make that other person do exactly what he wants.

Oh the irony.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Aada said:
I think you missed my point too.

I don't care about some fool on an internet forum complaining about things such as market place downloads that cost less then £1.

You're a moaning arse bag who doesn't like anyone else with a different opinion, shut the fuck up :)

I'm sorry you don't like people wanting to make a profit i'll take that on board straight away and cancel all my preorders so people without jobs like you can go get one on day of release /sarcasm off

See you when the bidding starts.

Let me defend against some of your more obviously ignorant assumptions.

1. I like most people here. Including dagaffer who I rarely agree with. I fully respect anyone who can come up with an original idea or opinion. What I don't like is the use of ebay for the purpose of mild extortion. This isn't a MMO you are living in. Just in case the line between reality and fantasy is a bit blurry to you.

2. I have a job (a career if you will). A good one. A well paid one. Hence why I don't feel the need to extort parents.

3. I don't want a PS3 but thanks for the offer.

4. I am a moaning arse bag. You got that right.

5. You suck.

p.s. I don't recall asking you to do what I wanted. I was merely informing you that you suck. See point 5.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Really bad to buy 5 and sell them way overpriced.... that's the retard mentality thesedays, selfishness.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Fuck off Aada you sad sack of shit.

*jedi mind trick - the above is a long sensible and meaningful diatribe*


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
leggy said:
Let me defend against some of your more obviously ignorant assumptions.

1. I like most people here. Including dagaffer who I rarely agree with. I fully respect anyone who can come up with an original idea or opinion. What I don't like is the use of ebay for the purpose of mild extortion. This isn't a MMO you are living in. Just in case the line between reality and fantasy is a bit blurry to you.

2. I have a job (a career if you will). A good one. A well paid one. Hence why I don't feel the need to extort parents.

3. I don't want a PS3 but thanks for the offer.

4. I am a moaning arse bag. You got that right.

5. You suck.

p.s. I don't recall asking you to do what I wanted. I was merely informing you that you suck. See point 5.

And i'm informing you that i don't care what some moaning twat on a forum thinks about me i don't know you and i don't want to know you as far as i'm concerned you're just another idiot on the internet.

Now go and continue you're hate campaign for downloads of Market Place.

I'm not extorting at all its just too good of a money maker to pass up if the rich want to pay over the odds so their kid can have the must have item of the year then thats fine with me.

But don't come here and start screaming like a little child because you don't agree with it, just like you were making snide shots at me on the films/tv forum about XBL downloads, its fucking pethetic.

You have 2 options.. preorder a few you'reself and make a buck or shut the hell up and get on with protests about Market place downloads.

Now i won't reply back to whatever bag of shit you're going to come up with next i'll just let you steam over what i've said now and get satisfaction from that.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I can almost see the "scary tiger face" from here you made when posting that.

"rahhh, I'm a tiger...".

Anyway Leggy, morning you doss ****.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Wow Aada, I don't think I've seen a post that stupid since Cyfrr was still posting here.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
cHodAX said:
Nope, Microsoft maxed out production capacity for 5 months at 2 factories so it could have 2.5 million units ready. The 3rd factory couldn't come onstream until January because they were on commited product runs for other customers. Microsoft didn't create a deliberate shortage, from the moment IBM started pumping the CPU out and Chartered Semi started doing the same with the GPU Microsoft had production up and running. They delivered the console on time and on budget.

Sony on the other hand have been recieving finished CELL processors and Nvidia GPU's since late January and they still haven't started building the bloody units yet according to thier own guy. The PS3 spec was supposedly finished 6 months ago so why is production still not underway? I will tell you why, they are doing what they did with PSP in creating artificial shortages in hopes of driving up demand through free media coverage. It is as simple as this, Sony don't want to deliver consoles till they can drive down the cost of the Blu-Ray drive and they can't do that for at least 6 months sadly. So they have taken the route of delivering some consoles now at sky high prices whilst taking a much smaller hit on the hardware than they would have otherwise have had to.

Is it a smart move buisness-wise? Too fucking right. I just feel sorry for the people who are going to get price gouged by being an early adopter. Shit happens though, if they can afford it and don't mind paying over the top to get the console on day 1 then I say good luck to them. At the same time if people want to make a profit by taking advantage of the shortage situation then good luck to them too, after all capitalism promoted 'first come, first served' and we all have to live with that like it or not. The only thing that annoys me is that Sony are artifically generating this shortage and you are way way off when you say Microsoft did the same.

So you haven't heard of the Product Life Cycle then? Get yourself a basic Marketing book and read up on it. Til then.



I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Bodhi said:
So you haven't heard of the Product Life Cycle then? Get yourself a basic Marketing book and read up on it. Til then.


What has product life cycle got to do with them not putting out enough consoles this year? Seriously, post something that makes some sense for once.

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