So I had an "off" beer. Can't drink beer anymore? :/



Anyone had a pitcher of Ass-Kicker in Weatherspoons?

Dunno if all the spoonies do it but my local does. Nasty stuff only costs 5 squid before 8 oclock and after 2 pitchers of it your well on your way.

By the way it is 6 shots of some nasty rocket fuel type stuff (63% each) topped up with coke.


Cider for me, I was on a binge drinking session (last day of 6th Form) with the rest of my mates (drinking in the morning whatever we all had, wine at the leaver's lunch, then on the piss until the early hours).. By about 4 or 5 in the afternoon (having eaten absolutely nothing) I was retching Strongbow and a couple of other tastes up, very nearly showering my old english teacher in my technicolour yawn..

That said, when you're drinking over a long period it's very relieving to be a bit sick, make some space for more drinks!

Was sick 4 different times over the course of that night.. that was the first time. The smell of cider makes me a bit queasy now. Oddly the Absinthe chunder from later in the night hasn't put me off that..


does every brand of beer taste equally bad? if not i would suggest trying some really 'flavour-light' beer like corona for example. then work your way down to the hard stuff... :p


Originally posted by old.Xarr
does every brand of beer taste equally bad? if not i would suggest trying some really 'flavour-light' beer like corona for example. then work your way down to the hard stuff... :p

So far, I've tried stella, K1664 and carlsberg.

Nice suggestion anyway, will see what I can get at Asdas :)


I've just left my job in a wetherspoons pub :D

Ass-kicker (or more to the point wray & nephew smells fecking rank :()

The best cocktails are Rasberry Blow (Glass only), Smirnof Ice Tea and Monster Reef (so I'm told). Wethers now do leffe (which is teh win) and San miguel (ummm dunno :p). All in all I'm quite liking them at the moment :D

The Kingpin

Save up and buy a bottle of kentucky bourbon..

Glass or two should get you smashed, problem is, can be expensive, and you usally end up fighting..


Re: Re: Re: So I had an "off" beer. Can't drink beer anymore? :/

Originally posted by SilverHood
5-6 on an empty stomach, maybe 11 or 12 if I've eaten

Would it make you feel better if you knew i get drunk on the same amount and im 16? :p


I've actually got no idea what "being able to drink a lot" is, or whats normal, since seing as half my family is irish, and they seem to be hollow inside. Was a bad idea trying to drink as much as them when I was last over there.
My friends are either lightweights (3,4 or 5 pints) or about the same as me.

Dont thint I actually started drinking until just before I turned 18, seems like everyone else started at 15 or 16!


Annoyingly, I've drank three bottles of Strongbow and I feel completely sober. I was hoping to be slightly amused, or something :/


Re: Hangovers.

If you don't get 'em then it's actually bad.

Trust me.

Oh and that test - I got 46 . Am I cool yet?


Heh, ive only had one really bad hang over, fucked me up for a bloody week.


I can only manage about 3 pints of beer/lager before I just start to feel bloated and then I need to drink spirits the rest of the night which after about 3 of those I start to feel pissed.

Any more beer than that just makes me want to be ill as I just can't manage to swallow anything while that gassed up. Kinda makes me a lightweight but then I'm not the kind of person who prides myself on my alcohol consumption levels or measures masculinity by it.

I never drink indoors or alone as I feel that's kind of sad, purely sociable drinker which means rarely during the week, only if I visit the pool hall or something.


Once had this problem in a pub where I worked - a new girl changed the barrel just after the pumps had been cleaned, and the cleaning fluid was still in the pipes.......the first few pints were drunk by a few pissed up lads who puked all over the place, and had stinking headaches. Nasty stuff.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by kameleon
Being able to drink vast amounts of alchohol isn't big or clever, just remember that the recommended dose of alcohol is 21 units a week for an average man. Unless you want to end up on a park bench swigging out of a bottle of white lightning and swearing at passers-by through your 2 foot beard, you should re-evaluate your drinking habits.

I agree. Unless you're 16. Or at a BarryBeer ;)


Originally posted by Lester
Re: Hangovers.

If you don't get 'em then it's actually bad.

Trust me.

Oh and that test - I got 46 . Am I cool yet?

64 (or so) every week for the last 6 years \o/

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