So I had an "off" beer. Can't drink beer anymore? :/



The other week, I was out with a few mates... had a few pints of stella... bar runs out of Stella, no problemo, I switch to Carling... except its fucking nasty. I don't even finish it, as we're heading home anyway.

On the way home, I get so incredibly sick its not funny. More than just the usual alcohol induced sickness, proper gagging and feeling "really" shit.

Following morning, everything's fine (I don't get hangovers, ever), so didn't think much of it.

This was 7 days ago now.

Now, all beer leaves me gagging and I just can't drink it.... which sucks a bit, since I like beer.... has anyone had any similar experience? How long did it take to go away? How did you deal with it?

/me wants to drink beer again :/


I couldn't drink cider for nearly 10 years after having my 7 pints of Woodpecker laced with vodkas. The 2 rum and blacks didn't help either.


Yeah, I went into town for a swift bevvy and almost brought it up straight away. Dodgy pints are really rank.

Most people get put off the drink that made them ill. I know my mate got put off whisky for over a year cos he had a few too many one night.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hehe... now that might be the ultimate cure for alcoholics. Just give them some pints of beer-gone-bad. ;)

Big G

I had an incident with Sambuca at the age of 19, i'm now 23 and the smell of liquorice/aniseed/sambuca still reminds me of the projectile vomiting out my ears/nose/eyes/mouth for hours.

I'll never get over it :(



Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Hehe... now that might be the ultimate cure for alcoholics. Just give them some pints of beer-gone-bad. ;)

Except im a student, and beer is cheaper than the fancy drinks :/

Big G

surely somewhere near you does an "after work" night on a Friday where it's 50p vodka mixer until a certain time??


Originally posted by -fus-
Vodka Redbull is your daddy.

Referring to Silverhoods point, since i have had a vodka red bull, the sight of Vodka makes me light headed and gagging, id rather not go near the stuff now so ill firmly stick to beer.

Sir Frizz

All i ever drink when out on the piss, is JD and Coke.

Cider me up landlord!, as they say.


Originally posted by -fus-
Vodka Redbull is your daddy.

Redbull is my "ill" drink. Mate and I shared 7 jugs of niagra in a wetherspoons one afternoon/evening. I didnt realise there was 3 cans of redbull in each one. :/


Bit shit, since I only really drink Beer and Smirnof Ice

Except that getting pissed on smirnof is hard, and bloody expensive too

*imagines a year without beer*

*runs off to hide under his bed*


Smirnoffice has similar volume to most common beers. And around here anyway its very close price per pint.

Pity its bloody rank


got drunk on a bottle of sherry/so drunk i couldnt walk or sit/since then ive not touched it

Mark E Smith owns you all


Drank pretty much a 3 litre bottle of cider when I was 15, I can't even smell the stuff now I just wanna puke thats six years later by the way :(


Originally posted by -adz-
Redbull is my "ill" drink. Mate and I shared 7 jugs of niagra in a wetherspoons one afternoon/evening. I didnt realise there was 3 cans of redbull in each one. :/

That mate would be me and I ended up puking blood.


We also added two smirnoff ices to each jug and had a couple of pints too.

I hate Red Bull.



I got alcohol poisioning from gin when i was a teenager and the smell of it still makes me vomit now :uhoh:


Whiskey is a nono for me.

Was on our way to our summer caravan back when I was about 18 or something. Stopped at a mates barbecue party before we went but we got there too late for food so we just had a few drinks except I hadn't eaten all day but foolishly joined in with a bunch of em passing round a bottle of whiskey.

Couple of hours later we were almost there but stopped at a garage for some petrol and the smell of the petrol just suddenly made me ill and I had to hurl on the garage forecourt :mad: Ever since then the smell of whiskey reminds me then and I can't drink Jack Daniels anymore :eek:


It's just nature and bodily instinct tho.

When your body rejects something and you end up emptying your guts, be it from a bad pint or full on alcohol poisoning, it remembers the characteristics of the culprit - i.e. smell and taste. The next time you encounter it, a similar reaction is triggered in an effort to protect. It's a pretty similar mechanism which stops creatures in the wild gobbling poisonous bugs and berries.

A friend of mine had a similar problem to Silverhood with white wine, at New Year a couple of years ago. She ended up horrifically smashed to the point she had her stomach pumped and couldn't as much as look at a bottle of chablis for 6 months, even the subtle taste of white wines cooked food got her retching.
Upset enough at the prospect of being without her favourite tipple her boyfriend goofed by booking a 'surprise' holiday across Italy for the September... So before they left she ended up seeing some kind of hypnotist or something to try and overcome her 'reaction' so she didn't end up hurling ever time they went to a restaurant on their trip. Turns out only part of the reaction is directly psychological/subconscious though, so while she was able to stomach being around it and having it in her food it's only now that she's able to drink the stuff again. Nasteh.

The only solution? Drink less and have a tasting bitch in case of dodgy pints... Oi, Bym!


Bah, bloody britain and its cheap prices :(

Cost near on 4 quid for a smirnoff ice,
a fiver for a pint of beer

and only three quid for a shot of....Alcataz? cant remember it exactly, all i know is that it tastes like the biscuits.



I had that once , only lasted till i got the bar to swap it and i was back on track.

Bad beer is very nasty though. Mine was at the beginning of the night so its really totally different from yours.

Usually the bad beer is at the end of the keg. If i see them getting to the end of it at the bar when im waiting i get a different brand just to be safe.


Originally posted by SilverHood
Following morning, everything's fine (I don't get hangovers, ever), so didn't think much of it.

I was having a discussion about this the other day, why do people say "I dont get hangovers"


Sorry had to get that out of my system, had bad hangover the other day. But what denotes a hangover? Headache? Bad guts? Still pissed from the night before? Tired? Ache?

Everybody gets hangovers, alchohol is after all a poison, you poison your body (enough) you WILL have reprecussions..


I've drank until I've blacked out many times but never needed my stomach pumping. Lucky I suppose. As for the topic in hand, I was talking to my mates about this the other day. I've been sick through alcohol many times but I don't have any reaction to any alcohol. I suppose it must be down to my habit of always mixing my drinks. It started off because I don't drink lager (the aftertaste is rank) so when we went to the pub I'd have a guiness but when we went to the 'posher' places and the club I would have to find out what I liked. So I'd usually have a combination of alco-pops and spirt+mixers. Also when I get very drunk I usually order silly combo's (one particular favourite was double baileys + double scotch).

Then again I've got to go to the doctors on monday to have a blood test done (my liver's a bit dodgy) and I've just had it ultra-sounded.


Originally posted by throdgrain
got drunk on a bottle of sherry/so drunk i couldnt walk or sit/since then ive not touched it

Mark E Smith owns you all


can ya help me out today?

I can't touch lager anymore ever since I got hammered downing pints at a friends BBQ a couple of years ago. Not much of a problem though!


Originally posted by doh_boy

Then again I've got to go to the doctors on monday to have a blood test done (my liver's a bit dodgy) and I've just had it ultra-sounded.


Just had that done and the Doc said there was a small problem with my Liver also. Something to do with the level of Billirubin in my blood or something. Got to have another bllod test in 6 months time.

Thing is I dont drink that often. Might have a couple of glasses of Vino over the course of the week. When its Party Time I usually end up drinking anything within reach mixing drinks and falling over.


Originally posted by Ash!

Thing is I dont drink that often. Might have a couple of glasses of Vino over the course of the week. When its Party Time I usually end up drinking anything within reach mixing drinks and falling over.

hmmmm same here. I sense a correlation :D

Remember folks don't mix your drinks!

My friends are all shit now. They've just graduated and are now 'too tired' to go out on a weekend. It pisses me off. I've had a night shift job since I was 16 and done a 9-5 mon-fri. and Always gone out. Now,though, when we all have money its a case of go out on my own or with people I need to be wankered to talk to :eek:


Re: Re: So I had an "off" beer. Can't drink beer anymore? :/

Originally posted by Gef
I was having a discussion about this the other day, why do people say "I dont get hangovers"


Sorry had to get that out of my system, had bad hangover the other day. But what denotes a hangover? Headache? Bad guts? Still pissed from the night before? Tired? Ache?

Everybody gets hangovers, alchohol is after all a poison, you poison your body (enough) you WILL have reprecussions..

dunno, I can get pissed easily enough

5-6 on an empty stomach, maybe 11 or 12 if I've eaten

I know i'm pissed when I feel like singing, etc

but when I wake up, its just another morning, regardless of whether I was pissed last night or not.

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