So how many people would play a server..



Originally posted by cHodAX
Let me clarify, I didn't mean the removal of interupts totally but the removal of the exisiting code and a complete new system implemented.

Ok :) then we're thinking along the same lines.


taking suggestions for ur up n comming DOL server? :)


Originally posted by Legolias
Ok how about this --- a server like it is now, just without SC/RA's :)

Getting closer...just let me keep purge :p


LOOOOL tone down mincers?? you guys need to have your eyes checked or play one yourself


All I want to see taken away from minstrels is climb wall. That's just a bullshit ability for the purpose of a minstrel.


Originally posted by Legolias
All I want to see taken away from minstrels is climb wall. That's just a bullshit ability for the purpose of a minstrel.

Well remove stealth and give everyone climbwalls tbh :)


Originally posted by cHodAX
Ditch RA's, hit savages/bonedancers hard with the nerf bat, tone down infils and mincer. Remove the mess that is the interupt system on casters. The game would be 50 times better.


I hate this but

I aglee with uncle chodders :D


Originally posted by cHodAX
Well remove stealth and give everyone climbwalls tbh :)

Haha that'd be fun :D No more knocking on doors :D

Roo Stercogburn

Hmm I'd have to say no.

I played my SM right from the start. Getting groups sucked - nobody believed debuffs made any difference and fighting to prove they helped was an uphill struggle. Slow casting lifetap. I stopped playing my SM in RvR for most of the time because it had close to zero effectiveness for many patches. They even nerfed the mez at one point and it was already short duration. The damage shield was broken for over a year. No intercepting pet. No epic armour if you go back far enough. No resist debuffs. No pet attacking unless you took it off passive. More mez breaking and root breaking than currently.


Rose tinted glasses are a dangerous thing.

There are many things lessened about my favourite class and there are many things wrong, but DAoC now is a much better game all round than it ever was.

A. Big. Resounding. No.



There are some downsides to having to go back to early patch. Especially some classes who have had major boosts will not want to go back... ie. Spiritmasters, Cabalists, Minstrels... name em.

But I can truly say that I've enjoyed the game way more before SC/RA's.


Originally posted by Legolias

But I can truly say that I've enjoyed the game way more before SC/RA's.

Think part of why people say that though is the change in all seemed a little more laid back when gold and rps didnt really matter so much. Now too many people seem far too obsessive over it all.


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
Think part of why people say that though is the change in all seemed a little more laid back when gold and rps didnt really matter so much. Now too many people seem far too obsessive over it all.

Yeah might be it.. I dunno. Leveling my very first char (a druid mind you) was very slow and tedious as Cursed Forest wasn't discovered yet, "the" xp place was the bog of cullen doing banshees and black wraiths.. and if you had an uber group you'd be able to do siabra town which was "the" xp hehe :)

That time was hard, but also the most fun.. RvR in those times was fun, a group with lvl 50's was rare. You could go to Yggdra/Uppland with a lvl 33 char and still get kills out of it since people lvld a lot in frontier. Those were the times :)

I know restarting a server won't bring all that back since you'll always have teh l33t pve'rs and l33t pvp'ers.. but damn back in the day I stayed home from school n work for the game lol.


Originally posted by Legolias
Yeah might be it.. I dunno. Leveling my very first char (a druid mind you) was very slow and tedious as Cursed Forest wasn't discovered yet, "the" xp place was the bog of cullen doing banshees and black wraiths.. and if you had an uber group you'd be able to do siabra town which was "the" xp hehe :)

That time was hard, but also the most fun.. RvR in those times was fun, a group with lvl 50's was rare. You could go to Yggdra/Uppland with a lvl 33 char and still get kills out of it since people lvld a lot in frontier. Those were the times :)

I know restarting a server won't bring all that back since you'll always have teh l33t pve'rs and l33t pvp'ers.. but damn back in the day I stayed home from school n work for the game lol.

Yep, but you have also changed as a person, I can for instance say that I loved leveling my thane and RvRing in the zergs and so on, but I´m not sure could I get that much out of it again.

Better just to find a new game. You cant bring the old times back by patches, the people playing the game have changed too.

I have, I bet you have, I bet everyone has.


I agree, sentimenality plays a large part in it. Everyone remembers the first time they logged on and what a great adventure it all was. I remember my first time i went beyond humberton with a group to explore around snowdonia station.

We've all gotten a bit older, more jaded and more cynical towards the game and its hard not to want that early period back again.


Originally posted by cHodAX
Well remove stealth and give everyone climbwalls tbh :)

no, siege!!! should be used to get up the walls tbh, stairs and shit that you have to drag along should be used, I find it total bollox that stealthers can climb up a FORTwall unseen. Forts imho are made to hide in and as a defensepoint where nobody can get in unseen. I can accept if a lvl1keep isnt safe, but a lvl10 keep should not be penetrable unless doors/walls are down or if using siegetowers/ladders.

The current keepsystem is just rubbish.

My view for how a keep should be is:

Walls should be very hard but possible to take down with siege such as catapults, trebuchets or heavy rams.

Portable stairs or siegetowers should be used to get up on the walls.

There should be a hidden backdoor somewhere used for escaping or entering.

There should be keeptowers with archers in them.

Burning oil should be a siegeweapon aswell.

There should be more different types of rams, some should offer shelter vs archers and protection from LOS overall from above.

Costs on siege should also be increased so that one actually have to think of what siege to use with more siege available so one has to think of what to use alittle more (my grammar sucks). And certain siegeweps should have a number of "miniumum of persons to use" for it to function well. (Mostly thinking heavy siegerams and siegetowers here).

etc etc etc.. this will never happen though so its just my ranting :)


1.36 minstrel tbh. Less fancy tricks, but chain stun and mez :D


armsmen were FotM then !!!!!!! and paladins were as good as they should be now !


Bring back Smite Clerics fortehpwnage ;)
as they were b4 they got hit by the nerfbat


>But I can truly say that I've enjoyed the game way more before SC/RA's.


>Think part of why people say that though is the change in all seemed a little more laid back when gold and rps didnt really matter so much. Now too many people seem far too obsessive over it all.

We have become quite jaded I think. Today a drop is most of the time a bunch of metal bars if you have crafters in guild. The reason for that is spellcrafting, there are very few weapon and armour drops that are better than same level crafted gear. Only reason to use them is lack of funds to pay the crafters. So the inflation that was created with spellcrafting have not been good to the "game".

RA really create a rift between the 24/7 players and the casual players that is hard to justify. Personally I prefer a system where the skill difference is in the players' mind rather than in your toon's newly acquired abilities. Granted the goal oriented would loose focus then. :)

Loh Katta


I dunno. I still enjoy the game but it's annoying that to even make a difference in the RvR world you have to spend much time in farming gold & finding the right crafters & spellcrafters. Then when you are finally done with that you find out that without at least a million rp's you are still a nobody. So it takes even more time to farm rp's to make a difference. (I know I'm exaggerating a bit, but it's to make my point.)

1,5-2 yrs ago you could hit 50, or not even hit 50, have a few decent drops and still make a big difference in RvR. Every person would count. These days fotm capped buffbotted stealthers + guild groups is all what's left... besides the occasional sucky pickup group.

Oh well. Don't mind me. I'm just ranting :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Hmm I'd have to say no.

I played my SM right from the start. Getting groups sucked - nobody believed debuffs made any difference and fighting to prove they helped was an uphill struggle. Slow casting lifetap. I stopped playing my SM in RvR for most of the time because it had close to zero effectiveness for many patches. They even nerfed the mez at one point and it was already short duration. The damage shield was broken for over a year. No intercepting pet. No epic armour if you go back far enough. No resist debuffs. No pet attacking unless you took it off passive. More mez breaking and root breaking than currently.


Rose tinted glasses are a dangerous thing.

There are many things lessened about my favourite class and there are many things wrong, but DAoC now is a much better game all round than it ever was.

A. Big. Resounding. No.


Did you ever play your SM then?

Learn how to work with passive and aggro, and SM's weren't gimped at all, when our nukes hit for 530 dmg each pop (reduced with epic armor later though) and pre-air-theurg fotm, we were one of the best soloing classes in DAoC, merely due to the fact no RA's were there and we had a use for our PBAOE mezz.
I've done it loads with an old friend of mine, also a dark SM (47/26) pre-pbaoe I might note, camp MMG, get the timing ready for a FG to pass, camp MMG side doors (or AMG MMG side) each take a side, when a FG comes trough, tap, pbaoe mezzed, you then have 20 seconds to take them out which is piss :p

And infils/ns's never one shotted me, and when they did get a hit in: QC, PBAOE mezz. Resist = Dead, Success = Dead Infil/NS.

Oh please, give back the old days :)

Roo Stercogburn

Edited a long post down.

Seven, go find some old school players that levelled with me.

Ask them if know how to play my class ;)


Im in! And i know this is doable.. bet when daoc goes down, we can start servers on our own ;> FU GOA/mythic! :D

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