So do shaman's get a respecc then ??



Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
This I feel warrants the choice to respec, thats all :)

I thought they we're getting a respec? oh my bad, i just assumed this was a standard BW whine, i didn't realise it was actually somthing worth complaining about :)

Roo Stercogburn

I don't remember reading anything about a respec being offered to shammies, but I might have missed something - it wouldn't be the first time :D


Originally posted by Archeon
I thought they we're getting a respec? oh my bad, i just assumed this was a standard BW whine, i didn't realise it was actually somthing worth complaining about :)

I whine on the BW forums rarely but in this instance I was and you seem to have missed the point I was making about buff capacity.

If group end regen becomes a con using buff it takes away 8 of the 20 buffs available to me to buff my full group of mixed classes.

Why the hell should only a tank receive a buff over a caster getting a piety buff to help them with their power? Why shouldn't a hunter get a dex or quick buff to help them? Why shouldn't a caster get a con buff so that he can die in three instead of four hits?

The whole point of being a high aug spec shaman is so you can give the best buffs possible to your GROUP not so you can be a buffbot tied to someone's arse and parked three miles away from anywhere else or in DF parked in a corner so you avoid aggro and can heal or rez if your main char gets wasted.

My aug mend spec buffs take 16 con points a buff at their highest level, that means drop 2 each of those on 4 tanks and im already getting close to pushing my limit.

So again, I ask, what the hell is the point in speccing aug so high when the vast majority of the time I end up having to use my baseline buffs to cover a whole group if I'm the only shaman in it?

Give end a range, keep it as a 10 min timer or, if you're going to make it use con points, raise the number of bloody buffs we can give out otherwise aug spec shamans will vanish into the ether other than as a buffbot tacked onto someone's main char.

Now I'm whinging by the way ;)


Aye if this did anything to buffbot's its increasing there numbers, now you HAVE to have a shaman/healer parked at pk to dish out baseline spell's..but maybe thats the whole idea ???


seems to me this is in fact a major enhancement to shamens rather than a nerf...

no respec for you .... go farm dragon

my minstrel who was specced so he couldn`t take advantage of any of the new minstrel abilities and got no respec so if your shamen is specced so can`t take advantage then tough shit

thats not my rules thats GOA and Mythic`s offical line

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by case-rigantis
seems to me this is in fact a major enhancement to shamens rather than a nerf...

You're kidding right?


Originally posted by case-rigantis
seems to me this is in fact a major enhancement to shamens rather than a nerf...

no respec for you .... go farm dragon

my minstrel who was specced so he couldn`t take advantage of any of the new minstrel abilities and got no respec so if your shamen is specced so can`t take advantage then tough shit

thats not my rules thats GOA and Mythic`s offical line

so a 40% reduction of my buffs is an enhancment ??

piss off moron


you get a buff that is end regen on conc so never needs recasting while your alive and you think thats a nerf?!

are you mad?

the fact that you can`t use it from a buffbot is neither here nor there


Aye its bloody well a nerf..I'll rather cast it ONE time every 10 min..and have it work even if I die and cast 8 more buffs on my group mates, than not to cast a buff 1 time every 10 min that they loss if I die..If you cant see this is a nerf , then you have to get your head re-placed..guesses anything will do.. even an old toaster would have an higher IQ

old.Trine Aquavit

What you gain:

Once cast, doesn't need to be recast (apart from when zoning)

What you lose:

Group version of spell from 32 spec onwards
Up to 8 other buffs on your group
Buff lasting after death/zoning of caster
Unlimited range of buff


Big nerf.

Simple. This is not a "major enhancement" in any way, shape or form.


just because you prefer it the old way doesn`t mean everyone will

tbh if i started a shaman i`d prefer the new way :p

now shut up and go farm dragon :m00:

Roo Stercogburn

Er Case, you may want to stop posting on this thread, its becoming increasingly obvious with every post you don't know the first thing about shammies ;)


Originally posted by case-rigantis
seems to me this is in fact a major enhancement to shamens rather than a nerf...

no respec for you .... go farm dragon

my minstrel who was specced so he couldn`t take advantage of any of the new minstrel abilities and got no respec so if your shamen is specced so can`t take advantage then tough shit

thats not my rules thats GOA and Mythic`s offical line

Tough shit for your minstrel, go cry a river. Minstrels got love,
shammies get nerfed, thats the difference.

Now bugger off.

How the fuck can someone get jealous that a class gets nerfed and therefor demand a respec ?


Originally posted by case-rigantis
seems to me this is in fact a major enhancement to shamens rather than a nerf...

no respec for you .... go farm dragon

my minstrel who was specced so he couldn`t take advantage of any of the new minstrel abilities and got no respec so if your shamen is specced so can`t take advantage then tough shit

thats not my rules thats GOA and Mythic`s offical line

ok, so, the MAJOR enhancement, is that when 10minutes pass, you just have to cast the resistbuffs, not the extra group-end-regen?

and your minstrel was specced what? 50 sword 29inst and 4 or 9 in stealth? (you get first stealth ability at 5, safe fall 1 at 10)
Just because you didnt get the best/all the abilities doesnt mean you didnt get any.

You= retard
now piss off please.


so that's where you hide your brain..makes sence I guesses..But you didnt have to show us..we kinda knew it :lol:


Personally I'm all for ignoring the trolling moron as it's quite clear he a) doesn't have a clue what he's talking about and b) is being a trolling Alb ;)

As for the rest of us, seems the majority of us are in agreement on the whole buffs thingy so lets try an email to Mythic as they're the people who count.

Or we could flood the VNBoards with some EU whinges as obviously anything they decide over there is gonna effect us sometime down the line.

We have a great unique viewpoint over our American DAoC cousins because we get to see the reactions after one of Mythic's little tweeks before they arrive on our side of the pond.

Perhaps it's time we started putting our view points across to Mythic as eventually whatever they do will affect us.

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