So do shaman's get a respecc then ??



So do shamans get a respecc then if 1.62 goes live as is ???

"" If a specialization line is weaker than it should be, and we tune it up/add spells or styles, there will be no "free" respec granted. If a specialization line is stronger than it should be, and we tune it down/remove anything, we will assign "free" respecs. ""

taken from last grab bag on the herald...if they mess up our aug line with more or less reducing us to 12 buff's ( 8 of em tied up for conc based end regen )..I would say that is a " tuning " down


Nope mincers and sorcerers didn't get one either and you have the ability to get a respec in game now...


READ THE PASTED PART OK ..Mincers wherent tuned down but beefed up same goes for sorc's


Damon, we're midgard remember

Land of uber melee, uber casters, uber support characters and insta crowd control

we don't need no respecs :rolleyes:


I doubt Mythic will include any respecs in patch now, they'l get tell people to go kill the dragon.


well, they said they'd give respecs to nerfed classes

but then again, Mythic are hypocrates


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
reducing us to 12 buff's ( 8 of em tied up for conc based end regen )..I would say that is a " tuning " down

Why would you buff all 8 people in a group? shamans use end regen? no. healers? no. mages? no.

Same as always the 3 or so tanks in your group will get end regen. Admittedly it is 3 buffs that could've gone elsewhere but let's be honest now... aren't we used to Mythic ballsing up the game by now? :rolleyes:


if you specced for the higher end regens.. ie perma sprint, then everyone needs it :p


Originally posted by SilverHood
if you specced for the higher end regens.. ie perma sprint, then everyone needs it :p

Yeah, but who's stupid enough to spec that highly in aug :D


aug/mend shammies ... got one in our guild....


...oh yeah... well i guess they.... urmmm......

Crap, sombody got owned... and it was me :rolleyes:


There we go, sorry all you Aug/Mend shamans. Your really a vital part of the realm, i love you all!!


Well you got a buff with them being conc, and nerfed because they are conc, you also got nerfed with them being non-power, and buffed because they are non-power.

It all depends on the situation you are using them in. The actual value of the end regen stayed the same though...

Anyway like protesting here (or anywhere) will make a diff to Mythic) :d


Originally posted by Meatballs
Well you got a buff with them being conc, and nerfed because they are conc, you also got nerfed with them being non-power, and buffed because they are non-power.

It all depends on the situation you are using them in. The actual value of the end regen stayed the same though...

Anyway like protesting here (or anywhere) will make a diff to Mythic) :d

I don't really see the boost this gives only allows you to cast less buffs; and the power it costs now is neglectable.


Originally posted by eynar
I don't really see the boost this gives only allows you to cast less buffs; and the power it costs now is neglectable.

Oh, it also no longer gives shammys a reason to spec atleast 32 in aug for the group end spell... unless they coded a group based conc spell.... which they better not have.

<--- has a shaman with 28 aug, and its not going any higher than that :)


Originally posted by eynar
I don't really see the boost this gives only allows you to cast less buffs; and the power it costs now is neglectable.

They dont fall off just before a fight (but will fall off if shammy dies). They save power, and dont have to be recasted (as long as shammy/person doesnt die).

I agree its more of a nerf for shammies but just saying how mythic could/would justify not giving respec :p


Originally posted by Archeon
I doubt Mythic will include any respecs in patch now, they'l get tell people to go kill the dragon.

Not true as they have already promised Berserkers and Shadowblades one respec each for the LA Nerf.


Humhum, Denise in NF is a high aug shammy and plays in RvR with it aswell.... fyi a very nice person aswell, and not stupid at all like someone mentioned that players with that specc would be, the game is about having fun right? ;)

Gimp or not, doesnt really matter, fun or boring, that matters imho


Originally posted by tindel
Not true as they have already promised Berserkers and Shadowblades one respec each for the LA Nerf.

What is this? national point out Archeon was wrong day!!

Bah, i should really make sure i know what i'm talking about before i open my big mouth... but then i'd be a mute :D


Right, as self-appointed chairman of the SHaman UNion (The SHUN), I say "everybody out!" until we get our respec.


Originally posted by SilverHood
^^ stick that in your sig too

I'd rather not, don't wanna end up like Garnet now do i :D

no.. wait, Garnet doesn't have the long sig anymore. I refuse to me caught out one more time today... yesterday....

I'm going to sleep... :sleeping:


Originally posted by eynar
the power it costs now is neglectable.

Don't feed the power dinner! Whip it if its bad!!! "Saddam"ize it with a stick in it's bum!!!!!111


I'm an aug/mend shaman actually too and no I'm not a bot either. At 50 I will be 38 aug/35 mend/15 cave for the simple fact speccing that high in aug gives all but the last set of buffs/resists and because I usually always bash in a full guild group I'm the main buffer for them.

So yes, I think this change sucks eggs big time because now providing group end regen (as opposed to spending 2 or 3 mins rebuffing each member that needs end regen/damage add individually every 10 mins) is going to cost me eight of the 20 buffs I'm allowed to dish out at any one time.

So what the hell point is there in going aug spec unless all you're going to be is a buffbot. This change is incredibly irritating to those of us who actually specced our shaman for the precise purpose of being useful to guild and group members by being able to buff them properly.

Being aug specced I run out of sodding points on the buffs before I've even got halfway round with my spec buffs and end up dropping baseline buffs on most of them so what a bloody waste of points that's gonna be if this change goes through.

Yours, the very disgruntled aug/mend spec shammie ;)

Roo Stercogburn

I think shammies deserve a respec for a change as major as this.

If you look at the left axe nerf, zerks are getting a respec.

Given how seriously changing timed buffs to conc buffs affects how you spec your char in aug (assuming you're not a buffbot), it is entirely appropriate that a respec is given when this latest bit of <cough> rebalancing hits us.


Aye our abillity to buff just got reduced with 40%, if thats not a nerf/tone down I dont know what is...


Yup, that and the fact now end regen dies with the shaman I would say is a nerf.
Also why many shamans specced to 32 aug because its the group end, which is now useless...

Great job Mythic.

I will have to figure out which is the lesser gimp now, my hunter or shammy...tough one


Ok, i think i can speak with a fair ammount of experience here seeing as i have a high lvl shaman... and more importanly i play a shaman with 28 in aug so i've been going without group end.

Too all you guys who are making out this is the end of the shamans ability to buff, etc, etc... well i've got to disagree. Ok, i don't play him all the time but without group end you soon learn to be conservative with the buffs you give. I save a lot of time and mana by only giving end buffs to tanks (and myself, so i can judge when they are going to run out). In the extremely rare situations where your entire group is tank/hybrid tank classes then i'l agree. You'l be looking at a fairly large drop in your buffing capacity. However, in my experience this is very rarely the case... in actual fact i can't ever say i've been in a full group and have all seven other slots filled with tanks.

Understand, i'm not trying to cover for Mythic. They've given a nerf that will hurt shamans, can't argue that. However, i think that all the people going on about how this is the end of the shaman class because they don't have a group end buff anymore and that its all based on Conc are vastly over-reacting.

I don't pretend i have anything close to the skill of some players, but i learned to adapt to an end buff. If i can do it then i'm sure most people can adapt as well.

Anyway, thats how i feel about it. Take my opinion and learn to deal with the fact that this nerf is coming or leave it and carry on bitching if you want.

Oh, as a point of fact. In any case this won't effect us for atleast a month, and if you want to protest it go to the VN boards. I'm fairly sure Mythic don't look for game input on the BW forums.

Roo Stercogburn

Arc, I don't think anyone is suggesting its the end of shammies, but it does make some rather fundamental changes to the way a particular line of buffs work, and in some shammy's cases they are specifically specced the way they are because of those buffs.

Its worth remembering the exact nature of the nerf isn't set in stone yet (I don't think) so we are waiting to see exactly what will happen. I don't have a problem with end regen being brought into line with the implementation in other realms but many have specced the way they are because of the way it was implemented in THIS realm and now that is changing.

This I feel warrants the choice to respec, thats all :)

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