So anyone else reached triple figures in P yet ?



Nope, but I went from flat broke ~2 months ago to 60p now (and about 10p in weapon stock I can't be arsed punting).

But well, what's the point? :p


you cant be serious and mean you have over 100p? :)

I believe when I see it, giv screens!


When u can make 3 plat in 20 mins... money kinda becomes pointless on hibernia. When I need some plat I go get it. now I done my SC template I dont need anything.

I guess money farming will become good again when housing comes.

Im guessing the Real Big houses will cost 1-3 mithril at least. Thats what they should cost neway...

If mythic make housing cost between 1-10 plat its gonna become a fecking riot figthing over whos gonna place the houses and the house zone will be full within a matter of minutes of the patch going live.

Make it cost 1-3 mithril and it will make the guilds really have to pull togther and collectivly farm cash.

Will also stop all the power mongers making there own 1 man guilds just so they can have there own house too.

going back to the orignal topic, at my highest moment in the game I guess I must have had a mithril worth of stuff.
I remeber having 20 plat in the vault. with the following
Wormskin wrap (offered 10 plat)
Another Wrap (offered 10 plat)
2 ebops offered 6 plat pre SC
Legion Tank vest 3 plat
Legion Ranger Vest 3 plat
Legion LW hammer 4-5 plat
LEgion LW sword 4-5 plat
loads of other goodies to
Guess I was worth close to 1 mithril. But I am sure theres people on hibernia that are literally rolling in it.
Now I have giving most of my stuff away including one of my wormskin wraps and have about 1 plat in the vault :(


(Oh, and the 60p didn't come from weapon-crafting - profit there stinks. It came from killing mobs while levelling my last 2 chars to 50 and exploring SI, etc).


Originally posted by Draylor
Hmmmmm, without abusing bugs?

Well, I wasn't abusing bugs anyway... Just the soon-to-be-nerfed SI salvage rates (not talking about the couple of places in Hibernia which are COMPLETELY screwed ;) ).


Hmph.. the highest amount of cash i've EVER had was 2p :)


How the hell do you cash farm so bloody quickly? Im totally skint and can never farm like that.


Originally posted by censi
When u can make 3 plat in 20 mins... money kinda becomes pointless on hibernia. When I need some plat I go get it. now I done my SC template I dont need anything.

I guess money farming will become good again when housing comes.

Im guessing the Real Big houses will cost 1-3 mithril at least. Thats what they should cost neway...

If mythic make housing cost between 1-10 plat its gonna become a fecking riot figthing over whos gonna place the houses and the house zone will be full within a matter of minutes of the patch going live.

Make it cost 1-3 mithril and it will make the guilds really have to pull togther and collectivly farm cash.

Will also stop all the power mongers making there own 1 man guilds just so they can have there own house too.

going back to the orignal topic, at my highest moment in the game I guess I must have had a mithril worth of stuff.
I remeber having 20 plat in the vault. with the following
Wormskin wrap (offered 10 plat)
Another Wrap (offered 10 plat)
2 ebops offered 6 plat pre SC
Legion Tank vest 3 plat
Legion Ranger Vest 3 plat
Legion LW hammer 4-5 plat
LEgion LW sword 4-5 plat
loads of other goodies to
Guess I was worth close to 1 mithril. But I am sure theres people on hibernia that are literally rolling in it.
Now I have giving most of my stuff away including one of my wormskin wraps and have about 1 plat in the vault :(

How the heck 1mithril of that? isnt a mithril 1000p or am i completely wrong? :p


Originally posted by Karlo
How the hell do you cash farm so bloody quickly? Im totally skint and can never farm like that.

kill mobs...
pick up loot...
salvage/sell loot...

Necro to 50 = 8d played, Reaver to 50 = 6d played (grouped with necro ~5 levels below). 20p cash (bags of coins and standard sell-loot), 30p salvage loot.

Not tough.


Have about 25p gold atm, but loads of very nice items in vault, mp weapons in vault, mp armour in vault etc, 2 lvl50s with full SC kits worth alot etc, but at the end of the day who cares. Its getting to the stage now that I have more money than I need, and so I've been giving away loads of stuff to help others out. Probably given away 5p worth of armour, instruments, armour & cash in the last week alone and I still have more than I need. I would rather help out friends in game rather than leaving them poor and needy just so I can run round saying I have xxx plat.


Originally posted by spankya
Have about 25p gold atm, but loads of very nice items in vault, mp weapons in vault, mp armour in vault etc, 2 lvl50s with full SC kits worth alot etc, but at the end of the day who cares. Its getting to the stage now that I have more money than I need, and so I've been giving away loads of stuff to help others out. Probably given away 5p worth of armour, instruments, armour & cash in the last week alone and I still have more than I need. I would rather help out friends in game rather than leaving them poor and needy just so I can run round saying I have xxx plat.

You are one in a million though spanky ;)


What is the point in hoarding money? Once you have enough to buy all the equipment you need the rest is just excess. It's not as if it gains interest or something. I've given away several large sums to good causes because IT'S NOT REAL MONEY.


Yeah.. i would never ever even think about farming more money than what i need for my sc armor because nothing sucks in this game as much as money farming imo


no mate u r right its 1000p = 1 mithral guess the guy got his maths wrong and thought it was 100 which from experience I can tell u it aint :)

hurrrah looks like i am no1 at something other than drinking


and Pin no idea the point in cash mate either not even that i can buy stuff i need with it


going back to the orignal topic, at my highest moment in the game I guess I must have had a mithril worth of stuff.

you be da wrong 1000p is 1m not 100 f00l


I got 2 LGM crafters and I got 1p on all 8 of my chars if you add all their cash together. WFT am I doing wrong? :p


didnt balrog say he had 168plat or something? =)

Elric IA

Keeping it secret but from Censi's list I have at least another 10 plats of stuff there but not for sale (I have both Legion LWs).

The money sinks in SI seem to have been nerfed but if Censi knows differentely please tell me :) .

Once you have all your MP armour SCed etc is money pointless? Before SC came in, a few plats and you had your DAoC pension. Now it looks like mortgages; you might have to keep farming cash for ages as a level 50 to get the SCed/Alch armour and weapons. Then you have houses on the horizon to eat cash.

Supposedly, I have heard there is an in game bug where you cannot actually have over 150 plats. Is this true?


Originally posted by old.Moriaana
I got 2 LGM crafters and I got 1p on all 8 of my chars if you add all their cash together. WFT am I doing wrong? :p

what are you doing wrong? well, you're crafting. there's no money in it.

the money is in salvage.


If I remember right, one guy on US servers couldn't go higher than 142 plats. I heard that friends of his and guildies were always donating him money and he had been collecting for quite a while. So yes, I would think there is a limit.

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