Smite or enhance?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
Thx a lot for the help.. this really helped me about what ppl think of clerics in grps and stuff :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
and if he's interrupted/dead? :)

not really sure how many hp an unbuffed grey druid pet has, if we can work that out then it'll say whether there's any point in going 17 over the lower level one.
(they both work for interrupts after all)

Depends abit on the druid-pet which is used. You can get, I think, 3 different greycon druid pets. The most common one has about 400~ hp (it mostly survives 3 DoT-ticks from a DoT-mine from Spymaster line). Buffed it has same hp but more absorb/str etc.

I doubt a cleric can one-shot it with insta PB tho. Common sense is to ask the group to 'deal' with the druid-pets. Be it just kill in melee by a tank, nuke it down or root/mezz it. Clerics are typically not well suited to handle pets.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
shaman's don't have to buff base ;)
Your friar can base, and if you are in a state where 4+ people need to be rebuffed you should be heading back to your buffbots anyway


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Mishal said:
How much better is 2nd (39) spread heal compared to the first (30)?

speaking as Druid, not at all imho, just drains a lot of power. Might be cool when ppl are lots injured, but I think most ppl only use the first SH ( well, I don't even have 2nd one =) ).

Looking at 1.73 or 1.74 though, albs totally get the shaft in healing spells anyways, so might be ok to have a big spread to make up for it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
As a rejuv cleric (terese 48r, fully toad) I have chosen to go for high rejuv and have no idea of lowering it whatsoever.
The main reasons for the high rejuv spec are 1: I already have a BB so I will do the buffing with that, and 2: High rejuv really gives me healing skills far beyond 40rejuv clerics. Ive tried lower rejuv spec earlier (about 40r) and found it useless for main healers and solo healers in a fg.

You might still say its overkill, but the difference of 40 rejuv and 48 rejuv is huge, considering costs in power etc etc when having those long rvr fights.
Not to forget the pve part ofc.

All in all I think speccing is all about what you want from your char. If you want to go oop in the middle of the fight and not really being sufficient in battles then sure go ahead and spec 40 rejuv :)

That leaves me with lotsa realm points to choose moc, di2, purge 2, serenity 5 and mcl2-3. Power makes all the difference along with your rejuv spec in my eyes.



Feb 28, 2005
40 rej is a far better spec than 48. 48 is just so power inefficien. massive drain on spells which are not needed. the most frequentl used spell in rvr for me is major refocilation. with 25% healin and moh3 it does 350 or somethin with fast cast speed thats normal more than enough to keep someone alive, if its not i throw in a lvl 33 heal. even lvl 41 spell might be slightly overkill in toa. but with 48 your just limitin yourself so much, hardly any utility for the grp just a power drain :s


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
kilroy said:
blah blah :s

No no and no.

Ive tried it all before as its my 3rd cleric to 50, So I know my char. The difference is huge in both healing and power effeciency. No doubt about that.

Continious spread heals are soo sweet. But as I said in previous post its all a matter of what you want the cleric to be able to do. 40 rejuv wont do the trick for me og my group anyway.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Sixpack said:
If you want to go oop in the middle of the fight and not really being sufficient in battles then sure go ahead and spec 40 rejuv :)

I'm confused...I thought power pool was based upon your characters level (as well as ToA bonuses obviously), so I fail to see how having higher Rejuv would make your power pool larger? I know high Rejuv is mana inefficent so I'm sure you weren't suggesting that one high Rejuv heal is more power efficient then say two medium Rejuv heals?


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Danamyr said:
I'm confused...I thought power pool was based upon your characters level (as well as ToA bonuses obviously), so I fail to see how having higher Rejuv would make your power pool larger? I know high Rejuv is mana inefficent so I'm sure you weren't suggesting that one high Rejuv heal is more power efficient then say two medium Rejuv heals?

well, many ppl spam the baseline heal, which is very mana inefficient. A patch or two ago, Mythic changed mana costs of the major line and now they're super effective, mana wise and if you use them ( like I do, so I can tell you it works ), you save lots of mana =)

I wouldn't use highest SH though, as it's TOTALLY overkill and going 48rej just for a better major heal? I dunno...


Feb 28, 2005
Sixpack said:
No no and no.

Ive tried it all before as its my 3rd cleric to 50, So I know my char. The difference is huge in both healing and power effeciency. No doubt about that.

Continious spread heals are soo sweet. But as I said in previous post its all a matter of what you want the cleric to be able to do. 40 rejuv wont do the trick for me og my group anyway.


what has havin 3 clerics got to do with knowing the class ? if your as experienced as u claim to be im suprised your spouting such nonsense.
even prior to toa when i was 41 rej spec it was ample healing power, any higher would reduce your grp utility.. poor buffs etc if someone died. A cleric isn't just a healing bot you have to utilise it to get the most out of the char. im currently 40 enh 36 rej 4 smite and my healing is just as good as when iwas 41 rej. if your going any higher than that then your gonna be using spells to heal 1k or so hp. which is severe overkill, 48 rej SH costs 110 power, with 50% power cap my cleric is probably gonna have bout 800 power, thats a big drain even for my huge powerpool, but when u haven't got 50% to your power your gonna find yourself goin oop alot faster and needlesly.

Currently the highest lvl single target heal i have is the lvl 33 major refection, with 25% heal bonus thats doin 750hp or so pet cast, if your havin to heal ppl for more than that then your healing is too slow tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 18, 2004
Totally agree with Kilroy, got the exact same spec and the major lvl 33 heal is great at lower pow cost. If i want i can quite spam some spreadheal (usually only do it at towersieges) and basically when used it heals more then enough, a spreadheal 2 or 3 would not make me more efficient imo!

The healing is good, got some buff shear to play around with and can do near bb spec buffs on the just ressed people.

I would only ever go more reju for the 100% res, but i doubt its worth it for me, we always run with a 40+ reju cleric anyways.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
you can use the lower level spreadheals with higher rejuv spec now (they changed it a patch or two ago)... and have the seriously high powered single target heals to fall back on.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
uhm thought that 48r is same as 48e in group , useless is the word i think
if u look at cleric as a healbot u certainly havent played the char us u should :x
moreover what kilroy said , cos of spells , mana oriented, goes to the top the more reju u have (hier lvl spell , hier mana cost)
u prolly managed to pull thru a 75% powerpool template then , if what u say is true, cos stuff like red spec heals etc cost fuckloads of mana tbh :p


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004

46 Refocillation Friend 2.8s/0/0s 2000 range 231 h 42

43 Major Refocillation Friend 3.2s/0/0s 2000 range 396 h ??

I don't know power costs for the major heal, but old cost is labeled with 58, which is wrong. I think druids lvl 33 one is around 28power or so, so you can calculate what this one is. In the end it means, that for 2/3 of the power of a baseheal, this lvl 43 major heal heals like double the amount ( no variance, higher value than labeled here ), which is pretty decent.

I often came into situations, where overhealing costed me less power than using a smaller heal ( i.e. baseline ).

But dropping enhancement like that is no good idea imho. What if someone in your group dies? Port back to Sausage to buff? Use gimp buffs?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Sixpack said:
That leaves me with lotsa realm points to choose moc, di2, purge 2, serenity 5 and mcl2-3. Power makes all the difference along with your rejuv spec in my eyes.


Healing is about power efficiency, and mixing heal spells to give the greatest effect. Pre-emphasising heals is an art; knowing your cast times and healing as you see casters bolt/nuke, or tanks charge onto players.

35+ rejuv is absolutely fine for main-healing. 48 is complete overkill. As an inexperienced cleric, high rejuv = big heals = jeje saved grp jeje, but once you realise what your job is all about, you will realise mixing spammed-base heals in with low-spec spread heals and single targets, along with decent DI and insta usage, you really don't need anywhere near that amount.

In terms of your RAs mentioned; you should have 101 dex and 10% cast speed in your template anyway, but you still need aug dex (imo). I've been fiddling around with RAs lately, and at 8l4 currently have: dex3, moc2, di2, purge2, mcl2, wh2 (respeccing wh2 to pr1 at next ding). This gives me decent cast speed (I miss dex 4:(), 30sec 50% uninterrupted healing, 2000hp barrier every 10 minutes. I tested moc3 and found it to be overkill.

I just respecced 35r 40e after 2 years of being 41r too...yellow dex and resists in combat is something we have been lacking. Plus, this gives me better buff sheers for use while DI is doing its job.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
since 1.71 baselines should be avoided - the specline Major heals are much more efficient now, next patch the greater heals get sped up massively (so they can be used as a "panic")

the 48 spreadheal is probably overkill (how often would you use it over the 38 version?) you do get a better group insta at 45 but I'd probably stop at 43 rejuv if I went for a high rejuv spec.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
since 1.71 baselines should be avoided - the specline Major heals are much more efficient now, next patch the greater heals get sped up massively (so they can be used as a "panic")

the 48 spreadheal is probably overkill (how often would you use it over the 38 version?) you do get a better group insta at 45 but I'd probably stop at 43 rejuv if I went for a high rejuv spec.

Baseline heals have a faster cast time - depending on the attacker, this can help a great deal.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
eggy said:
Baseline heals have a faster cast time - depending on the attacker, this can help a great deal.

2.8 vs 3.2 not a lot of difference but aye sometimes :) (or if yer a gimp with 9r or whatever heh ;))

I think the greater heals are down to about 2.1 base casting at the top next patch but the Herald is showing 1.70 speeds/costs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
I think the greater heals are down to about 2.1 base casting at the top next patch but the Herald is showing 1.70 speeds/costs.

The spec heals are down from 3.2 secs to 2.1 secs next patch? That's an incredible improvement. I've played various healing classes a lot over the years, and it's always been the case that the spec heals cost a lot more mana then the base ones. After reading comments elsewhere in this thread I checked my Druid on Prydwen last night and the spec heals are indeed now more mana efficent - by a considerable amount. The 0.4 sec difference in cast time is very noticeable however, so I shall look forward to the new patch very much :)


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
no that's wrong Danamyr...casting speed for HIB and MID spells go down, I told at the beginning of the post, albs get the shaft.

I will show you smth from the herald, based on common specs ( this is patch 1.73 -1.74, keep that in mind, but we're getting that soon ):

baseline grpheals:
45 Angelic Approbation Group 3.0s/0/0s 2000 range 93 h 25

45 Group Apotheosis Group 2.6s/0/0s 2000 range 93 25

45 Group Emendation Group 2.0s/0/0s 2000 range 93 25

now including that midgard has access to the grp heal of a shammy with highest starting dex of all healing classes, in tricky situations that can be fun if you grp gets healed roughly every 0.8 second at capspeed ( 1.15 at 320dex ), have fun =)

let's move on to speclines:
36 Heaven's Blessing Group 3.3s/0/0s 2000 range 223 h 82

34 Restoring Conflux Group 2.2s/0/0s 2000 range 211 79

36 Dispensation of Battle Group 2.2s/0/0s 2000 range 223 82

I didn't take the big ones, cause nobody specs for that, but just for the information, the casting times are 3.1, 2.0, 2.0

So as you can see, a grp heals which heals for ~500 is a very viable option in the next patch. Also a midhealer with MoC2-3 can just spam the small grpheal. It won't heal very much per cast, so -25% is not too bad a thing, but the casting time is totally uber.

All I need to do now is work out, how I can hit 385dex on my druid so I can cast a 500 grpheal every 0.8second =)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
you can use the lower level spreadheals with higher rejuv spec now (they changed it a patch or two ago)... and have the seriously high powered single target heals to fall back on.

The level 41 major spec spell heals for insane amounts, and imho is well worth having - much more mana efficient than spamming spread heals. I only tend to use spreads when my group's out of line of sight, like in seiges - and then, I'm usually sat on a powerfont so it doesn't really matter much.

Til's specced 41 rejuv/35 smite, but in HG groups I'm usually too busy healing Fing to get much smiting action in :( However, the insta-mezz comes in really handy if someone's stuck a pet or two on you - 25 seconds of not being interrupted (from the level 34 instamezz) can mean the difference between your group living and dying.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Megalodon said:
2.8 vs 3.2 is an eternity when you get nuked by a couple of casters. :)

Yep, but if someone's being nuked by two casters, wimpy little base heals aren't going to save them anyway :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
liloe - the spec heals are all about the same cost/cast-time etc. across the realms

just the herald docs are wrong.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
liloe - the spec heals are all about the same cost/cast-time etc. across the realms

just the herald docs are wrong.

are you 100% sure of that? Cause I HAVE heard other stuff from ppl who play there.

and ofc there is still the baseline grp heal at 2.0s for mid :(


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
liloe said:
are you 100% sure of that? Cause I HAVE heard other stuff from ppl who play there.

and ofc there is still the baseline grp heal at 2.0s for mid :(

I'm sure that when they mentioned all three realms group heal spell lines (both spec and base) in 1.72 what they actually meant was "we're going to screw over albion but not tell you" ;)

- In order to reward Druids, Healers, and Clerics who spec in their healing lines, we’ve lowered the casting time on the Greater Healing line of spells. These heals should now provide the highest HP per second return, making them very useful in situations where a major heal wouldn’t heal enough in time. The spell lines changed were Greater Apotheosis (Druid), Greater Emendation (Healer), and Greater Refocillation (Cleric).

- In order to make group heals more desirable to cast when 5 or more people in a group take damage, we’ve lowered the casting time on both the specline and baseline group heals. The spells affected are Heaven’s Approbation (Cleric), Angelic Approbation (Cleric and Friar), Reviving Conflux (Druids), Group Apotheosis (Druid, Warden, and Bard), Tones of Health (Bard), Tribute of Battle (Healer), and Group Emendation (Healer and Shaman).

It's quite possible they're bugged, can doublecheck next patch.

Barring some spells being slightly different levels the three base rejuv lines and the 3 primary healer speclines have been the same since the game began...

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