smite cleric


Cavex ElSaviour

just started a cleric and was wondering if the smite line is a bit viable or has it been nerfed to an extend that a lvl 50 has problems killing a spirit wolf in camelot hillls...

How is the pbaoe dmg compared with an ice wizzy?
Is there a timer on the pbaoe dmg shout?

and how does the set up: 30 enh, 15rej and 42smite sound?


Imo suck

if u wanna do smiter do something like this 43 smite 11 ench 30 rej Only thing pbae shout is good for is finding stelthers it does crap dmg. And 30 rej is needed for 1st spred heal


Smite cleric's are like wonder-bras. You see cleric LFG on the list and think "wow!" then you get the fancy packaging off and find out you've been had :/


Do _not_ start one. In PvE you will be ok, due to quicker cast of smite, but in RvR smiters suck.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by granny
Smite cleric's are like wonder-bras. You see cleric LFG on the list and think "wow!" then you get the fancy packaging off and find out you've been had :/



Originally posted by granny
Smite cleric's are like wonder-bras. You see cleric LFG on the list and think "wow!" then you get the fancy packaging off and find out you've been had :/

true though :)


good cleric imo is 40-41 rej 35-36 ench this way u got last rezz (2.5 min rezz sick instead of 5 ) 2nd spread heal, good solo heals, good buffs and rezist buffs. IM going for 40/36 for last rezz and 16/16/8 reizists

SoulFly Amarok

If you want to go smite. You go 43 smite 25 rej 20 enchance

and get a buffbot :p


Nah SF, if he get a buffbot then should go 44s/31r :)

Best full smite spec imo 44/26/17.


Originally posted by hangianix
Do _not_ start one. In PvE you will be ok, due to quicker cast of smite, but in RvR smiters suck.

with the cleric inability to escape from melee attackers you may find yourself hard pushed to do anything appart from instent heals (unless you wanna get MOC). Smite does have its uses, stun a enemy caster or stelther and then drop them (as long as there resist aren't too high) and stun tank that are moving about too much (slam can miss, evade and be stoped by PBT i think).

43smite 25 Rej and 20 Buff is another good spec, you get best DD (and only miss out on the top AOE-DD and weapon buff), the frist damage buff (10%) and the 3rd rezz.

it the cleric TLs get there way we could see our mezz un-nerfed or a snare added to the drive evil :) but don't expect anything.

Smite clerics are fun to play, and thats whats importaint right, having fun :)


8 smite clerics sit on pad and argue who should healed last battle

IM0 if u want to DD make a fire wizz u do alot more dmg that way if u wanan play cleric u should do what cleric was made for healing .

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by mraz

IM0 if u want to DD make a fire wizz u do alot more dmg that way if u wanan play cleric u should do what cleric was made for healing .

Make an airtheurg instead.


You can stun with reju spec too with same chance, insta mezz due to its timer is only for safety, it's good tho to defend casters againt assassins in every full moon.

MoC - well, I have MoC for ages (got it at 4L8) - with pally in your grp you can try to sprint away and cast and so on.

With 43 smite you will miss lvl 44 mezz (and spells are not user lvl based anymore afaik, rather spell lvl based) so less resist with it (tho blue con mobs resisted it 3 times in row...)

With 25 reju you will miss lvl 26 grp heal what is crap compared with higher lvl ones or spread heals, but still 226 (or 206) hp / grp member and saved my grp kinda lot of times.

With the numbers of buffbots, 20 in enh is a waste, 'cause you won't get anything good compared with 17 in enh. (In the last 2 months all of the grp what invited me, had 1 buffbot or 1 other cleric, so I hadn't got to buff up anybody with spec buff). Aye, you can say, but why the hell I need enh at all, if so many buffbots are around. The answer in my case, when I'm going out to fun hunt in Odin (with 1-2 other ppl) or solo, I haven't got buffbot.

Smiters are crap as main healers, mostly since more and more pbaoe users are out there, that's why I'm glad I hadn't got to play that role for 2 months (in main time) 'cause I hate to lose ppl from my grp.

Fun part - absolutly agree, guess why haven't I respecced.


Originally posted by mraz
8 smite clerics sit on pad and argue who should healed last battle

IM0 if u want to DD make a fire wizz u do alot more dmg that way if u wanan play cleric u should do what cleric was made for healing .


Where the hell could you find 8 smiter clerics on pad? Pfff.

Edit: I hate generalization, that smiter won't heal.


Originally posted by hangianix

Where the hell could you find 8 smiter clerics on pad? Pfff.

Edit: I hate generalization, that smiter won't heal.

i guess its too late to start healling when u r oom and not able to smite amymore.


And also hate ppl who came from different server dont know my playing style so speak bullshit. :m00:

Edit: and your comment was maybe correct 6 months ago, or maybe still in Excalibur but not here... so pls spend some time with research and make clever comments after it.


kk m8, plz build me the group where smite/reju cleric > reju/enh cleric. And dont count 2 buffbots stading right near ur pk plz cos it'll be 8+2 ppl grp.

I'd be realy pleased if u decribe me how come that:
cleric dmg is better then caster dmg;
cleric mezz is more useful then sorc qcast mezz which is almost 2.5 time longer.

the only thing u have is protection from assasing but reaver has too.

ps. and dont even try to cast ur mezz on pure tanks cos in less then 10 secs they r kk and w/1min mezz immunity.


Smite clerics rock in very small battles, not much can stand up to smite, smite, smite, stun, smite, smite, smite, pbaoe mez, stun smite smite, melee, pbaoe smite.

The problem is that it uses up an obscene amount of power. They can't do it in large fights because they will always be interrupted.

bouh, something tells me that Killerbee, who's played a smite cleric for over a year, knows more about her class than someone like you.


Where have I written that smiters are better in grp than reju ones?

I wrote 2 things to Cavex: Don't start one + they suck in RvR. I admit it, it's true. After it Balbor and me had a discussion about smiter spec.

Your guild mate and you began to make witty comments about it.

Yes smiters suck in RvR 'cause they can't really offer anything to their grp. Their heal is crap, their buffs are crap, their dmg output is crap BUT they can do a lot of things. That's why think that smiter is a good (fun) spec. Mostly if you are lazy to lvl up another char. You can choose your role and awesome fun to play smiter in skirmishes.

"I'd be realy pleased if u decribe me how come that:
cleric mezz is more useful then sorc qcast mezz which is almost 2.5 time longer."

Well, who said that sb will attack the sorcerer. :) Anyway, they can't qc anytime, and they don't have to waste 2.5 sec .


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
bouh, something tells me that Killerbee, who's played a smite cleric for over a year, knows more about her class than someone like you.

sure m8, but... u see im looking for the role of smite cleric in grp of 8 ppl. And the grp needs:
- spec buffs
- magic resist buffs (6 of them)
- pbt
- end regen
- c/c
- speed

and a few dmg dealers ofc

Edit: kk, i stop speaking about smite cleric as we r on the same side: smiter is a fun to play but only a small usage in grp.


Originally posted by bouh
sure m8, but... u see im looking for the role of smite cleric in grp of 8 ppl. And the grp needs:
- spec buffs
- magic resist buffs (6 of them)
- pbt
- end regen
- c/c
- speed
and a few dmg dealers ofc

I find it kinda sad, that ppl in all realm are forced to play in balanced grp or will die in no time. Casual RvR is hardly exist anymore. We had a casual hunt on Monday - 2 scouts, 3 paladins, 1 infi, 1 merc, 1 smiter. Far away from balanced grp (crap spec buffs, no resists, no pbt, no cc, no speed) - but we had fun. At least I hope Salazzar and Blaien also enjoyed it (+others) :)


here is the answer:

any low RR grp < balanced low RR grp ~= any high RR grp < balanced high RR grp

as far as im low rr im realy interested to gain some rps by killing any low rr grps and even some high rr grps.
otherwise i'd have a chance to keep my armor on full durrability sitting on pad.

Cavex ElSaviour

and where does the fun part come in?

No serious, i think i'll keep rejuv/enhance till lvl 40. (for easy lvling) then reroll my rejuv to smite. so i'll be a smite/enhance cleric.


had a smite cleric for a year now, though only hit 50 recently.

I am using 43/30/12

With the amount of buffbots, you rarely have to buff spec, but 12 gives you the lowest of each spec buff just in case. 30 rejuv is needed for the first spread heal, the ONLY heal you will need in large battle RvR as you don't have to be able to see your target to heal them.

43 smite? I can around 450 damage to another level 50, which, combined with a 9 second stun, drops most things if i get the chance to use it.

And to those who think 30 rejuv heals are crap, stick in a few RAs and they are fine, and the mana burn for high powered heals is prohibitive. The best Rez is the only thing i really pine for, though the next level spread heal would be nice.


Originally posted by accollon
43 smite? I can around 450 damage to another level 50

Sorry, but this can't be true. I hit 330ish to another lvl 50 with zero resist.

Cavex, you never will get grp with smite/enh spec in RvR and you won't be good for skirmishes. :(


Originally posted by hangianix
Their heal is crap, their buffs are crap, their dmg output is crap BUT they can do a lot of things. That's why think that smiter is a good (fun) spec.

Got it? A rejuv / enchant clerics role (which is badly needed for every good rvsr grp):

- keeping eye on hp bars
- spamming this heal or that heal or the 3rd one :)
- rezzing
- buffing
- using some ra-s :)

in a short form: keep his grp alive :)

If you cant live with that, but still want to play a cleric you can spec the smite line, which is not as vialable as the rejuv+chant line and not grp friendly either, its different and maybe more fun for you.

But Hangianix smells still... <mockosz alb megmongyalak papányak! >:clap:

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