slightly worrying...


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
OK so normally I am up at 5 on my study days (which is pretty much every day off I get) study for an hour or so, then go out for a run then back, bath, breakfast and hit the books again.

This works well for me and I have t say I do enjoy it, being up at 5 is wonderful and it also means I can knock off at 16:00 without feeling guilty.

However, this morning, I woke up at 6:30 trundled to the bathroom, sat on the couch (afterwards...we do not have a couch in the bathroom) and just monged, then I went back to bed and didn't get up ill 10 at which point I promptly burst into tears and had a minor spaz out.

I am seriously beginnig to think I actually need a holiday, and I mean a real holiday where I go away and chillax like a cucumber on prozac. This year of study has been majorly taxing, I was doing great until just after June when the module I was doing took more time than I realised because it was rather badly organised and the coordinator was lax in his responses (actually got diagnosed by the doctor with stress because of it...) now I am doing another of his modules (last one from him thank god!) and I must admit he is getting to me.

I am doing the work, have done 1 assignment and am seemingly OK and on the right path with the next but there is no way of knowing, I have emailed him and put messages on the module support area on the website and he is 'simply far too busy with external matters to asnwer them'. The thought that I may be doing it all completely wrong, even though I think I am OK was enough to have that effect on me this morning and I am concerned about it tbh.

B2 said to take the morning off, which is quite sound advice, but now I am thinking 'Aaargh all that missed study time!!' I don't usually succumb to pressure this way and it is upsetting, I just needed to talk about it, don't expect anyone to be able to magic it away (I mean I eat well, exercise plenty, don't pull all night or stupidly long study sessions, i'm just a bit overwhelmed by this tutors sheer unhelpfulness).

It's a real bummer tbh.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Weekends = always off, no study, nothing, or else you've got yourself to blame, nothing else.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Ez, you seriously have to look out for number 1, eg yourself. If you feel yourself slipping for whatever reason, it's time to start ramping up that looking out. I'm not the best at these things myself (I usually discover I am stressed when the peak moment has past heh).

Anyway, what I do is:
reward yourself: Pass a test or meet some ridiculous study goal? Bam! Apple pie, awesome coffee, get a book you always wanted, etc. Last week BigCompany planned me to do three courses in one week, and I had an exam after a day and a half. I passed it (just don't expect me to have remembered anything heh), and right after I bought an interesting book on layout design and usage of text as a reward for my efforts.
plan deliberate downtime: (and don't mess with it after you plan it) you mentioned that you took the morning off and felt guilty/uncomfortable. you *need* downtime to reorder your thoughts and let your brain work through what you uploaded into it on a lower level, and if you deliberately plan it into your day or week there's no guilt. letting your head porrage chomp through what you just put into it is *every bit as good* as reading that chapter again. also, shifting your focus, cup of tea, brief walk to the lake, etc will revitalize you for the next bit.
exercise your god given right to complain
: that coordinator is "too busy" to help you out? what rot! a coordinator should be an *expert* planner so if they're too busy, they are making the mistake Ez, not you. talk to other students (if possible) and otherwise, use the system and talk to your dean or whatever that function may be called now. also, this allows you to vent to someone who can actually do things to help you out from within the system, double win (and after you do this, which is ofc a difficult thing, you get a reward, like an easter egg choccy, and a foot rub from b2, etc).

there is only win, relax :)


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Hmm, well I dont know everyone is different but Ez, honest to god every time I have read anything you have said about how you go about your studies all I could think is wow. 5 am until 4pm? You seem pretty smart so I can only assume with that amount of work you are doing really well, but you have to prioratise sometimes. Is it really that important that you do that well in every piece of work you hand in and every module you take part in? I've often been guilty of the other side of things, not doing enough for college but this year (my final year) I feel like I've got my shit toghether but I still dont work half as hard as you seem to. Ok study is important just remember that for all the study you do, expierience (life expierience included) is probably just as important, so don't harm yourself K? :)


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Thx guys

Teedles I do that with the rewards and the moaning to other students/asking advice from other tutors etc. All outstanding advice and it all works, I was just having a small breakdown this morning, Cerb I have to take your advice and think it just won't kill me if I don't get top marks (it does however get stuck in my craw to think that I may potentially get bad marks as a result of the tutors neglect...but meh I'll cross that bridge if I come to it).

Hopefully it will all be worry over nothing, I just spent the last hour and a bit writing and illustrating a story for my nieces and feel nice and calm now...and may just take the rest of the damned day off tbh, it's lovely out there!

Happy Sunday people.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
then go out and enjoy yourself and recharge! one more peep out of you and I unleash the flying monkey ninjas, missy :eek:


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004

I took/am taking today as a personal day lol I did try and do some reading for the assignment but the words just kind of bounced off my eyes hehe. Anyway am now wrapped up all cozy in blankets on the sofa (just been out for a nice stroll with B2) have cuppa tea to hand and a Dresden files book to read until Glee is on.

Sod the guilt tbh this ferris bueller needs a day off!


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
good lass! :D tomorrow you can grind all you like, but today is ezday! :)


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
hehe he'll be getting off a head shot if he sees what I just brought on ebay lol, I swear home shopping is lethal!!

x1 dinosaur documentary
x1 fantasia dvd
x2 classic rupert annuals

mind you he did blow £15 on a bible this morning so tbh I think I'll be having the last laugh, my stuff is waaay more fun.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Remove the cover of the bible and put it over one of the rupert annuals. Then next time you are supposed to be doing something religious, you can instead be having an adventure with a bear in a scarf!


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Remove the cover of the bible and put it over one of the rupert annuals. Then next time you are supposed to be doing something religious, you can instead be having an adventure with a bear in a scarf!

LOL, actually I am never supposed to be doing anything religious...I think if I ever attempted it something might happen to the space time continuum.

Feeling much better today, had a nice productive morning (B2 actually came running with me!!!) emailed the tutor aaand even more amazing got a reply! now about to have ultra cheese saturated lunch before heading to work.

By gum though I really did need that day off lol.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Nothing to say other than :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Feeling much better today, had a nice productive morning (B2 actually came running with me!!!) emailed the tutor aaand even more amazing got a reply! now about to have ultra cheese saturated lunch before heading to work.

good lass! also, anything containing the words "ultra cheese saturated" makes me dribble and twitch. even bad things. :) not all bad things though :eek:


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
I found this diagram helped me through my studying period =)


Lo, that looks almost like my degree. And many other peoples' I suspect. :(

Although lots of alcohol needs to be in the diagram. ;)

Oh and glad things are back on track Ez - how's that teaching & learning session assignment going/gone?


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
That one is done, thx for all the help! Am leaving it to cool off while I write this essay then will just have a quick re-read before I submit it.

Have a telephone tutorial with module coordinator today so that's going to help...I hope!

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