Slightly different Thane spec...



simple way to show how badly balanced Thanes are is give all Thanes a one time only class respec. Most would choose savage/warrior/zerk if they were given such a chance.

Any non Thane viking class if given the same option would likely never pick Thane tho.

Shame there is no way to prove it, but I am so confident of the outcome I would put money on it


mythic just needs to stop all that crap with hybrid tank rogue dmg and hp tables

if a warrior has 200 con and 2000 hp, a thane with 200 con should have 2000 hp

if a warrior has 1500 weapon skill at 50 spec, then a thane should have the same

the thane cant have slam, 50 weapon, and 48 sc, so he loses out somewhere along the line... the cost of being a hybrid...

with a bit of tweaking, all classes would be fixed in less than a days work for mythic

but hey, I don't work for mythic :)

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