Slash inf



Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
So ... Slash would be the way to go becuase of amethyst slash, back slash and Diamond slash :).

Hmm stupid of me to say this and its not a whine, but if you mostly fighting other assasins and using slash (like sbs) you will be hurt alot more from the str/con debuff then as thrust.

If you mostly fight sbs that is vulnerable to slash i think it can be a good idea.

Also ns is resistant to slash damage and then you dont have acces to a 9sec stun.

As a slash user, fighting a ns with resistant armor and acces to ap is hard and almost impossible if he fire ap.


Originally posted by witte-
soon :m00:

No dragonfang!?!?!??!!





If you ever visit Stockholm I will buy you a ...

But I wont ... with ya :p


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Okay...I am having trouble understanding this...

You think it is foolish of us to go slash because we will suffer disadvantages such as no stun, susceptibility to str/con debuffs, weak damage vs. NS armour and AoP but you whine and moan if we go thrust because we are fotm. So what should we do, oh great one? :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
Okay...I am having trouble understanding this...

You think it is foolish of us to go slash because we will suffer disadvantages such as no stun, susceptibility to str/con debuffs, weak damage vs. NS armour and AoP but you whine and moan if we go thrust because we are fotm. So what should we do, oh great one? :rolleyes:

Thrust is overpowerd cause of dragonfang imo and i prefer fighting a slash infil anyday over a thrust if my purge is down.

Just trying to help this guy and i cant be honest and say that i think slash>thrust

Got nothing to do with that dragonfang need a big fat nerf and after that maybe slash can be the best spec.


Originally posted by jox
No dragonfang!?!?!??!!





If you ever visit Stockholm I will buy you a ...

But I wont ... with ya :p


tbh I will try it at r8 :p


Just make sure you got another stone to get back to Thrust after you get bored of the anytime spam ;)


Well i dunno me capped str yet as im going slash as well with me inf.. but took +10 str at start

i know one important thing for a slashfil

dont cap ur qui.. dont even spent pts on ur SC for it.. it caps ur dmg and u hit like a girl... (thrust infil) :p

and if ur saracen then go thrust... u dont have enough str to outdmg ur thrust with slash


not capping qui means slower swing time, and lesser chance to cap your evade %.

Capping Qui for EITHER infil is important imo, just dont take 2.0 speed weaps with 250 qui.


If u cap ur qui as a slashfil ur dmg will not be high enough...

as most of u know that qui caps str dmg.. ur swing time will be a bit lower but then if u got haste proc on weap or get haste from a theurg u'll be fine... and when ur buffed u got a dex/qui buff anyway wich gives u enough qui to hit every 2sec wich is enough for a slashfil...

imagine how SB's feel.. they got 4.0 axes


Trust me, slash inf is way more fun than thrust.


They got some major downfalls:

1. You have no stun style available in the slash line

2. You will get majorly stung from the str/con debuff

3. NS will /laugh at you, sit down, let you take em to 50% then still beat the crap outta you

4. ammy/diamond chain, the end usage on this is just stupid, if you're lucky you can get 3 combos off before you're ooe

On the upside you get some nice fights with SB's till they get off their stun chain ;)


Originally posted by catalina
4. ammy/diamond chain, the end usage on this is just stupid, if you're lucky you can get 3 combos off before you're ooe

Try Enrage/Sapphire...


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Cos there are no good styles in thrust-line besides Dragon fang

People keep saying this, Basilikfang with _SLOWED_ and pierce are 2 GREAT styles.

to witte-: stole my idea :( Prolly respecing before 8 tho


<- thruster4life

i bet a debuffed slash and thrust infil do about same dmg aswell ;d


Little tip for SB's, never turn your back on a slash inf ;)

I'll post a screenie when i get a chance but i style for ~300dmg with backslash on an SB, that's when i'm str/con debuffed and before crits. :D

Of course gimme an NS to beat on and i manage about 140dmg :(

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