Ormorof said:pfft there was a hole in that door :touch:
Hombrea said:a question for u requiel
ok its fair enough to be meleed thru a door from the people that have replied and ur reply i see that its perfectly leagel but thru a wall? does that mean u cant stand by the edge of a wall and feel safe any more?
doors are 1 thing but a wall? where does it stop
i know heres an idea lets draw a nice big yellow (or pink what ever goa prefers) line around walls and keep doors and call it "The safe zone" meaning u cant get melee'd passed this line
i can see the patch notes now
*new safe zone line added to all keeps. If u stand on one side of this line ur safe from melee attack thru soild rock walls*
Coolan said:it is actualy illegal to hit people thought the doors report on rightnow and hope they do someting about it.
Requiel said:It's always been possible to melee through doors. It's not a bug and it's not abuse.