this may sound stuiped but is slamming thru a keep door then hitting me over and over till i am dead , is this allowed??
i know u can PBAOE through a door (even tho its being taken out but fair enough works both ways) but meleeing me through a keep door??
As a Sup SM i see my self as key defence in keep defences and expect to have the advantage on the tanks hitting the door, taking the risk that another pbaoe might hit me which is fair enough but being meleed down surly this cant be allowed.
I got evidence and everything dont wanna mention any names yet but what do my fellow friends of midgard say??
i know u can PBAOE through a door (even tho its being taken out but fair enough works both ways) but meleeing me through a keep door??
As a Sup SM i see my self as key defence in keep defences and expect to have the advantage on the tanks hitting the door, taking the risk that another pbaoe might hit me which is fair enough but being meleed down surly this cant be allowed.
I got evidence and everything dont wanna mention any names yet but what do my fellow friends of midgard say??