

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tuorin said:
Bowmaiden shoots you from tower4 who ya can't even face. :D Bubble?

Thats hargard (My dad!) :) he had me out in a duel with him testing his archery range, he could shoot me without me being able to even /face :( gotta feel sorry for casters who he meets, at least hes solo 90% of the time.

I always spam /hug on you and tech since at that time of day your about the only hibs who travel in a pair instead of a GA/Eclipse FG :)


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Tafaya Anathas said:
Lies!!!! An alb stealther can never be called decent!

true, however temples is a hib soooo..

oh and samaroon, havnt been added by a single hib today or last night or the night before, in fact it hasnt happened for ages. Pisses me off when im winning a fight fair and square and some cock feels he has to intervene. At least with hibs i have seen people ask if they need help, or apologise for adding and stating their reasons. Oh yeh and its really fun when vanish dosent work. and the funniest thing? getting zerged by a fg of albs, and still seeing "randomrr3scout shoots you with his bow and hits for 110 dmg!


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
pikeh said:
cant believe those words came from a theurg.

Nice one but cutting down other people's phrases to give em a different meaning is so 12 year oldish. Unless ofc Im missing something and theurgists are exploiting bugs? And before you say it, casting pets isn't a bug, something Im sure you'd realize....eventually....maybe.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Aragyn said:
You do know that's pretty much the only thing a caster without moc can do vs. you isnt it? And you negate it, so fucking annoying with that abuse, as that's the casters way of fighting back.

ehm stupid?

if he stands still he wont win cuz theurg will just qc mezz him - go on distance - spam 875025765 pets -

run through is only way he can encounter that

now you say this is abuse and that NS only wins cuz of that...

now serious do you expect ppl to stand still to get prawned cuz it would be unfair to run through a caster???

rly if thats your opinion your stupid..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Shike said:
Ehm, you do know purge is a timed ability? And so is vanish (and vanish isnt a guaranteed escape either, if you fail you die since you are defenseless). QC is on a quite alot shorter timer no? So an assassin is only expected to win when vanish and purge is up and running since almost every single caster out there have access to some form of CC? Are you for real? I never ever whined about runthru when I played chanter, since I knew that:

IF, i land a QCstun and that assassin happen to have his purge down, he has 0% chanse of winning. Either PBAE him down in 2-3 casts, or, put snaringpet and just kite until hes dead, or why not just debuff+nuke him down in 3 nukes?

WHAT is that assassin supposed to do if his purge is down? Just rely on lucky resists? Or maybe hope I am nice and let him live?

Or, he can try and avoid getting QCstunned with mechanics that actually exists in game, as in: Run one way, run another, run another.

Nobody have ever said from neither Mythics nor GOAs direction that this is some kind of abuse of cheat or something remotely similar. NEVER.

So where in hell do you get the idea that it is cheating? I call it using available tools. Nothing more, nothing less.

its not cheat its not even a ability
its the logical consequence when fighting a caster
ppl who think this is cheat are just clueless
its just same as strafing which some ppl consider cheat too

telling ppl to do nt run through/strafe is like telling a FPS player to stand still so you can headshot him easier, just patethic and noobish....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
daoc_xianghua said:
ehm stupid?

if he stands still he wont win cuz theurg will just qc mezz him - go on distance - spam 875025765 pets -

run through is only way he can encounter that

now you say this is abuse and that NS only wins cuz of that...

now serious do you expect ppl to stand still to get prawned cuz it would be unfair to run through a caster???

rly if thats your opinion your stupid..

Killing someone because of bad game mechanics sucks.
This is how this game was designed- An Assasin can Handle Casters by getting of Heavy damaging critical striles and Stun styles.
How Lazy Assasins play it- I Can't setup the critical strike and i cba to follow and wait for my oppitunity to strike, so i'll unstealth and spam garrote, abuse runthrough so the caster doesn't stand a chance in hell.

An Assasin has a load of things they can do against a caster without abusing runthrough, 90% of assasins use GS use it and then get into melee again? Purge the crowd control for an easy melee down? Use that handy dot Charge on your +8 Env boots? Or maybe just PA and CD them....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Oh its not a cheat as such, but if /face worked like it was ment too...

Mythic issue tyvm


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Bubble said:
Killing someone because of bad game mechanics sucks.
This is how this game was designed- An Assasin can Handle Casters by getting of Heavy damaging critical striles and Stun styles.
How Lazy Assasins play it- I Can't setup the critical strike and i cba to follow and wait for my oppitunity to strike, so i'll unstealth and spam garrote, abuse runthrough so the caster doesn't stand a chance in hell.

An Assasin has a load of things they can do against a caster without abusing runthrough, 90% of assasins use GS use it and then get into melee again? Purge the crowd control for an easy melee down? Use that handy dot Charge on your +8 Env boots? Or maybe just PA and CD them....

sigh how hard to get is it?

i used it on skald looong time before first whine about it came up (like atleast 1 year before first whine came up)
back then not a single oldschool player whined about it...
guess its all the newschool kiddies which cant see themself getting pwned cuz they are to stupid to encounter it
furthermore Mythic NEVER said its an abuse or cheat or whatever you´d call it
its a technique to avoid casters getting spells on u and its not even working 100% always either.

i could also say Soi + moc is cheat but its not, its a given ability to the sorc class might be a bit op but who the fuck cares

its funny to see ppl considering everything they cant beat cheat :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
read the above post again!
Its not a cheat its a problem with the game that people Abuse. (and as a caster, yes i feel it is abuse)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Bubble said:
read the above post again!
Its not a cheat its a problem with the game that people Abuse. (and as a caster, yes i feel it is abuse)

we posted at same time couldnt read your last post before i posted last

well rightnow it and wait till mythic tells you its working as intended? you know why? cuz if you couldnt run through several classes ingame (not stealthers) wouldnt stand a chance vs a caster, but i bet that would be fair then from point of view of most casters :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
its bad enough fighting a High RR Shade without the runthroughs ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Bubble said:
its bad enough fighting a High RR Shade without the runthroughs ^^

as sorc? you must be joking...
even with all ra´s up he only stand a chance if he lands pa/cd if he doesnt run through


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Edit-Xianghua explained it better

We were talking about Quickcast V runthrough not MoC :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Ill let you in on a secret. The not in view issues are almost all on the client side. If your computer cant take it you will get "not in view". From my video and like what 4th clip ? Minstrel strafes around and I cant hit him atleast with styles.

---Upgraded graphics card on computer and nothing else changes---

You can strafe/run through all you want and I wont get "out of view" message more than tops 1/10 tries. Thats why some casters seem to be immune to it as they have good stuff running the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
If you are a melee and you get qc mez on big deal... as soon as 1st hit lands on you /use a ranged item. i use the dot on Cyclone Bracer myself, he's already used his QC so no worries of it again, if they MoC on you, then run round a corner, behind a rock, vanish, do anything to get away from it...

But NEVER run through, I used to have wankers do it to me on my Sorc, so I refuse to do it on my Inf to others, if I havn't killed a caster by the time CD stun wears off anyway, I'd rather die in shame.

Casters are to be 1/2 hit, 3hit if you're unlucky.

I have 4 hit a banshee before unstyled, christ guys(Assasins that run through), sort out ur damage if ur having to resort to such dirty play style.

Yes, it's not bug abuse/cheat, but its lag abuse and dirty. DIRTY!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Marath said:
Ill let you in on a secret. The not in view issues are almost all on the client side. If your computer cant take it you will get "not in view". From my video and like what 4th clip ? Minstrel strafes around and I cant hit him atleast with styles.

---Upgraded graphics card on computer and nothing else changes---

You can strafe/run through all you want and I wont get "out of view" message more than tops 1/10 tries. Thats why some casters seem to be immune to it as they have good stuff running the game.

Total bollocks...

I'm running 1gig ram, 3200 processer, geforce 6600 gt sli and the only pc running on a 2 meg line.

How the piss do I get "not in view"?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Tsabo said:
Total bollocks...

I'm running 1gig ram, 3200 processer, geforce 6600 gt sli and the only pc running on a 2 meg line.

How the piss do I get "not in view"?

I had almost identical hardware and got not in view all the time before I changed my gtfx card and they dropped to almost nothing ... so I cant believe its server side issue always ... when the server lags "primetime" you will ofc get it as it cant take nf with zergy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
Exploiting weak code you mean to the advantage that someone can not fight back.

Most stealthers out now are a bad joke, my Thid Infi hits for more unbuffed and plays smarter. Half of the gimps out there is not even using a snare poison, so I can just sprint away. I see stealthers attacking Casters in front of full groups (bahaha), adding like fags in FG vs FG fights. I add on every stealther I see because people like Marath and Temples get some repspect here for being good and are nothing but walk-through and adding gimps. And yes, hitting SoI and laugh spam is cool too...

LOL wtf are you on you zerging piece of shit?

I aint after any kind of respect when I play an assassin, all I want is a good time. (most fun for me is fighting stuff solo, preferrably other stealthers or pretty much any meleeclass except Mercs^^). I usually wait for fights to finish if its solofights, if the odds are uneven I help realmmates. Depends on who it is really, if its Rwandan I will never, ever add. Never. Wont even jump him after a fight. Why? Because yesterday he didnt add on me when I killed 2 scouts, and waited until they both was dead. I tend to treat others like they treat me. Shitalbs like Gohan, Aeser, Zeera, Caeden, Simosh, Tip, Aim, Soulmark etc etc etc.. (list is very very long here sadly) I will add on and kill just to be sure they are killed if I can. They are assholes and deserves to be killed on sight every single time they set foot in the frontiers. A duo primetime isnt so bad really, I understand why so many run duos, I get requests from other hibs to duo and in 99% of the cases I say no, because I rather try and solo even if it means I dont stand a single chanse in hell to win anything on primetime due to beeing outnumbered. RP's aint all for me, the experience is what the game is about. Sure, some people might claim that RPs enhances the experience, nomatter how they are recieved, but I feel better when I know I have gained them without playing like a twat, and some measures their success ingame with their realmrank, which means nothing if they have zerged their way there. Solo if they face anyone that is good at playing, they will just die, even if RRs are differing alot.

A stealther attacking a caster or anything infront of a FG has balls (remember Soha used to do this alot, I "hated" him when he managed to kill someone from our group ofc, but for the reason that he was good at it, not because he played like the average alb and only added when we already was engaged in a fight), which you supposedly know nothing about since all you do is run around adding on stealtherfights or zerging. You seriosly have nothing to say about anything imo since you are the worst kind of DAoCplayer, a parasite and nothing else. Also, you behave like a kid ingame, laughspamming soloers etc.

Got one word for you, twat. Grow up, get balls, get hair on the balls, then come spewing out alot of shit again. Maybe someone will take you seriosly then. Cant really say your words hold any weight at all as it is now, seeing that all you do is whine about alot of crap you know nothing about. Do yourself a favour and just shut the fk up kid. You run in random lowRRgrps and play shit and zerg and whine about realmbalances etc, grats irl looser.

Tristessa said:
I'm assuming the fact that a stealther can choose when and who he attacks by hiding has nothing to do with it? If you're so insecure about attacking a caster with purge down, then dont.
Ah nevermind. Think the fact that you made a whine thread, cleverly disguised as a nice fight thread, about someone that uses a perfectly legit strategy, yet consider one of the all-time lame bug abuses to be *using available tools*, kinda says it all. No offense. Really... :rolleyes:

Wasnt really a whinethread. Was honestly directed to Slainyou. I could ofc have made another thread and post the 2nd part there but I rather not make another thread at the same time.

And still, abusing, cheating, call it whatever you want, not all stealthers have purge3 to counter casters, need quite some RR to get there actually. Appeal it as cheating and see the result, in the end of the day, all that really counts is GOA's or Mythics stand. I dont really care, tons of people have done it for years, and people will go on doing it, thats what matters. Nomatter if some people whine about it or not.


Nov 28, 2004
Vladamir said:
Hibs are just as guilty of this. Go anywhere near berks to see if theres anything there and i've got 4-5 brehon rangers sticking arrows in my arse :p
You love it :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2005
Iim flatterd that u bring up me name with good scouts like tip aim and soulmark etc.. even if u think we r shitalbs, i take it as a compliment. :)
Im sad to say i cant remember that i have been fighting ro much with u in the rvr zone, and as i usely dont add in fights that r even i cant understand why u call me a shitalb... but hey i dont care to much tbh, we all have funny names bout the other realms chars.
So north part of sweden huh?
send me a privet msg and we can have a chat bout doac if u like... in swedish :cheers:

well take care m8t and i see u in game <depanding on ya stealth> :twak:

Hf m8s, peace


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2005
oh soz. im pritty new to the fh page, <strange cous i have been playing over 3 years> and started on fh a few days ago ..

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