SIDI raid this saturday



As title says, will be doing a sidi raid this saturday with loxleyhood, at 2pm GMT

(sticky please)

Raid rules:
-Anon off please.
-Three strikes out. Its easy for someone to pull a mob by not following orders and cause a wipe out. If anyone does not go where they are told they get 2 warnings. On third occaision they shall be expelled from lotto. This will apply some discipline, but not harm people who make an honest mistake or suffer a lag pull.
-Private messages before raid please. If, during the raid you desperately need to pm us, pm Loxleyhood, not Falcor.
-Patience is needed. Certain parts of the raid are simple zergs. Others require a little more time and technique, the more patient and cooperative people are, the quicker these bits go.
-Drops should be given to me as soon as they are dropped. Sooner I have them, sooner raid progresses.
-No drops will be claimed.
-I expect people to do as told precisely, simply to avoid unecessary dificulty and possible wipes.

Lotto rules:

-One item per person, need before greed, expect to see no one selling stuff straight after raid on trade forums....
-No lottoing for items if u already have one, exlcuding rings bracers and dual wield weapons.
-Where possible items will go to ppl who have most suitable spec.
-Min lvl for entering lotto is 48, realm rank ahs no bearing on lotto.
-Players may only bid on an item if their class and spec can use it. There is one exception to this rule, and that is Sidi Armour. Since the goal is to gather a full suit of this armour (in order to fully use apoc neckies) all specs can lotto on Sidi armour. So the Royal Assasin's gear with +slash can be lotto'd for by thrust infis, and vice versa. Having said this, armour which is not part of the full Sidi suit depends on spec.
-If you desperately need to leave before the lotto, you may get someone else to represent you in the lotto. However, he will only be able to bid on drops which dropped before you left, and you must pm Loxleyhood when you leave saying who shall be bidding for you.
-Group friendly classes may bring their group friendly class and roll for a lvl48+ alt. Current list of group friendly classes....
-Ice wizards
Also however, a heavy tank would be prefered over and an infiltrator for example, and u can roll for infil. main things we need are heavy tanks, pbaoe and healing classes. If ppl wish to do this they MUST pm and tell loxleyhood BEFORE we enter SIDI

Thats all i can think of for now, im sure theres something else always is :)



Ok you edited so i edit :p

1 remark though : only lvl 48+ lotto? what if i bring a 45 cleric can i lotto for 50 infi? And how many ppl do you expect to come below 48 cause you really need everyone you can get mate.

wish you good luck, if i may come with 45 cleric i will :) ( 46 cleric possibly then )


Dont know what is your problem ppl but I for sure will go to this raid and see how it goes. I went on a few raids in my life in DAoC, saw some srew-ups, but most raids went ok. I'm sure Falcor is up for the task.

As for claming saturday for the raid its very normal, if you have other plans simply dont come. I'm sure a lot of ppl will come, b/c Sidi raids give you stuff. Last time around 70 ppl came and there were around 30 drops to lotto for.

What is more fun for saturday ? PL an alt (boring) or go have fun with other ppl in Sidi ? Your choice


Originally posted by Falcore

-Group friendly classes may bring their group friendly class and roll for a lvl48+ alt. Current list of group friendly classes....
-Ice wizards

Can i bring my pally and roll for necro? since the Necro never hits shit anyway :/


mmm pally is useful class so no reason why not, i cant have 40 ppl telling loxleyhood they r lottoing for an alt , makes it complicated, so its up to each persons discretion really, dont do it just cuz u enjoy playin a certain class more :) main reason is to make it go more smoothly, pbaoe makes a big difference in sidi, as does having clerics , and heavy tanks to a certain extent.


Necros are however very useful if they have specced for the debuffs (being one of the few people who hasn't got a necro I wouldn't know what spec line it is;)) Drop List - list list is not as complete as I first thought (a few drops have dropped on xcal raids which are not on there) but its still very good. - If you are new to Sidi raids I would suggest you take a quick look through the guide.


Necros are however very useful if they have specced for the debuffs

erm , dint really think they would land even the lvl 50 spec af debuff in sidi tbh =\


According to the American boards they make a huge difference.


they do.. i was hitting 130 with normal shot on some named after af debuff i think


The problem with Necro's isn't that there dmg is bad or debuff's is bad, it's the fact that none of it ever hits :/ constantly resisted because the pet is lvl 44, so it counts as a lvl 44 player trying to hit the mobs.... which just means resists nearly all the time.
Nerf necro bugs! :/


yeah forgot about that, glimos was trying it last time, landed a few times, made all the difference on mobs when it did, plus, if nothing else they make good mana batteries for other casters :)


childish imo

expected more from you loxley.. *sigh*


Originally posted by doneagle

1 remark though : only lvl 48+ lotto? what if i bring a 45 cleric can i lotto for 50 infi? And how many ppl do you expect to come below 48 cause you really need everyone you can get mate.

wish you good luck, if i may come with 45 cleric i will :) ( 46 cleric possibly then )

mmm i like the lvl 48 cuz, tbh cleric is the only class really that is useful below 48 as mobs r so high, and i really dont wanna make an exception jsut for clerics cuz its not fair on others


I'd dare say he doesn't need everyone he can get, seeing as how a below L48 non-support class won't do a whole lot and there quite frankly is a truckload of L50's around. Not to even get into the specifics of who can follow instructions better. In the end you can't please everyone, I'd rather have seen L50 lotto only but oh well :)

As for you Aligro, what is your problem? Think you owned raiding on Saturdays, or that Loxley was your personal assistant? :/

Good luck with the raid Falcor.


Re: Re: SIDI raid this saturday

Originally posted by Restart
Can i bring my pally and roll for necro? since the Necro never hits shit anyway :/
Well I spent Saturdays Sidi raid spamming the lvl50 spec AF debuff. Wasnt sure how well it'd work - so in the absence of any information from a reliable source I tested it for myself.

Sure resist rates are high - its only to be expected. But sooner or later it does land, and the effect tends to be very obvious. Ive no idea if anyone noticed a difference in the melee dmg they were doing or not - but I saw enough difference in the rate the mobs HP dropped at to continue spamming the debuff.

Over the 3-4 hours in Sidi I cast no powertaps, no lifetaps, 6 or 7 power transfers and ALOT of AF debuffs ;) Oh, and 20-odd pets since the stupid bloody thing loves to run off as every necro over lvl5 no doubt knows.

For necros that dont spec 50 deathsight Ive no idea if theyd be any use. After the results of Saturday Im happy that a 50 deathsight necro is of some use. Its also less boring than playing a tank in Sidi - just :)

And before you say it - I know - you spec'd 48 deathsight so this is of no interest at all ;)


Originally posted by **Aligro**
childish imo

expected more from you loxley.. *sigh*

i feel for you alligro :'( I never had a complaint on your raids ( unless not getting a drop :p ). Hope to see your raids back again but other people should been giving a chance to try aswell :)

don't blame loxley, he's blinded by that bane drop :p


5. Necro debuffs- Necro debuffs are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Bring as many sight necros as you can, and ask them to CHAIN DEBUFFS on Apoc. Coordinate these debuffs with your theurgist pet spam and dd casters for maximum effectiveness

This is taken from the guide I have given you a link to ;)


Originally posted by loxleyhood Drop List - list list is not as complete as I first thought (a few drops have dropped on xcal raids which are not on there) but its still very good.
Send the webmaster any new drops; with the help of all the servers, it will be THE list someday. :)


Originally posted by loxleyhood
This is taken from the guide I have given you a link to ;)
Sure, but thats talking about Apocalypse - which Aligro's raids have NO chance of killing.

My interest was in the effectiveness of a 50 deathsight necro for the rest of the dungeon. After Saturday Im happy that my necro is more use there than my armsman would be - since theres usually more than enough melee types present.


I can guarantee a necro WILL land his AF-debuff if TIMED right. When I was in Sidi last raid I expected to be a pet-spammer.. Bored with that (mostly because I ran OOM) I decided to nuke once the mob had enough Albs on it... result... 80% was not resisted and I often hit for way over 250 / DD.

Perhaps a necro has a slightly harder time landing his debuff, but if timed right (eg. enough people bashing the mob) it shouldn't be too hard to land it.

This tactic worked on every mob we encountered except for 1 keyboss which I got a message 'XXXXX is invulnerable to this type of damage'. I also got messages like 'You discovered a flaw in XXX his defense, he's not so resistan to spirit-damage as he thought he was!'.. So far I liked it alot, but the LOS/pathfinding in Sidi.... well sucks!


Originally posted by **Aligro**
childish imo

expected more from you loxley.. *sigh*

Did he leave you out of leadership? Well, Ding Dong.. U were claiming. Falcore isn't :p.


Originally posted by Falcore
lol, u can say that if and when apoc dies,

That all depends on the number of people you retain till the end of the raid.


Originally posted by _abraxis_
erm , dint really think they would land even the lvl 50 spec af debuff in sidi tbh =\

Pfft I've seen Gole debuffed by a Necro :)

Wasnt mine tho :(


Originally posted by Restart
The problem with Necro's isn't that there dmg is bad or debuff's is bad, it's the fact that none of it ever hits :/ constantly resisted because the pet is lvl 44, so it counts as a lvl 44 player trying to hit the mobs.... which just means resists nearly all the time.
Nerf necro bugs! :/

Just keep debuffing it'll land sooner or later, if stopped playing my necro cuz I couldnt always land a Debuff I would not be starting my 4th bub of XP at 50.


Might want to rethink this rule:

-No lottoing for items if u already have one, exlcuding rings bracers and dual wield weapons.

Can i suggest you also exclude sidi armour parts. to have a chance at getting a full set this century your going to have to trade parts with other players. the odds on getting a full set from lottoing alone are impossibly high.

as usual I'll be on stinkie(50 thuerg) and lotting for jellybaby(50 infil)

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