Sidi Raid Saturday 20th September



Sticky please

Saturday 1pm English (BST) time / 2pm cet time

For those who cba to read because you think it's all the same, there are some different rules in here

Hosted by me, Aligro.

First off... i would like to state the major differences between mine and Falcor's rules,

1. There is no RR5+ only rule bollox
2. Only players of level 48 and above may lotto for weapons
3. There is no preclaiming

Standard raid rules:
-Anon off please.
-Going afk for long periods of time will be penalised with a warning** and more is afkness is persistant
-Patience is needed. Certain parts of the raid are simple zergs. Others require a little more time and technique, the more patient and cooperative people are, the quicker these bits go.
-Drops should be given to me as soon as they are dropped. Sooner I have them, sooner raid progresses.
-Make sure you are in the CG from when we enter sidi.... i will take a screenshot of the CG listing and if you are not on that list and no-one can vouch for your presence on the raid then you will not recieve an item if you win it in the lottory
-Players will do as they are told at all times, if i have to ask more than once for you to do something and you still do not co-operate, a warning** will be given.
-Understand that leading whilst answering numerous private messages means that things have to slow down, try to make sure that all necessary pm's take place before the raid starts
-Excessive spamage of the main chat band is forbidden

**3 warnings mean a ban from lotto

Lotto rules:

-Lotto for respec stones will be first, if u roll for a stone u cannot roll for other drops, this is so all stones get used and not sold on.
-One item per person, need before greed, expect to see no one selling stuff straight after raid on trade forums....
-Where possible items will go to ppl who have most suitable spec.
-Min lvl for entering lotto is 45.
-Min lvl for lotto of weapons is 48
-Players may only bid on an item if their class and spec can use it. There is one exception to this rule, and that is Sidi Armour. Since the goal is to gather a full suit of this armour. Having said this, armour which is not part of the full Sidi suit depends on spec.
-Apoc neckies will go to those with full suits of sidi armour, any with full set should pm me before the raid to make an arangement
-If you desperately(MUST BE DESPERATE NEED, A LOT OF PPL NOW LEAVING CUZ THEY CANT BE BOTHERED TO STAY FOR ONE ITEM, NOT AN EXCUSE) need to leave before the lotto, you may get someone else to represent you in the lotto. However, he will only be able to bid on drops which dropped before you left, and you must pm me when you leave saying who shall be bidding for you.
-U may only lotto for weapon dye IF u have a Sidi weapon
-Group friendly classes may bring their group friendly class and roll for a lvl50 alt. Current list of group friendly classes....
-Clerics(ABOVE ALL)
-Ice wizards
-Theurgists(pet spam important)
-Minimum level of the group friendly class you take is 45
-Minimum level of the alt you lotto for is 50
If ppl wish to do this they MUST pm and tell me BEFORE we enter SIDI
-There will be no RR5+ only rule on apoc weapons, this is because it is petti and pointless... the .3 of extra dps is equal to the amount of DPS lost when you lose 1% condition on a masterpiece weapon. How many of you can honestly say you run around with a 100% condition sword all of the time, i doubt there is many. Falcor goes on about the speed of the weapon, i highly doubt that this would effect the damage output significantly enough to justify that RR4 or below who help kill apocalypse can't have the weapon.


I hope everyone will have a good raid and that there will be lots of rewards for your efforts to go around.

Thanks, Aligro


Wonder how long it'll be before Falcor complains of you copy and pasteing "his" rules :D


I imagine, and indeed expect, that neither Falcor nor anyone else really gives a fuck whether any or all of the text here or elsewhere was copied from somewhere else tbh.

Now stop stirring. ;)


Originally posted by old.Ramas
I imagine, and indeed expect, that neither Falcor nor anyone else really gives a fuck whether any or all of the text here or elsewhere was copied from somewhere else tbh.

Now stop stirring. ;)

I thought you were being serious for a few seconds :D


You might wanna add a rule about the apoc specific necklaces.


Originally posted by Keogh
Wonder how long it'll be before Falcor complains of you copy and pasteing "his" rules :D

Whos rules? :p

Surround Sound

Was fun last time, will try to be there again. :)


tbh the lvl 48 rule so thay can lotto for weapons sucks , it gives less chances for ppl that are lvl 50 like me (; to get items


better 48 than 45..... tbh anyone hwo is level 48 would most likely be aiming to get to 50 in the near future


Originally posted by asillan-zipi-2
tbh the lvl 48 rule so thay can lotto for weapons sucks , it gives less chances for ppl that are lvl 50 like me (; to get items

I dislike any rules that aren't level 50 and _exactly_ RR4L4 for mecr drops and 50/RR3L0 for wizard drops myself :)


I dislike any rules that aren't level 50 and _exactly_ RR4L4 for mecr drops and 50/RR3L0 for wizard drops myself




if a lvl48 reaver ended up with the reaver sidi vest i WOULD BE SO FUCKING PISSEED OFF!


just a stupid question.... why are Ice wizzies above theugists ??

I got boath chars.....

Ice wizzies are good in the start of the raid, when u just go a bit down, I almost don´t have a chance for a pbaoe to hit the taget....

theugists with RP / potions can easyly make 15 pets on bosses and hard mobs.... ie 15 attackers....

well if anyone can anwaser me I would be happy :D


Originally posted by samildanachh
if a lvl48 reaver ended up with the reaver sidi vest i WOULD BE SO FUCKING PISSEED OFF!

if anyone other than yourself.... etc. etc.

level 48 is a drakoran-fart from 50 :p


According to these rules a lvl 45 reaver could get the reaver chest sidi armor, lvl 48+ is weapons only.

I would be equally annoyed if a lvl 45 sorc got the sorc robe :)

just a stupid question.... why are Ice wizzies above theugists ??
When enough people are hitting a mob the chance your nuke is resisted drops, last raid i was nuking mobs for 300+ dmg with my spirit nuke, I imagine pbae could do 500+ with enough people hitting the mobs. Dunoo if ice wiz is better than theurg though.


Originally posted by hotrat
According to these rules a lvl 45 reaver could get the reaver chest sidi armor, lvl 48+ is weapons only.

I would be equally annoyed if a lvl 45 sorc got the sorc robe :)

When enough people are hitting a mob the chance your nuke is resisted drops, last raid i was nuking mobs for 300+ dmg with my spirit nuke, I imagine pbae could do 500+ with enough people hitting the mobs. Dunoo if ice wiz is better than theurg though.

well imo
it should be:
ice pimps
necros to af debuff

or maybe change necro with wizzie ? cuz if taht AF debuff lands the mob goes down like a wizzie in emain...


thanks for link dude i had no idea of the new link


i bet aligro's rule for apoc weapons will change if he ever dings rr5 xD


Now alot of people are getting full sidi sets, it's kinda usefull to know what the rules are about Apoc specific necklaces, my rule would be:
Before raid, tell the raid leader which one of the 6 necklaces you would want if it drops. End regen, power regen, health regen, qui/dex buff, str/con buff or ablative buff.
When one drops, it will be lottoed between the people who wanted that one. So people will only get one if they are also actualy using it.



I hate to say this, but good point old.Zeikerd. I would myself add, that if a neckie did drop, the people who did PM the RL can not lotto on any other drops. (it will involve like 2 or 3 people at max).


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