Sidi raid Sat 21st June



dont be a silly muffin u cant do free for all items first, who is gonna lotto for one if they loose chance at a bit of armour or a weapon? as for stats, TBH there is a site with nearly ALL drops on it, if ppl want drops they should remember what drops for there class, i lead raid, i dont think im asking too much for u to take 10 mins to look at stats of drops u coudl want to lotto for, get some self responsibilty :)


Originally posted by Falcor
dont be a silly muffin u cant do free for all items first, who is gonna lotto for one if they loose chance at a bit of armour or a weapon? as for stats, TBH there is a site with nearly ALL drops on it, if ppl want drops they should remember what drops for there class, i lead raid, i dont think im asking too much for u to take 10 mins to look at stats of drops u coudl want to lotto for, get some self responsibilty :)

Dammit, i dont have time, and make me some pie b**** ;)


As much as I disagreed with Aligro's pre-claiming (and as unlikely as I am to go on one of his raids) Falcor muscling in on the Saturday spot seems a bit rude - take it in turns or something.

That or feck off so I can have a saturday sidi raid :p


As regards the lotto - I'd suggest that whomever is the drop holding person start making macros as they recieve the drops.

eg. typical cleric drop....
/macro wdrop1 /c Hammer of Pointlessness. Cleric only. +10 worthless-melee-skill; +20 Power; +10 Empathy; +1 useful stat.

(I could swear that all cleric drops in this game are designed by a blind camel throwing darts at a list of the most pointless attributes available)

Personally I'm happy with descriptions like...

"It's a cleric hat. If you are a cleric it is good. Now do /random 100 if you are a cleric and stfu."

But we all know that won't satisfy many people. And that those many people will slow the lotto down (though they will probably decide to do so anyway by debating things such as the size of the lotto circle and precisely how much slash spec you need to use the "sword of swishyness" effectively).

Also, imho the lotto order should go....

1) Armour
2) Weapons
3) Junk
4) Sub-Junk items (eg weapon dyes and ablative charges)

But definitely put the class specific stuff up front.

Barring that - just do the items that I want first. That should suit everyone. (Everyone being, in this case, me.) ;)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
As much as I disagreed with Aligro's pre-claiming (and as unlikely as I am to go on one of his raids) Falcor muscling in on the Saturday spot seems a bit rude - take it in turns or something.

That or feck off so I can have a saturday sidi raid :p

lol muscling in how? i do a post every week and do a raid, out ofthe goodness of my heart, some ppl are never happy :/

No wonder so few ppl do things for albion considering the lack of gratitude some(not all) people show

As for lotto, i do it in order of weapons chest pieces armour jewls junk, cuz this is the way most ppl seem to want it, and tbh i think this is the order of importance of the sidi stuff, as for giving stats on everything, forget the macro idea, no way i got time to make 30 macros for every drop, i will give stats if i need to, on important drops like bane etc, however dont think stats on armour is needed unless ppl ask, and ppl can simply ask if they want(pm me give stats please) i give stats on all jewlery, and only the odd weapon such as reaver thrusters/slashers that i dont give stats on, or drops like crush poles that no one wants


Most people know the stats on most of sidi items anyway, if they have read This.

Also Aligro won't need to do anymore raids now as he has his lovely WWS. Even though he did say that he would continue to do raids even after he has won it :p

imo Falcor AND Aligro should BOTH do a raid every week if possible. Just one do Saturday one do Sunday and alternate, if Aligro still wants to do a raid. This would mean maximum number of raids for albion and maximum number of drops and thus maximum chance of eventually getting a full set of sidi armour then someone can actually use the necky.


As for lotto, i do it in order of weapons chest pieces armour jewls junk, cuz this is the way most ppl seem to want it, and tbh i think this is the order of importance of the sidi stuff, as for giving stats on everything, forget the macro idea, no way i got time to make 30 macros for every drop, i will give stats if i need to, on important drops like bane etc, however dont think stats on armour is needed unless ppl ask, and ppl can simply ask if they want(pm me give stats please)

Fair enough.

Though the macro thing would of course require someone who isn't leading the raid to be collecting drops.


daws, sunday is always taken with dragon/ogres might etc etc so not fair to do one then


Ahh yeh. But sidi raids are early... start 1pm usually over by 5-6ish, dragon raids don't start until 7-8ish do they? Or do they start them earlier? You could arrange it so people could go to all of them should they so wish.


Originally posted by Falcor
lol muscling in how? i do a post every week and do a raid, out ofthe goodness of my heart, some ppl are never happy :/

You post on BW before Aligro does... and he posts that he wanted to do one - seems more fair to play it "turn about" rather than "first to post"... I guess he could just post earlier... but where does that end? 4 weeks in advance claims on Sidi? :)


Currently the record is 9 days.

So I think people are worrying themselves unneccessarily over 'raids claimed months in advance'.

And tbh, who gives a damn who runs the raid so long if they are running the same lotto rules and are all basically competent?


You're doing a good job Falcor :great:

Indeed you should arrange to take turns for sidi probably, but let's not flame the raid organisers... takes lots of energy to organise this kinda stuff.


Maybe one day,we all forget all our old grudges,and Aligro and Falcor could do raids (without pre-claiming) together :fluffle:


Great raid - many thanks to Falcor for his uber pullilng skills.

Shame the drops weren't the best we've seen, but hey, you can't win them all.

(Died at apoc btw)


Originally posted by dimerian
Aligro and Falcor could do raids (without pre-claiming) together :fluffle:
Flap Oink Flap Oink

Perhaps? :p


tbh, if Falcor is going to pull like he did today - then I don't give a rats ass who is organsing with whom - so long as Falcor pulls.

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