sidi raid rules 03/01/04



Caer Sidi Raid.

3rd Jan 2004 1pm departure from FT Gwyntell
Organisers: Dreads, MIB666, Serenu.

The purpose of this raid is to acquire a Thurg Staff and a Reaver Flex weapon. All other drops will be Lotto'ed as usual following the guidelines below.

Leaving from FT gwyntell at 1.00pm PROMPT. Late comers will have to catch up if they can. Please be in groups and ready to move by this time.

Raid rules:
-Anon off is a must as screenies of the /who sidi list will be taken at some point in the raid.
-AFK checks will take place and persistent AFK-ness will be penalised
-Patience is needed. Certain parts of the raid are simple zergs. Others require a little more time and technique, the more patient and cooperative people are, the quicker these bits go.
-Drops should be given to the designated drop carrier as soon as they are dropped.
-It is hoped players will do as they are told at all times, persistent un co-operatative behaviour will be penalised.
-If you are lottoing for a group friendly alt the organisers must be aware of this prior to entering sidi.
-Excessive spamage of the main chat band is forbidden and Group Leader Only cg may be in effect at some points in the raid if necessary.

**3 warnings for unco-operative behaviour will mean a ban from lotto

Lotto rules:

-Lotto for respec stones will be first, if u roll for a stone u cannot roll for other drops, this is so all stones get used and not sold on.
-One item per person, need before greed.
-Where possible items will go to ppl who have most suitable spec.
-Min lvl for entering respec stone is 50
-Min lvl for lotto of items is 50 (RR has no relevence)
-Players may only lotto on an item if their class and spec can use it (or the class and spec of the pre-arranged alt).
-Apoc neckies will go to those with full suits of sidi armour, any with full set should pm the organisers prior to the raid to make an arrangement.
-You may only lotto for weapon dye IF u have a Sidi weapon plz bring it with you.

IMPORTANT: ALL unclaimed drops:
(I.E. Drops which have no suitable player to claim OR Leftover drops when all attendees of a particular class have claimed)
These Will be auctioned on BW and the proceeds distributed to be used for REALM DEFENCE (Excaliber Doors etc)

-Group friendly classes may bring their group friendly class and roll for a lvl50 alt. Current list of group friendly classes....
-Clerics(ABOVE ALL)
-Minimum level of the alt you lotto for is 50
-If ppl wish to do this they MUST pm and tell the raid organisers BEFORE we enter SIDI

DO NOT BIND AT GWYNTELL LOTTO WILL BE AT GOTHWAITE HARBOUR or APOC starting 15 mins after the raid is over. The lotto will not be held up for horse rides from CS etc..


unlocking this thread so people can discuss it here and not clog up the sidi notification sheet.

The purpose of this raid is to acquire a Thurg Staff and a Reaver Flex weapon. All other drops will be Lotto'ed as usual following the guidelines below.

the most interesting part of the rules there in my opinion...


Its his raid, he can therefore use whatever rules he wants to, no one is being forced to go.

However it is unfair specially to any other theurgists or reavers who might want the drops.


its not unfair cos hes stating it in advance, if your going on the raid in the hopes of getting one of these particular drops then this raid isnt for you.



what flex wep? theres like 4 flex weps in sidi?


Originally posted by K0nah
its not unfair cos hes stating it in advance, if your going on the raid in the hopes of getting one of these particular drops then this raid isnt for you.


indeed - just thought I'd highlight it so people know :)

dreads - can you make sure it's abundantly clear in the cg before the raid starts too? otherwise I'll have to mod lots of flames :p


Originally posted by necrofill
is time gmt or cet?

Well as he's from the UK, it's a UK server and we are in GMT at the moment...I wonder? :)


Originally posted by Danamyr
Well as he's from the UK, it's a UK server and we are in GMT at the moment...I wonder? :)

Is it considered a UK server or just English Language?


Originally posted by Danamyr
Well as he's from the UK, it's a UK server and we are in GMT at the moment...I wonder? :)

How should we now he is from the UK? And as far as i know it's not a UK server, but a server with the English language. And you are in GMT maybe, but lots of others are in CET...

So not a strange question, i would like to hear the answer...


Word of warning, Lich lord ilron is bugged and has disappeared, if he hasn't repopped by time you get onto the raid, you could have a very short raid on your hands.


can get around ilron if yer not a small raid - gtaoe dorinakka out of his closet :)


Originally posted by Danamyr
Well as he's from the UK, it's a UK server and we are in GMT at the moment...I wonder? :)

It's a GoA (CET) server which uses English language.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
can get around ilron if yer not a small raid - gtaoe dorinakka out of his closet :)

aye but apoc room wont open without all 10 keys dead will it?


Originally posted by NightyP
what is the name of the flex drop???

he said he wanted to acquire 'a' reaver flex weapon so i presume he'll take any one that drops...


hmm...screw that then ;) flex weps drop once in a blue moon.


Ilron was still bugged last night, but you can still open the Warlords door, so I assume rather then lost he has just failed to spawn or something.

Warlord needs a big nerf btw.

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