Sidi Booking pants - and whines afterwards

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Originally posted by quinthar
I do not and will not speak for my current guild when I say this, but if I got to somewhere like Sidi I wont be looking at a booking sheet wtf should I?

There is a shed loada people on the server and I dont recall people here campaigning every single one of them, or contacting every guild leader to advising them that a bunch of drop hunting tarts want to regulate sidi....

I'm sorry but get a life, perhaps we should have a Wizard Lichas booking form, perhaps we should have a Keh booking form or a DF form or dragon form + numerous others.

You all want the leet drops, frankly I dont give a rats about it, if I go somewhere its for fun, maybe you wannabe government types can pass some rules about camping spots and perhaps having parking meters at well known camping spots.

Ah, you wont bother because it doesnt afect you or *YOU* feel its an insignificant issue, well think about other people for a change, I used to frequently go to sidi area also on route to legion and I dont recall any of the 5-6FG's that ploughed past us in the middle of a pull causing some of us to die through lag giving a shit.

So tell me why the silient majority should give a rats about you lot??

Ahh fuck it , i was gonna reply to this , with a strong reason why ppl like u should FOAD when it comes to acknowledging other ppl in-game and how your the same scum as LoMOULD - but i really can't be arsed now. Other ppl have given their pros and cons, and thats enuff for me; besides they have done a better job of ridiculing you both.



This forum is about as offical DAoC Excalibur/Albion forum as you can get (even GOA links from their website to here) So every player on this realm and server should read these forums. If you dont its your own fault, not the peoples that do read these forums.


Originally posted by infernalwrath
claiming is forbiten by coc
booking sheet claims sidi for the whole day for ppl who decide they want it like 20 -25 days earlier ...
bring me evidence that booking sheet is accepted by coc,goa or mythic.. untill tehn i will see that time i will do the sidi raids cause i dont want to spoil other ppls raid despite the fact that they claim a dungeon for a day
Contain in the booking sheet large sidi raids and not 6 ppl raids imho

You know I missed the bit where I wrote


on the booking sheet... can someone point it out to me I can't quite see where it is....


Originally posted by quinthar
I would dearly love to see the BW unique usernames that frequently access DAOC forums I seriously doubt that 18,000/3 people access them from the Xcal server, by a quick straw pole I would suspect that fewer than 100-200 from Alb/Exc access them.

My point here was to suggest that people should not simply EXPECT others to do as they wish.

Why is it funny me calling you small minded? you claim that its a "simple fact that the majority do" I'm sorry but thats utter horse shit and you know it.

Tell you what, I'll pull 20 names at random doing a /who ab on daoc and see if they read BW shall we? Are you a gambling man?

A quick check of the sidi booking thread reveals less than 3700 views, not even half of potential Xcal readership, on top of that I doubt very much whether the views that are listed are Xcal/Alb AND are unique.

I was going to credit this silly little person with a reply, but then Raewyn already did a perfectly good job of it for me.

This forum is about as offical DAoC Excalibur/Albion forum as you can get (even GOA links from their website to here) So every player on this realm and server should read these forums. If you dont its your own fault, not the peoples that do read these forums.

Now kindly go away, nobody likes you.


Originally posted by quinthar
I would dearly love to see the BW unique usernames that frequently access DAOC forums I seriously doubt that 18,000/3 people access them from the Xcal server, by a quick straw pole I would suspect that fewer than 100-200 from Alb/Exc access them.

My point here was to suggest that people should not simply EXPECT others to do as they wish.

Why is it funny me calling you small minded? you claim that its a "simple fact that the majority do" I'm sorry but thats utter horse shit and you know it.

Tell you what, I'll pull 20 names at random doing a /who ab on daoc and see if they read BW shall we? Are you a gambling man?

A quick check of the sidi booking thread reveals less than 3700 views, not even half of potential Xcal readership, on top of that I doubt very much whether the views that are listed are Xcal/Alb AND are unique.

Thats uther BS, there are no where near 6000 players on alb/excal that can actualy partake in a sidi raid.
Second of all if you get 8 ppl to do a sidi raid its a good bet one of em know about the booking thread.


it's a bloody advisory that a raid is planned on that day, which, considering the repop times in sidi, is a damn good idea.
I do NOT feel that someone should be flamed for turning up if they did not know there was a raid going ahead.
I DO feel that anyone who knows there is a raid on that day and still goes ahead with one of their own is most likely out to cause trouble, usually it's quite easy to tell if someone genuinely doesn't know, as they will usually be quite reasonable, if addressed correctly.
it's a good idea imho, and one that should certainly stay. though as many have said, posting the time of the raid aswell would be a good idea


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
You know I missed the bit where I wrote


on the booking sheet... can someone point it out to me I can't quite see where it is....
nope but u givf ppl the rigth to pm u saying ... : sidi is booked for me and my 6 ppl team today so plz hand over all drops and leave it .
Thats claiming imho
PS not talking about many ppl sidi raids. When a big sidi raid is organised EVERYONE SHOULD RESPECT IT and booking sheet should contain only this kind of raids imho
PS 2 I try to have a mature and constructive discusion with u about the booking sheet . Plz dont be ironic with me if u dont want to discus about it just say so


Booking sheet is maybe the wrong way to describe it, think of it more as a notification sheet.

Basically saying to ppl we'll be doing a raid on <insert date here>, noone can stop you going to Sidi as well and if it's a focus pulling fg that's on the sheet then there's no reason you can't go in to a different part of the dungeon and pull. If it's a full blown multiple group raid, again there's nothing to stop you going at the same time except maybe common courtesy, then it would be cool if ppl respected that they're gonna *probably* get to apoc and won't appreciate Sidi repopping on them halfway through.

And to the ppl who use the *it's a dungeon, just like any other so stop whining about it* excuse, YES it is a dungeon, but NO it is NOT like any other dungeon. When the 1st keylord goes down there is ~8 hour respawn, at which point the entire dungeon repops regardless of what mobs are still to be killed.


I'm sure (most) of the 1fg lot will be happy to share the dungeon if you talk to them about it (rather than storming in and stealing mobs from in front of them ;))

depends what they have planned really.


Originally posted by syri
it's a bloody advisory that a raid is planned on that day, which, considering the repop times in sidi, is a damn good idea.
I do NOT feel that someone should be flamed for turning up if they did not know there was a raid going ahead.
I DO feel that anyone who knows there is a raid on that day and still goes ahead with one of their own is most likely out to cause trouble, usually it's quite easy to tell if someone genuinely doesn't know, as they will usually be quite reasonable, if addressed correctly.
it's a good idea imho, and one that should certainly stay. though as many have said, posting the time of the raid aswell would be a good idea

There you have it.

Summed up it's about using your common sense and showing a little consideration and politeness all round. Now't more or less than that.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
I'm sure (most) of the 1fg lot will be happy to share the dungeon if you talk to them about it (rather than storming in and stealing mobs from in front of them ;))

depends what they have planned really.
most 6 ppl raids can kill 2 mobs who drop good loot sacrifast and crypt lord .When u are doing a raid and another fg comes after 6 hours and tell u givf teh drops sidi is our today cause of the booking sheet its not sharing :)
anyways fg raid can kill 2 bigg mobs and nothing else so sharing its not posible imho


Originally posted by infernalwrath
most 6 ppl raids can kill 2 mobs who drop good loot sacrifast and crypt lord .When u are doing a raid and another fg comes after 6 hours and tell u givf teh drops sidi is our today cause of the booking sheet its not sharing :)
anyways fg raid can kill 2 bigg mobs and nothing else so sharing its not posible imho

has this happened to you? :)

I believe the only time people were grumbling about drops is when a group pulled the crypt lord right in front of them...

oh and Lizia's raids kill about 5 keylords, with 1fg.

Surely if one group being in there ruins it so much for the other one - arranging times with each other would be better? Say through a public notification (or booking) thread in a fairly well known place?

The sheet is to let people organise things - e.g. "You go in today, we go in tomorrow." to stop people wasting their time organising a Sidi raid only to find the dungeon empty.

Edit: Or maybe you just don't want to share.... is that it? Sidi is yours? :) who's claiming now ;)


Re: Re: Sidi Booking pants - and whines afterwards

Originally posted by tripitaka
Ahh fuck it , i was gonna reply to this , with a strong reason why ppl like u should FOAD when it comes to acknowledging other ppl in-game and how your the same scum as LoMOULD - but i really can't be arsed now. Other ppl have given their pros and cons, and thats enuff for me; besides they have done a better job of ridiculing you both.


Nice reply for a moron, not. Next time engage your infantile brain before composing such utter diatribe or perhaps you did already, I'd give money to see you actually try to think about something..

As for people ridiculing others , how about you address the issues instead of hiding behind somebody elses thoughts and ideas, you cant or wont becasue you dont have any, you simply reiterate what you deem to be the right people. Well, in this case your wrong, the Sidi list is not the b all and end all, it is simply a mechanism for people that read these forums, to slag off others that dare to go to a public/free to air dungeon at the wrong time..

When you can construct an argument come back, till then go back to your rock from whence you came.


Originally posted by .Raewyn
This forum is about as offical DAoC Excalibur/Albion forum as you can get (even GOA links from their website to here) So every player on this realm and server should read these forums. If you dont its your own fault, not the peoples that do read these forums.

You are joking right?

You expect everybody to follow every link in the "Links" section and comprehend them all and to read every single thread???



Originally posted by quinthar
You are joking right?

You expect everybody to follow every link in the "Links" section and comprehend them all and to read every single thread???


Agree :) What if you cant read? :p


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
You know I missed the bit where I wrote


on the booking sheet... can someone point it out to me I can't quite see where it is....

As it happened where the small guild + others were in Sidi and the bigger guild came along claiming it had booked it, I decided to check the list, it wasnt even booked that night (Assuming I was told the right night in question) so your list is already being thrown at people.

Whether that was the intention or not it has been used that way.


Originally posted by Kagato.
I was going to credit this silly little person with a reply, but then Raewyn already did a perfectly good job of it for me.

Now kindly go away, nobody likes you.

You know what, I dont give a rats whether you like me or not, I'm stating a fact and you dont like it, I still have no interest in going to Sidi even tho I possess the classes to do so, perhaps you were all under the miguided belief that I wanted it for myself?

I have nothing to lose or gain from this thread, I have stated a fact and you lot dont like it, I dotn have a Sidi drop nor do I wish to have one.

Perhaps Sidi should have no drops accept at Apoc, you still have to do the key mobs to get in, but that would not suit the majority of groups that "Book it" would it, it would certainly remove the drop whores from it tho and allow the raid minding people to continue...

And I go back to what I said originally, you have a booking sheet for Sidi you make one for TG and TK, I wodner how many people would claim not to read BW then.... or would anybody actualyl bother to respect it....

Than again dont bother because you cannot "Claim" a spot in daoc can you...


Well, I've seen people try to legitamise "claiming spots", I've seen idiots like glottis post rubbish, Ive seen some interesting posts from Flim and some waffle too it has to be said, Ive seen Aussie try to do a postcount badly.

My point remains:

"People should not simply EXPECT others to do as they wish."

This is in a post in this thread. Flim stated in another thread slightly lower in tone that he has said here, you cant blame people that go to Sidi without looking at the booking sheet, and I agree with that, yet the constant whines here kinda disputes that and the attitude of others when they find people in there leaves a lot to be desiried.
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