sick of the lot of you ALBS/MIDS/HIBS!!!



There now guys please all calm down... i'm very tired... been up early today

albs = pwned! :-Þ


Originally posted by balthus
lol gimp the game i aint bothered about,when a 12 yr old dweeb bitches me personaly from the safety of his bedroom,then i geta little annoyed,but ahh well so b it :)

Hmmm... Now I begin to feel all offended and stuff...

Calm down... It's just a game... Personally I think you are crap, and should be get rid of. But that's my opinion.


How did the relic retake go this aftrnoon btw?


Originally posted by balthus
How did the relic retake go this aftrnoon btw?
Crashed the server, Midgard only had 1 keep left hope the server comes back up soon otherwise we won't be able to take the last keep :(


Bah! No flame for me on Balthus's last post :(


ahhh i wondered how i got ld with a broadband con,i had to go after i went ld,but to be fair i dont think you would have got the relics at that time,all the keeps yes,relics no,ive never seen such a mobilisation of mids in the 2yrs ive played the game.I think (not sure) that there were enuff ppl defending to have held out at relic keeps,but could be wrong,shame server went down would have ben gr8 fun win or lose.


lol fang im playing with y m8 to see how long u kept replying,just waiting for a game to instal so i can play summat,GOA fix the server u goons :( no hard feelings m8 ;)


2b fair as some1 stated earlier ive never had to have the hassle of doing a RR so i prob cant see the point of view of ppl in here whining just gets boring after a bit but baldurs gate2 has just reinstalled,aint played it in ages think ill have a bash.


Originally posted by - Fedaykin -
tbh your getting abusive now

and maybe when you go rvr seriously you can appreciate the effort herbal and Lac put into primetime raids which was undone earlier today with an alarm clock manouvre.

And, of course, the Mids and Hibs that have done the same thing. Much as I always took the piss out of Ardamel, the guy worked hard at creating his plans.

Now all that's over. No one is going to bother going to the effort to organise a prime time raid, when they know that someone will alarmclock them back by the next morning. That means the majority of players will NEVER get to take part in a relic raid.

And that's what it's all about - by starting the alarmclock wars again, those responsible have taken part of the fun out of the game for a lot of people.


Originally posted by old.Nol
Infils are part of the game, and you whine like someone parked a combine harvester up your bum about them...

And what exactly has that to do with relic raids? Every realm can do a morning RR... not every realm can create an infil ;)


Originally posted by nalistah
ROFLMAO at that so called 'agreement'. People play how they want. And no, i did not participate in the RR. But dont whine at what time of the day a realm decide to make a relic raid.
When a fg gets run over by 2fg, then everyone comes here to whine for a fair fight, crying for zerg... is this your idea of fairness?

Originally posted by balthus
Noooo im sorry an issue is the breaking of a cease fire in the garza strip,or Ireland,this is just a game where nobody is ever going to be able to control what others do even if they disagree or not.
So just because it's a game, you shouldn't even try?


Originally posted by balthus
Lol Fang u sad twat you cant say anything with a bit of thought behind it so u make a personal attack on a person u dont know,as stated in a previous post of mine...GROW UP!!!
do you appreciate the irony of your posts?

would almost be good for a laugh if it wasn't so pathetic


Yawn go away if u not moaning about stuff,educational posts on irony not wanted,you sound like a uni prof ;)


Originally posted by Gordonax
And, of course, the Mids and Hibs that have done the same thing. Much as I always took the piss out of Ardamel, the guy worked hard at creating his plans.

Now all that's over. No one is going to bother going to the effort to organise a prime time raid, when they know that someone will alarmclock them back by the next morning. That means the majority of players will NEVER get to take part in a relic raid.

If the servers could handle it, i'd rather go on a peak-time rr for the fun of it... If its been fun, it doesn't really matter what the next morning brings imo. So, I hope and think we'll still see some prime timers in the future.

Ardamel already said he'll keep trying prime time, so at least theres still hope for some future figh.. server crashes :)


Guys as u say its just a game - Maybe itd be better if every1 kept to being enemies in-game only? :) just my opinion hehe, but surely the players behind the mid and alb chars cant have completely contrasting personalities :p (well its possible but kinda unlikely) Yeess it was unfair that mids launched relic raid at 7am and dont feel "guilty" about it, but if thats how the people who participated in the raid want to be then let them. They missed out on the respect of Alb by doing it yes, but it may not matter to the mids on the raid.In turn, the albs who join in with prime time relic raids in future can be happy knowing they didnt go against their own moral values and were showing the 7am mids that there are fairer ways of taking relics :] But u cant force morals on ppl in a game believe it or not :p


Wow some1 talking sensibly,wot u doing here,u do know your on BW dont you

/clap fwapp


Originally posted by jaapi
When a fg gets run over by 2fg, then everyone comes here to whine for a fair fight, crying for zerg... is this your idea of fairness?

And i bet your idea of fairness is to RR a realm with a 600-700ppl zergsquad, against ~250-300 defenders?



Originally posted by nalistah
And what exactly has that to do with relic raids? Every realm can do a morning RR... not every realm can create an infil ;)
No but every realm has at least one overpowered class, of which the char you play used to be one.

Since your char got nerfed you're all tears and sorrow, prior to that you were hard and skilled.

Point is, don't complain about whine when you are one of the largest contributors.


Originally posted by balthus
Yawn go away if u not moaning about stuff,educational posts on irony not wanted,you sound like a uni prof ;)

i'll go away now :(


the way u all goin on is as if you moms been raped by next doors dog and you now got a little brother that looks like snoopy.

hilarious :great:


Originally posted by nalistah
And i bet your idea of fairness is to RR a realm with a 600-700ppl zergsquad, against ~250-300 defenders?


Albs last raid had 200 attackers on mjollner itsel and mids bought 1fg to try and wipe them out.....that sums up why mids lost the relics. Albs were SEEN logging out yet mids chose to ignore it.


Originally posted by -fwapp-
just my opinion hehe, but surely the players behind the mid and alb chars cant have completely contrasting personalities :p

This is not the first time things like this are mentioned...
everyone do your best to stop this kind of heretical speech, it's spreading and it is the most dangerous enemy of all.

We must all unite (each realm for itself that is) to stop this kind of talk it's influencing our children next thing you know Albs, Mids and Hibs will be huging and kissing if we allow it to continue.

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