Sibah -scout adder


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
Nichii said:
he's a lamer scout and a noob adder would take him with a level 5 mage in meele.... nuffsaid

beside's i use bridge's terrain too, nothign wrong with that, even inf zerg's is common, but most lame thing in bg1 is deffinately shooting ppl from CK as a scout.

i respect almost all other ppl in bg1 but scouts who add or even shoot realm-enemies from CK...

You're a twat really.

As said scouts shooting from CK isn't really lame, aren't hunters/rangers lame aswell if hey do the same thing then? not imo THEY ARE USING THE TERRAIN ADVANTAGES. yes it may be annoying but learn to live with it, or you won't manage leirvik or bigboy RvR.

Yes i'm an alb and i got an scout. but the truth to be told is the scouts best advantage is its range, and i for one would choose to get that extra 10% range firing from higher ground.

about adding, yes i dislike adding, but some people add. Some do it with good reason, some don't it's another thing you'll have to learn to cope with.

So conclusion if i got this right all scouts that shoot from ck are bastarts, but when an ranger or hunter does it it is good?


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
Last night I got added on by every friggin scout and hunter in thid at some point.

This is lame enough but the guy Nichi is on about NEVER left CK walls which is even more lame imho.



Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
I'm gonna have to try this fictional tactic of 'adding' i want a FH topic on me :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
GrafenburgMerc said:
Last night I got added on by every friggin scout and hunter in thid at some point.

This is lame enough but the guy Nichi is on about NEVER left CK walls which is even more lame imho.




Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Demon2k3 said:
aren't hunters/rangers lame aswell if hey do the same thing then?

yes they are, but i dont fight ranger's and i haven't seen a hunter do it yet.

Demon2k3 said:
So conclusion if i got this right all scouts that shoot from ck are bastarts, but when an ranger or hunter does it it is good?

nice way to repeat ureself rly, ill make it clear, all scouts/rangers and hunter's who shoot ppl from CK wall and add on fights from ck wall are lamers.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2005
I still cant get all this stuff some sort of "ettiquete" about not adding or people duelling.

Its a bg where chaos reigns. This building up of a rep so that many people simply just wont attack you but will attack someone else who is not one of the group sort of defeats the whole purpose of the place imo.

If there are gonna be duels would it not be best to keep them in a 'designated' area so that every1 knows whats going on there rather than the bridges etc and leave the rest of thid to others who just want to enjoy the mayhem of mass battles?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
lol so sad when ppl start crying about adds in bg (the n00b rvr :) )


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
ijm770 said:
I still cant get all this stuff some sort of "ettiquete" about not adding or people duelling.

Its a bg where chaos reigns. This building up of a rep so that many people simply just wont attack you but will attack someone else who is not one of the group sort of defeats the whole purpose of the place imo.

If there are gonna be duels would it not be best to keep them in a 'designated' area so that every1 knows whats going on there rather than the bridges etc and leave the rest of thid to others who just want to enjoy the mayhem of mass battles?

Over time a sort of ettiquete has built up in thid. Blokkie is a fine example, its rare anyone attacks him as he is a known dueler.

Adding is generally frowned upon, soloers should be left to solo and not zerged (although its hard to tell) and duelers want to be able to duel.

Mythic should put some kind of duel arena in the game and imho remove ck from thid, perhaps make it like agramon...

Just my opinion though.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
Nichii said:
seriously... can you let ppl fight alone? or does ur retard finger itch too much that u just haft to add on ppl standing on CK wall shooting them between mb-ab or when they fight ppl on ab? ;p

make a polearm tank or a merc or smth so i wont haft to whine about ur incompetent behavior kthx

sibah is in my eyes the best scout going atm,hits hard, been around a long time and is as hard to kill as cancer :p
supposidly a nice guy to but it is tru he does stick an arrow into wat eva moves :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2005
Great to see the love being spread around lately. I must start playing my reaver again if Thid is so active atm. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
TriggerHappy said:
sibah is in my eyes the best scout going atm,hits hard, been around a long time and is as hard to kill as cancer :p
supposidly a nice guy to but it is tru he does stick an arrow into wat eva moves :)

a good scout would take on ppl, even if they come as close as meele and then he'd win, or sometime's loose.

hits hard... well ... duh

if hes so hard to kill, why stand on CK shooting ppl ? affraid of being killed or added on himself?


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Don't go near the CK? It's common knowledge it's camped by people with long range (bolts, theurgists and archers) who will try to damage anything in sight :).

If you want to duel stay on the pk side of the bridges. If you happen to meet someone near the ck, beckon them to follow you out of range of the wall guards. It's not all that hard, to be honest.

People consider me as the example of soloing, but I'd like to add that I have never spoken bad about people because they enjoy a different aspect of the game. Respect goes both ways: if you don't slag them off for doing what they like, they might respect that you enjoy a different aspect and leave you alone next time. Insults won't get you anywhere.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
noblok said:
Don't go near the CK? It's common knowledge it's camped by people with long range (bolts, theurgists and archers) who will try to damage anything in sight :).

If you want to duel stay on the pk side of the bridges. If you happen to meet someone near the ck, beckon them to follow you out of range of the wall guards. It's not all that hard, to be honest.

People consider me as the example of soloing, but I'd like to add that I have never spoken bad about people because they enjoy a different aspect of the game. Respect goes both ways: if you don't slag them off for doing what they like, they might respect that you enjoy a different aspect and leave you alone next time. Insults won't get you anywhere.

Blokkie for president


Jan 22, 2005
noblok said:
Don't go near the CK? It's common knowledge it's camped by people with long range (bolts, theurgists and archers) who will try to damage anything in sight :).

If you want to duel stay on the pk side of the bridges. If you happen to meet someone near the ck, beckon them to follow you out of range of the wall guards. It's not all that hard, to be honest.

People consider me as the example of soloing, but I'd like to add that I have never spoken bad about people because they enjoy a different aspect of the game. Respect goes both ways: if you don't slag them off for doing what they like, they might respect that you enjoy a different aspect and leave you alone next time. Insults won't get you anywhere.

Blokkie read your PMs mate


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Nichii said:
if hes so hard to kill, why stand on CK shooting ppl ? affraid of being killed or added on himself?

Cause people are dumb enough to keep going near ck so he can shoot from saftey :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Sye said:
Cause people are dumb enough to keep going near ck so he can shoot from saftey :)

putting it like that, still make's him a sad person, and several ppl during these 4 page's of forth and back about whine's QQ's me adding sibah adding scouts ranger's hunter's etc, have had several ppl saying that Sibah shoot's anything moving (add's all the time) that he doesn't leave CK wall's cos hes a gimp. :twak:


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
trying for the "thugs" award Nichii?

u made ur point. just leave it at that as u wont make anyone change their mind. trying to work up a flamewar isnt a good idea.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Nichii said:
putting it like that, still make's him a sad person, and several ppl during these 4 page's of forth and back about whine's QQ's me adding sibah adding scouts ranger's hunter's etc, have had several ppl saying that Sibah shoot's anything moving (add's all the time) that he doesn't leave CK wall's cos hes a gimp. :twak:
the only gimp here, is you.. since your still crying about being killed in BG 4 not 1 as you stupidly say in your sig.. Sibah was using the terain he has. What you could've done was getting a treb and make a whole in the wall sneak in and then kill him, instead you're puny brains don't think of that but deside to cry us a river about being killed in a fair way in a battleground


Jan 22, 2005
First it was whining about adding, no you're trying to tell him where to attack you from? Get real mate, a scouts best options are CK/Gates and anyone who had half a clue about the class would know that. Maybe I'll ask him next time to attack you on level ground and at a range of 200 away from you.

If I go by your rule, I have the right to whine about a class using its abilities. So tell me, why do nightshades pop me when I'm away from other albs, thats just so retarded. And why did a runemaster attack me from behind yesturday? Thats so lame. I could go on.

Just play the game and don't be such an idiot because I know you're probably not like that ingame.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Dorimor1 said:
Q to the fucking Q then.

Sibah is a nice guy and he can play how he pleases, who are you to tell him how to play?

Just go away or I'll have to bring out my crush pala.

haha I should have copyrighted my pally spec !


Aug 25, 2005
A mentalist killed me yesterday..

I was one on one with him, and he had to use range to kill me, which was just from my point of view, lame. I cried myself to sleep.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Rhori said:
the only gimp here, is you.. since your still crying about being killed in BG 4 not 1 as you stupidly say in your sig..

Thid was the original BG1, a lot of players still refer to it as BG1 because with /level 20 no one goes to the lower BG's anyway. If you want to argue semantics, go right ahead.


Aug 25, 2005
Tallen said:
Thid was the original BG1, a lot of players still refer to it as BG1 because with /level 20 no one goes to the lower BG's anyway. If you want to argue semantics, go right ahead.

He knows what people mean by the referal to "BG1" and stuff, but it's his choice to correct people.

What the hell is wrong in telling people that they're talking about the wrong BG, especially in an arugement?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Dorimor1 said:
I have a different and better spec to you xD

and that's why I beat you in duel, (strafe:p ) skill overcomes all spec's and stats :sex:


Jan 22, 2005
Toffie said:
and that's why I beat you in duel, (strafe:p ) skill overcomes all spec's and stats :sex:

We all know I would have won. Its just your strafing is so outstandingly good. Smackman just couldn't take it and got in a mood, you're lucky I didn't react in the same way xD

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