[SI] --- *Return to Windows* Problem



Trust me on this 99% of all gamelockups/desktop crashes are hardware/drivers related (I've been working with hardware for more than 10 years now), and has nothing to do with the software. Remember that most playing DAoC/SI have no troubles with it, me incl.

And just because you can play other games, it doesn’t mean anything, different games use different routines etc. and as such affects your PC differently.

All the crash issues I've ever seen have been fixed by updating drivers, replacing ram/motherboard, upgrading power supply, extra cooling, updating bios etc. VERY rarely it is game related (it’s easy to spot software related crash problems, but I wont get into that here). Actually the fact that some people crash to desktop at odd times proves that it's not a software problem.


I think I may have found the solution to some of the problems.

GOA says that if you have 515mb RAM or over there is a known problem with crashing to desktop if you run SI under Win98, Win9SE, WinMe or Win95.

Are all of you using XP? If not I would suggest trying that.

I dont know why you have too much RAM for the game, seems incredibly stupid that they havent tested this and there may be a patch for it in the future.

By the way, when you are talking about VIA chipsets do you mean the motherboard or graphics card?


Motherboards, ViA has a bad history of bugged chipsets for motherboards.. for instance the KTX400 and an ati9700pro dont mix.....


Originally posted by Mortifier
I think I may have found the solution to some of the problems.

GOA says that if you have 515mb RAM or over there is a known problem with crashing to desktop if you run SI under Win98, Win9SE, WinMe or Win95.

Are all of you using XP? If not I would suggest trying that.

I dont know why you have too much RAM for the game, seems incredibly stupid that they havent tested this and there may be a patch for it in the future.

By the way, when you are talking about VIA chipsets do you mean the motherboard or graphics card?

Windows 95/98/ME where never build to use as large amount of ram as we use today.. Remember that windows 9X is a very old OS and all build on the orginial Win95 system.

Windows NT/2000/XP are a entirly different operatiing sysytem, all Built on the NT Core. it has high volume RAM management and a totally different way of handling GFX.

I think Goa is refering to this rather then what your pointing at above..

I would recomend anyone with more then 256 MB of RAM running Win95/98/98SE/ME to upgrade to Win2000 or XP asap.. and not just for Daoc, in general !


Originally posted by agreiloth
Motherboards, ViA has a bad history of bugged chipsets for motherboards.. for instance the KTX400 and an ati9700pro dont mix.....

Cause im so nice...


Finally, I had similar problems with a Radeon 9500 and a GE Force 4 TI4600 (VIA chipset). Nothing worked until I flashed my BIOS - now no problems at all (flashed using the MSI update utility that came with my MBoard).


OK - just to screw u all up...

My set-up:

gigabyte mobo, SIS chipset model number G8SQ800 (not the ultra)
P4 2.8 ghz
1gb memory 2x512mb DDR 400
Win XP pro
Gf 4 ti 4600 128 mb (ASUS card)
DX 9.0a (same problem with DX 8.1) - i have enter the matrix which requires DX 9

And guess what... I get the Crash to desktop problem too.

Either after playing for 10 mins or str8 after connecting to server and going into the GUI.

I have updated Bios drivers, AGP drivers, changed slots for cards, even downloaded nearly every det driver for video that has been released. still no luck. ATM i have lowered my RAM to 333 to see if that helps.

I also find a lot of other games crash, or reboot my machine randomly atm too.

I am about to lower the HW acceleration on DX DIAG to see if that helps and will edit my post shortly.

I too have been working with hardware and software since i was 16 (im now 31) and im out of ideas...

- help appreiciated pls ... (remember its not a via chipset, so im kinda in the dark.)


After I upgraded my PC I had these problems:

- crashing back to desktop after 10 seconds to 10 minutes played.

- random reboots after 10 seconds to 10 minutes.

This happened not only while playing DaoC ( classic and SI), but also in other games.

After doing some research into it, the most recurring advice was:
Is your ram Ok? Does your powersupply deliver enough?

So try less aggressive memory settings, other sticks of ram, another brand maybe. Run a memory check program and see if it finds anything.

A good idea is also check the forums of your motherboard manufacturer or the 3dguru boards for some extra ideas and tips.

My problems were over after I replaced the shitty new ram I had with another brand ram.



Thx for ur advice - ive now 'dumbed down' my 1gb DDR 400 RAM from 400 to 333

(not going out to buy more when its only less than 2 weeks old and bought with the motherboard, as i was told it worked fine with the setup i wanted)

and has become more stable. I'm also running the ASUS geforce 4 ti 4600 43.45 drivers instead of nvidia det drivers, and this helped slightly too.

If i get more fixes , ill also post here again.

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