SI freezes my machine



Since installing SI and the new patches the game is freezing at irregular intervals - sometimes after only a few minutes and sometimes a few hours. The only way out is via the reset switch on the pc.

I have played this game for the last 6 months with absolutely no problems (except the odd ld) and the system is way over the recommended spec.

I'm running it with AMD1800+, 512 Mb RAM, Geforce 4 card, on 98SE.

Last night I downloaded the most up-to-date drivers for the gfx and sound cards and installed DirectX9 - no change.

Is anyone else suffering similar problems?

Does anyone have any advice/solutions??

Please help me - I think I might just cry soon :((((


almost the same prob...

I lose connection to the game everytime i die (which i do a lot as I'm still exerimenting much).

So every time i die, i got win2k, so i just crtl-alt-delete and close the game, and then reconnects in a while.

I got the same comp as u basicly, just the 2000+ amd athlon and have just had the occasional ld's earlier...

Seems to be some rather "nice" bugs with si.



got a similar crashing problem, only way out is via reset switch but the crashes only happen in camp forest, pretty much same machine AXP1800+ 256ddrram gf4 ti4400, a real pain in the arse =/

old.pala hellraiser

Same here mate AMD 2000, Win XP, 384RAM and I could play DAOC fine before as well, now I keep crashing exactly the same and all that works is reset switch.

If you cant think of anything to do (I tried absolutely everything) I went into 'advanced' settings on graphics card and lowered the hardware acceleration slider to 'Disable all cursor and advanced drawing accelerations. Use this to correct drawing problems.'

This gives me a flashing cursor when playing SI but I crash A LOT less than I was.


partial solution

Disabled both ambient sound and ambient music. Also turned down the shadows option.

Hasn't frozen in over 4 hours.

Not a very satisfactory solution given that the new effects are part of the reason you buy the game but at least its going now.

Hope this works for you guys.

If you get a proper solution please post it.

old.pala hellraiser

Its annoying as well that mythics 'Right-Now' has been down most of yesterday and is still down


I remembered i hadnt installed the via 4 in 1 drivers for my motherboard and after that the game hasn't crashed.

But I've only died once since then so it could be pure luck...

[edit] I've played a couple of hours more, a couple of deaths more, no problems. [/edit]


old.pala hellraiser

With my Radeon card I had constant problems of 'freezing' in order to fix it I downloaded Rage 3D tweaker and altered graphics card clock from 277Mhz to 261Mhz I can now play without any problems (graphics card was not overclocked either). This obviously is not the ideal solution, but if any of you like me had tried EVERYTHING then hey won't hurt to try this.


GFX still freezing

Right this is starting to really p me off now.

Rolled back det to version 29 (via everything inbetween) - redone Via 4 in1, tried Dx 8 thru 9 with each variation of det.

Still get the gfx locking-up when out and about in wooded areas (no water around either).

I can run around DF and CS for hours with effects full no problems. Try to get a horse or run through Camp and the gfx freezes 4 times before i get to other side.

WTF is going-on.

Advice/solutions sought urgently please guys.

(Spec is at top of thread)

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