SI 2nd Acc Question



Hello. im trying to find out if i can enable SI on my 2nd account with only one game...

i have already activated SI on my main acc, and im wondering can i registar SI on my 2nd account also without buying myself a new SI? and before anybody screams spy . BOTH my accs are on ALB/EXCAL ..

rason i ask is because when we registar SI it says to input cd-key. and if i tried "not tried yet" to enable SI on my 2nd account i would of thought it would of rejected it saying its already in use by another acc... imo the people who have 2 acc's and want SI on both is a bit silly IF Goa are bascly forcing peope to buy a 2nd SI to enable there 2nd acc , anybody know if it can be done with 1 Si ? or is my 2nd acc doomed not to goto si ? cos there no fuggin chance in hell im buying a 2nd SI :( ....

thnx in advance for all replys :)


Originally posted by -yoda-
imo the people who have 2 acc's and want SI on both is a bit silly IF Goa are bascly forcing peope to buy a 2nd SI to enable there 2nd acc ,

so a guy with only one regular cd should also be able to make to accounts without buying another cD? I mean, it´s silly that they are forcing you to buy two copies of a game......

think before you type


thats my point .. if Goa enable us to have 2 acc's from one classic cd . imo they are assholes for forcing people to buy 2 si's to play Si on both there acc's :)

so before you comment try look at the bigger picture :) if i had to buy 2 classic doac's to play 2 acc's then i would expect to have to buy 2si's but thats not the case :) see what i mean ?


Its a stealth nerf to buffbots, god even i worked that one out :rolleyes:


Hey Arch!

Remember the old Taoist thread that seemed to stalk you? Shall we start a new one?

Sorry - totally OT :)



Yoda Think on this.

You paid for the Classic CD for the client and 1 months free subscription.

your second accound using the same CD key did not get the free month.

Your subcription has not gone up to be enabled to use SI.

so the only extra income GOA gets from SI is the £19.99 or so you pay for the SI CD.

If the subscribtion had gone up for SI enabled I would say you had a point.
But as it hasn't, just bite the bullet and pay the extra for the SI CD.

btw SI has cost me 3 x CD's as I have to enable 3 accounts.
and no I am not a spy either as all 3 are on MID/Excal and used by different people in my household.


You can start 2 accounts with 1 classic CD ?

Dont you need 1 for each account ?


Originally posted by lairiodd
You can start 2 accounts with 1 classic CD ?

Dont you need 1 for each account ?
Yes, unless you're an ebay lamer (*cough*yoda*cough*)
The point is if one SI cd worked for multiple accounts mythic/goa would sell about 10 copies total... :p


hmm, its not about selling cd's anyway, its about selling cd-keys, I guess I misinterpreted what was being said. I thought it was being implied that you could start 2 accounts with 1 classic cd-key :)


Originally posted by Danyan

Yes, unless you're an ebay lamer (*cough*yoda*cough*)
The point is if one SI cd worked for multiple accounts mythic/goa would sell about 10 copies total... :p

Danyan your an asshole .. before you call somebody a lamer for buying shit of ebay i suuggest your get your facts right 1st :)
people who buy ac's chars etc etc of ebay are lamers yes but i aint one of them . my 2nd Eu acc is a guildys who left the guild and let me take over it .. as for my usa acc it is a very old friends fom diablo2. he retired from the game and gave me his acc..

so next time danyan shut the fuck up and get it right before you say such bullshit. you buy your buffbot off ebay ? :)


Originally posted by -yoda-
my 2nd Eu acc is a guildys who left the guild and let me take over it .

that too is illegal, the ORIGINAL BUYER is the only one that are actually allowed to play the account

You are also not entitled to give, sell, lease, lend or exchange your account under any circumstances.

enough said I believe.... wave goodbye to your buffbot yoda


my buffbot as you call it is a lvl42 polearmsman :) and atm he is nakid with no items or gold :) again as above get it right :)

and why would a theurg need a buff bot? not as if its gonna help em much they still die as fast as they always do :)


ok so it's a tankbot.... :p

point was, don´t post on BW an other places that you have actually bought an account from an illegal source (e.g. NOT a shop)


Buying an account...WRONG!

Selling an account...WRONG!

Lending and account...WRONG!

Doing ungodly things to your account in the bathroom...definetly..WRONG!

Maybe Mythic/GOA need a "EULA for Dummies".

You accepted it when you logged in.

You all did! Sorry but you did. You all agree on these points and many more as well. Legally infact.


I can imagine it now - one SI key for more than one account...

<anonymous> CD key 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345-12345-12345

voila, everyone on that channel registered without paying a penny...

there's a reason it's one DAOC + one SI per account.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
I can imagine it now - one SI key for more than one account...

<anonymous> CD key 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345-12345-12345

voila, everyone on that channel registered without paying a penny...

there's a reason it's one DAOC + one SI per account.

They cant play in si or play Si characters unless they have the SI game installed on there system . so unless they have dl'd it from sumin like kazza or bought a copy of the game themselves they aint gonna get v far with just the cd key :)..

i aint gona debate it anyways i think its dumb , you dont, conflict of opinion which we are both entitled to :) so no point even goin there and shouting about it :)

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