Shrouded Isles Class info, without NDA sure look interesting...



Here are pieces of info that appeared since the NDA is gone on SI. Each post has one of the new classes and at the bottom of each post is the link to DAoC Catacombs where I got the info off :p

Why did I post all this here? Some people are lazy :p

The Reaver

Reavers are hybrid Necromancer/Fighters with chain armor and a variety of Albion weapon skills. They are the fighting class that protects Arawn, lord of the underworld. Reavers are hybrid caster/tanks, related in spirit more to the Thane and Champion than the Paladin – they have some debuffs, like the Champion, and some direct damage/lifetap, like the Thane. They also can specialize in a variety of melee skills including all the 1 handed weapon specs, shields, and parry. Their spells are a variety of debuffs and lifedrains which are intended to augment their damage in combat.

Reavers can specialize in one new weapon type: Flexible Weapons, which includes whips, flails, morningstars, chains, and the like. The Flexible Weapons have different damage types for the different types of FWs – Chains would be crushing, whips slashing, etc. (not sure about thrusting).

Please note that we have flexible weapons in the game; however, they do not have graphics yet, so they appear as slashing weapons. As soon as we have the weapon models done and animated correctly, we’ll add them in.

A new spell function is being added to the Reaver: the “proccing” life drain duration buff – which, when active, gives a chance to heal the Reaver when he melee damages his enemies.

Fighters become Reavers by joining the Temple of Arawn.

Player Statistics

As a Reaver, the stats that effect you are: strength, constitution, dexterity, quickness, and intelligence. Put your starting points in these depending on which race you start as. Strength, constitution, and intelligence automatically increase as you go up in level (primary/secondary/tertiary), respectively.

Arms and Armor

As a hybrid fighting class, Reavers can use up to chain armor, and can use all one-handed Albion weapons (1h Slash, Crush, Flexible, and Thrust). They also get evade I, which will help them offset their lack of plate armor. They also get the ability to use shields and the abilities that come with it: intercept and protect.

Reaver Spells

PB AE Absorption debuff chant
5 Aura of Fate 1
10 Aura of Fate 2
17 Aura of Fate 3
25 Aura of Fate 4
35 Aura of Fate 5
47 Aura of Fate 6

shout lifedrain 1
1 Life Withdrawal 1
4 Life Withdrawal 2
8 Life Withdrawal 3
13 Life Withdrawal 4
19 Life Withdrawal 5
26 Life Withdrawal 6
32 Life Withdrawal 7
41 Life Withdrawal 8
50 Life Withdrawal 9

lifedrain proc buff (chance to proc a lifedrain on every melee attack) 1
3 Debt to Arawn 1
7 Debt to Arawn 2
12 Debt to Arawn 3
21 Debt to Arawn 4
31 Debt to Arawn 5
45 Debt to Arawn 6

PB AE DPS Debuff Chant 1
3 Arthritic Curse 1
8 Arthritic Curse 2
13 Arthritic Curse 3
20 Arthritic Curse 4
27 Arthritic Curse 5
35 Arthritic Curse 6
45 Arthritic Curse 7

PB AE DD Chant
2 Wrack 1
5 Wrack 2
10 Wrack 3
14 Wrack 4
21 Wrack 5
26 Wrack 6
33 Wrack 7
40 Wrack 8
50 Wrack 9

Short Dmg Add Burst 1
4 Surge of Infliction 1
9 Surge of Infliction 2
15 Surge of Infliction 3
22 Surge of Infliction 4
29 Surge of Infliction 5
36 Surge of Infliction 6
44 Surge of Infliction 7

Reaver Combat Styles

Blacksnake 2 - Med fatigue cost, use any time, medium damage bonus

Kingsnake 4 - Low fatigue cost, use after parry, high bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, low bonus to defense

Diamondback 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt enemy, medium penalty to defense

Asp 8 – High fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, hits enemies at longer than normal range, medium bonus to hit

Viper 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after block, high bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, low bonus to defense

Copperhead 12 - Low fatigue cost, use after 10th level style, high bonus damage, medium duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense

Tigersnake 15 - Low fatigue cost, use after 4th level style, high bonus damage, high bonus to hit

Indigosnake 18 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, low bonus damage, attempt to drain enemy hp and add to yours, medium bonus to hit

Boomslang 21 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off you (heavy detaunt), very high bonus to defense

Python 25 - Very high fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, str debuff on all enemies in area, low bonus to hit, low bonus to defense

Taipan 29 - Low fatigue cost, use after 12th level style, high bonus damage, high bonus to hit

Constrictor 34 - Low fatigue cost, use after Evade, very high bonus damage, very high bonus to hit

Anaconda 39 - Medium fatigue cost, use after 15th level style, very high bonus damage, long duration stun, high bonus to hit, low bonus to defense

Cobra 44 - Low fatigue cost, use after 29th level style, high bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit

Leviathan 50 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, high bonus damage, enemy hit with lightning effect, medium bonus to hit

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The Necromancer

The Necromancer is a new type of class in Dark Age of Camelot – a pet caster who does all of his actions through his pet. Unlike other traditional pet casters such as Enchanters and Cabalists, who wield a mix of magic with pet assistance, the Necromancer is powerless without his pet.

Necromancers are a cloth robe wearing/staff wielding spellcasting class that are the priest class of Arawn, lord of the underworld, and can summon dead bodies and command them to do their bidding. Given their power by Arawn, Necromancers are not necessarily the most popular people in the realm, but their spellcasting and pet prowess are definitely welcomed by the rest of Albion.

The first thing a Necromancer must do when they plan on adventuring is to summon a pet. All their spells are cast through their pet, once one is summoned. They may heal the pet, command it to cast spells on enemies, command it to attack enemies, etc. When controlling a pet, Necromancers enter “shade mode” are referred to as “shades”. A shade cannot be targeted or damaged by melee or spells. In order to kill a Necromancer, you must first kill his pet, which forces the Necromancer to become visible, where he can then be targeted and killed. While a shade, the Necro is displayed as a transparent figure. For initial testing purposes, he’s going to look like a small wraith – later during Shrouded Isles beta, shade mode will be represented as a transparent cloudy figure.

When the pet is killed or released, the Necromancer has his health reduced by 2/3 of the pet's damage. So if the pet is undamaged, the caster is undamaged. If the pet is at 50% health, the caster takes 33% (of HIS hitpoints) in damage. If the pet is at 1% health, the caster takes 66% damage. This cannot kill the caster, but reduces him to a minimum of 1 hp. The intent of this is to make it so as long as the pet is alive, the Necro has a chance, but when his pet dies, the Necro is weak and vulnerable. Remember, in shade mode, the Necro cannot be damaged.

Via their pets, Necromancers have damage spells, pet healing/buffing spells, powertaps and transfers (NOTE: these are new to the game for this class). Necromancers have the ability to do damage, and the pain it inflicts brings them a surge of power. They don't drain power directly from their target, but they just receive a portion of damage back into their power pools. The flip side is that they can transfer power to realmmates (thus bypassing the current Albion need for power regen buffs), bolstering their strength.

Disciples become Necromancers by joining a new guild, the Temple of Arawn. Britons, Inconnu, and Saracens can become Disciples.

Necromancer Spells

Deathsight Necro base list

Armor/AF Debuff 1
2 Visions of the Inevitable 1
5 Visions of the Inevitable 2 0
9 Visions of the Inevitable 3 0
14 Visions of the Inevitable 4 0
21 Visions of the Inevitable 5 0
29 Visions of the Inevitable 6 0
39 Visions of the Inevitable 7 0
49 Visions of the Inevitable 8 0

1 Spirit Evacuation 1
4 Spirit Evacuation 2 0
8 Spirit Evacuation 3 0
13 Spirit Evacuation 4 0
19 Spirit Evacuation 5 0
25 Spirit Evacuation 6 0
32 Spirit Evacuation 7 0
40 Spirit Evacuation 8 0
50 Spirit Evacuation 9 0

Dex buff
3 Death's Calling 1 Pet
7 Death's Calling 2 0
12 Death's Calling 3 0
18 Death's Calling 4 0
26 Death's Calling 5 0
35 Death's Calling 6 0
45 Death's Calling 7 0

Necro Deathsight Deathsight spec list

Realm Targ Absorption Buff 1
29 Intimacy with Death 1
38 Intimacy with Death 2 0
48 Intimacy with Death 3 0

powertap 1
1 Power Vacuum 1
3 Power Vacuum 2 0
7 Power Vacuum 3 0
12 Power Vacuum 4 0
18 Power Vacuum 5 0
25 Power Vacuum 6 0
34 Power Vacuum 7 0
44 Power Vacuum 8 0

powertransfer 1
4 Gift of Arawn 1
8 Gift of Arawn 2 0
11 Gift of Arawn 3 0
15 Gift of Arawn 4 0
21 Gift of Arawn 5 0
28 Gift of Arawn 6 0
35 Gift of Arawn 7 0
45 Gift of Arawn 8 0

Armor/AF Debuff 1
5 Inevitable Visions Plus 1
9 Inevitable Visions Plus 2 0
14 Inevitable Visions Plus 3 0
22 Inevitable Visions Plus 4 0
30 Inevitable Visions Plus 5 0
40 Inevitable Visions Plus 6 0
50 Inevitable Visions Plus 7 0

Painworking Necro painworking

Con debuff 1
1 Intensify Pain 1
4 Intensify Pain 2 0
7 Intensify Pain 3 0
11 Intensify Pain 4 0
17 Intensify Pain 5 0
23 Intensify Pain 6 0
29 Intensify Pain 7 0
36 Intensify Pain 6 0
46 Intensify Pain 7 0

Snare 1
2 Debilitating Pain 1
5 Debilitating Pain 2 0
8 Debilitating Pain 3 0
12 Debilitating Pain 4 0
16 Debilitating Pain 5 0
22 Debilitating Pain 6 0
30 Debilitating Pain 7 0
39 Debilitating Pain 6 0
49 Debilitating Pain 7 0

necro "quickcast"
3 Facilitate Painworking

Necro Painworking Necro Painworking Spec

AE Str/Con DB 1
2 Shroud of Pain 1
6 Shroud of Pain 2 0
11 Shroud of Pain 3 0
18 Shroud of Pain 4 0
25 Shroud of Pain 5 0
33 Shroud of Pain 6 0
43 Shroud of Pain 7 0

Focus Snare 1
5 Agony Vortex 1
10 Agony Vortex 2 0
15 Agony Vortex 3 0
22 Agony Vortex 4 0
30 Agony Vortex 5 0
39 Agony Vortex 6 0
49 Agony Vortex 7 0

PBAE DOT (pet targeted)
4 Billowing Death 1
8 Billowing Death 2 0
12 Billowing Death 3 0
16 Billowing Death 4 0
21 Billowing Death 5 0
27 Billowing Death 6 0
35 Billowing Death 7 0
44 Billowing Death 8 0
51 Billowing Death 9 0

Pet Str/con buff
9 Pain Expertise 1
14 Pain Expertise 2 0
17 Pain Expertise 3 0
24 Pain Expertise 4 0
32 Pain Expertise 5 0
42 Pain Expertise 6 0

Death Servant Necro Base

Summon pet
1 Call Death Servant 1
7 Call Death Servant 2 0
12 Call Death Servant 3 0
20 Call Death Servant 4 0
32 Call Death Servant 5 0

Pet heal over time 1
2 Dead Flesh 1
5 Dead Flesh 2 0
10 Dead Flesh 3 0
17 Dead Flesh 4 0
25 Dead Flesh 5 0
33 Dead Flesh 6 0
40 Dead Flesh 7 0
50 Dead Flesh 8 0

Pet Str Enhance
3 Strength of the Dead 1
6 Strength of the Dead 2 0
11 Strength of the Dead 3 0
16 Strength of the Dead 4 0
23 Strength of the Dead 5 0
31 Strength of the Dead 6 0
41 Strength of the Dead 7 0

Death Servant Spec Death servant spec list

PBAE DD (Pet Targeted) 1
1 Channeled Fury 1
3 Channeled Fury 2 0
6 Channeled Fury 3 0
10 Channeled Fury 4 0
13 Channeled Fury 5 0
17 Channeled Fury 6 0
23 Channeled Fury 7 0
30 Channeled Fury 8 0
37 Channeled Fury 9 0
47 Channeled Fury 10 0

Dmg shield
2 Bone Spikes 1
5 Bone Spikes 2 0
7 Bone Spikes 3 0
12 Bone Spikes 4 0
18 Bone Spikes 5 0
24 Bone Spikes 6 0
32 Bone Spikes 7 0
44 Bone Spikes 8 0

Pet dex/qui buff
4 Refining the Servant 1
9 Refining the Servant 2 0
15 Refining the Servant 3 0
21 Refining the Servant 4 0
29 Refining the Servant 5 0
37 Refining the Servant 6 0
48 Refining the Servant 7 0

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Animists are a Hibernian primary spellcasting class that has an affinity with plants. They are able to animate plant life and other natural phenomena (phosphorescence, etc.) and use it to craft spells that damage their opponents.

Animists are a pure spellcasting pet class that has pets that perform specific tasks in different ways. For example, they have "bomber" pets that are generated, run quickly to their target, and then explode (there are also healing bomber pets that run to their target and "explode" a heal spell on friendlies). They also have "turrets", which are stationary pets that cast different damaging spells on any enemy that comes into range. Animists can have several turrets simultaneously, depending on their level.

To become an Animist, characters must first choose a new "Way" - the Way of the Grove" - and become a Forester. Then, Foresters join a new path, that of Affinity. Affinity classes strive to become one with nature. This differs from other Hibernian nature classes (Bard, Warden, Druid), in that those classes feel they need to protect nature, while those on the Path of Affinity try to BECOME nature.

Races: Sylvan, Firbolg, Celt

Training Points: 1.0
1: Arboreal Path (Forester Spec)
5: Creeping Path, Verdant Path

1: Staves
1: Robes
1: Sprint
1: Arboreal Path; Arboreal Path Spec
5: Quickcast
5: Creeping Path; Creeping Path Spec
5: Verdant Path; Verdant Path Spec

5: Grove Initiate
10 Arboreal Apprentice
15 Friend of Gaia
20 Plantfriend
25 Arboreal Adept
30 Servant of Nature
35 Forestmage
40 Arboreal Mage
45 Arboreal Champion
50 Force of Nature

Player Statistics

Animist magic relies on Intelligence, so this is the primary stat of that class.

Arms and Armor

As all Hibernian casters, Animists wear Robes. They can use staves.


NOTE: All Animist Turret spells are ground-targeted.

Animist Thorn Spec List: Arborial Mastery

Direct damage bomber
1 Forest's Vengeance 1
3 Forest's Vengeance 2
6 Forest's Vengeance 3
8 Forest's Vengeance 4
12 Forest's Vengeance 5
16 Forest's Vengeance 6
22 Forest's Vengeance 7
30 Forest's Vengeance 8
39 Forest's Vengeance 9
48 Forest's Vengeance 10

AE direct damage bomber
14 Grove's Vengeance 1
20 Grove's Vengeance 2
27 Grove's Vengeance 3
34 Grove's Vengeance 4
42 Grove's Vengeance 5
50 Grove's Vengeance 6

Fire-and-forget root turret
7 Rootsender 1
22 Rootsender 2
29 Rootsender 3
36 Rootsender 4
43 Rootsender 5
49 Rootsender 6

Controllable summoned dd turret
5 Forestheart Defender 1
9 Forestheart Defender 2
11 Forestheart Defender 3
18 Forestheart Defender 4
24 Forestheart Defender 5
35 Forestheart Defender 6
44 Forestheart Defender 7

Creeping Path: Arboreal bark base list

Constitution debuff shout
2 Sap Strength 1
4 Sap Strength 2
8 Sap Strength 3
11 Sap Strength 4
17 Sap Strength 5
23 Sap Strength 6
29 Sap Strength 7
36 Sap Strength 8
46 Sap Strength 9

Root bomber
6 Rampant Vines 1
13 Rampant Vines 2
19 Rampant Vines 3
26 Rampant Vines 4
31 Rampant Vines 5
40 Rampant Vines 6
49 Rampant Vines 7

DD with resistance debuff bomber
1 Wispfire 1
3 Wispfire 2
7 Wispfire 3
10 Wispfire 4
15 Wispfire 5
20 Wispfire 6
27 Wispfire 7
34 Wispfire 8
44 Wispfire 9

fire-and-forget direct damage turret
5 Forestheart Avenger 1
9 Forestheart Avenger 2
16 Forestheart Avenger 3
21 Forestheart Avenger 4
28 Forestheart Avenger 5
35 Forestheart Avenger 6
43 Forestheart Avenger 7
50 Forestheart Avenger 8

Creeping Path Spec Animist bark spec

Ranged melee debuffing turret
3 Sporespawn 1
8 Sporespawn 2
15 Sporespawn 3
25 Sporespawn 4
35 Sporespawn 5
41 Sporespawn 6
50 Sporespawn 7

Pulsing PB AE melee debuff turret
1 Spore Cannon 1
4 Spore Cannon 2
9 Spore Cannon 3
14 Spore Cannon 4
19 Spore Cannon 5
28 Spore Cannon 6
37 Spore Cannon 7
46 Spore Cannon 8

AE Absorption debuff bomber
5 Dancing Flame 1
10 Dancing Flame 2
17 Dancing Flame 3
24 Dancing Flame 4
33 Dancing Flame 5
43 Dancing Flame 6

AE root bomber
11 Binding Spirit 1
18 Binding Spirit 2
26 Binding Spirit 3
34 Binding Spirit 4
44 Binding Spirit 5

Verdant Path Animist Flora spec

Healing bomber (should work on controlled only)
1 Healing Spirit 1
3 Healing Spirit 2
7 Healing Spirit 3
12 Healing Spirit 4
18 Healing Spirit 5
25 Healing Spirit 6
33 Healing Spirit 7
43 Healing Spirit 8

Regeneration bomber (should work on controlled only)
4 Spirit of Regrowth 1
9 Spirit of Regrowth 2
16 Spirit of Regrowth 3
28 Spirit of Regrowth 4
37 Spirit of Regrowth 5
47 Spirit of Regrowth 6

Pulsing PB AE resist Heat/Cold/Matt turret
2 Elemental Vent 1
10 Elemental Vent 2
24 Elemental Vent 3
42 Elemental Vent 4

Pulsing PB AE resist Mind/Body/Spirit turret
5 Physical Vent 1
17 Physical Vent 2
32 Physical Vent 3
50 Physical Vent 4

Self absorption buff
30 Guardian Spirit 1
41 Guardian Spirit 2

Verdant Path Spec Animist Flora spec

Pet-centered PB AE DD
1 Briarburst 1
3 Briarburst 2
6 Briarburst 3
9 Briarburst 4
13 Briarburst 5
16 Briarburst 6
22 Briarburst 7
29 Briarburst 8
39 Briarburst 9
48 Briarburst 10

Realm-targetted melee absorption buff (long duration)
32 Essence of the Wood 1
38 Essence of the Wood 2
46 Essence of the Wood 3

Realm-targetted melee absorption buff (short duration)
15 Essence of Forestheart 1
20 Essence of Forestheart 2
26 Essence of Forestheart 3
35 Essence of Forestheart 4
40 Essence of Forestheart 5
45 Essence of Forestheart 6

AE bladeturn bomber (upgrades can affect more targets)
7 Woodspirit Gift 1
14 Woodspirit Gift 2
21 Woodspirit Gift 3
28 Woodspirit Gift 4
36 Woodspirit Gift 5
42 Woodspirit Gift 6

turret that pulses an PB AE hitpoint buffer on nearby allies
12 Ligneous Shield 1
18 Ligneous Shield 2
25 Ligneous Shield 3
34 Ligneous Shield 4
43 Ligneous Shield 5
50 Ligneous Shield 6

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Valewalkers are mages who are given the ability to wield a large Scythe-like blade weapon. They are the strong arm of the Sylvan community - they are the primary fighters of this magic-using people. Valewalkers don't get armor; instead they wear mage-like cloth robes, which they can augment by casting armor-absorbtion and armor factor self-buffing spells.

The purpose of the Valewalker is to be a Friar-like class that gets one weapons specialization, plus a range of spells and abilities that makes up for their lack of weapon and armor variety - buffing spells, parry and up to level 4 evade.

Foresters become Valewalkers by joining the Path of Affinity.

Sylvan, Firbolg, Celt

Training Points: 1.5
1: Arboreal Path (Forester Spec)
5: Scythe, Parry

1: Staves
1: Robes
1: Sprint
5: Scythe, Parry, Evade I
10: Evade II
20: Evade III
30: Evade IV

5: Grove Apprentice
10 Scythewielder
15 Forestwalker
20 Vale Protector
25 Forestfriend
30 Grovewalker
35 Ridgewalker
40 Vale Warrior
45 Scythemaster
50 Vale Guardian

Player Statistics

The Scythe is strength-based, so Strength and Intelligence (for path of affinity magic) are the two primary stats for the Valewalker. Stat raises per level are Strength, Intelligence, and Constitution (primary, secondary, tertiary).

Arms and Armor

Valewalkers can wield a new weapon type - the Scythe, a two-handed weapon that does slashing damage (it is a strength based weapon). They can't use any other weapons, except staves. They wear only cloth robes/armor, but get armor absorption buffs as well as armor factor buffs to compensate.

Valewalker Spells

(please note that spell names and icons are temporary placeholders).

Arboreal Path Base List

Self armor factor buff
1 Grove's Protection 1
3 Grove's Protection 2
5 Grove's Protection 3
9 Grove's Protection 4
13 Grove's Protection 5
18 Grove's Protection 6
24 Grove's Protection 7
31 Grove's Protection 8
40 Grove's Protection 9
50 Grove's Protection 10

Life Drain
2 Natural Selection 1
4 Natural Selection 2
6 Natural Selection 3
8 Natural Selection 4
12 Natural Selection 5
16 Natural Selection 6
22 Natural Selection 7
28 Natural Selection 8
35 Natural Selection 9
45 Natural Selection 10

Realm targeted damage shield
7 Thorns of Retribution 1
10 Thorns of Retribution 2
14 Thorns of Retribution 3
21 Thorns of Retribution 4
30 Thorns of Retribution 5
39 Thorns of Retribution 6
48 Thorns of Retribution 7

Valewalker Arboreal Path Spec: Thorn Spec List

2 Close Path 1
9 Close Path 2
11 Close Path 3
17 Close Path 4
22 Close Path 5
32 Close Path 6
37 Close Path 7
47 Close Path 8

DOT Shout
1 Hemlock 1
6 Hemlock 2
12 Hemlock 3
18 Hemlock 4
23 Hemlock 5
29 Hemlock 6
35 Hemlock 7
42 Hemlock 8
49 Hemlock 9

Self haste burst
3 Speed of Kudzu 1
8 Speed of Kudzu 2
14 Speed of Kudzu 3
21 Speed of Kudzu 4
31 Speed of Kudzu 5
38 Speed of Kudzu 6
48 Speed of Kudzu 7

Self melee absorption buff
5 Mosscoat 1
10 Mosscoat 2
15 Mosscoat 3
20 Mosscoat 4
25 Mosscoat 5
30 Mosscoat 6
34 Mosscoat 7

Self buff that gives a chance to
proc a disease spell on a successful hit
7 Blightstrike 1
16 Blightstrike 2
27 Blightstrike 3
36 Blightstrike 4
46 Blightstrike 5

Self buff that gives a chance of
proccing a hit-point buffer when hit
13 Barkshell 1
19 Barkshell 2
26 Barkshell 3
33 Barkshell 4
43 Barkshell 5
50 Barkshell 6

Valewalker Style Procs Valewalker Thorn spec list

4 Pierce Armor - Buff resistance to slashing damage
8 Scythe of Flame - Damage add
12 Flickering Flame - fire DOT
18 Scythe of Ice - Damage Add
21 Spray of Needle - PBAE
29 Frigid Mists - PBAE

Valewalker Combat Styles

Valewalker combat styles combine their magical ability with the melee skills. Most higher-level Valewalker styles have at least a chance to fire a spell that either incapacitates or further damages their enemy.

2 Reaper - High fatigue, use any time, medium bonus damage

4 Sawgrass - Low fatigue, use after parry, high bonus damage, small bonus to hit, causes medium duration slash resist reduction

6 Taunting Scythe - Medium fatigue, low bonus damage, taunt target onto you, medium defensive penalty

8 Arboreal Fire - Low fatigue, use after evade, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium duration fire damage add

10 Stunning Blade - Medium fatigue, use from beside target, medium bonus damage, short duration stun

12 Foxfire - Low fatigue, linked after #8, high bonus damage, high bonus to hit, add fire DOT to target

15 Thorny Shield - Low fatigue, use after parry, high bonus damage, small bonus to hit, high bonus to defense, causes self thorn shield

18 Winter's Scythe - Low fatigue, use after #10, medium bonus damage, short duration cold damage add

21 Grasping Roots - Very low fatigue, use after #15, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, high bonus to defense, cause PBAOE "thorn" effect

25 Nature's Shield - Medium fatigue, use any time, low bonus damage, Has "Engage" like ability. Valewalker attempts to block/strike projectiles from hitting him.

29 Blizzard Blade - Low fatigue, use after 18, medium bonus damage, high damage PBAOE cold damage

34 Arboreal Shield - Medium fatigue, use any time, no bonus damage, attempt to detaunt target, medium defensive bonus

39 Flaming Scythe - Very low fatigue, use after #12, high bonus damage, cause "Fire Field" area effect

44 Damaging Grasp - Very low fatigue, use after #21, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, cause long duration root effect

50 Conflagration - No fatigue cost, use after #39, very high bonus damage, high bonus to hit, heavy fire DD on target

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The Bonedancer is a Midgard pet caster who follows the Valkyn ancient pre-Norse god Bogdar. Bogdar has been accepted by the Norse gods when the Valkyn race became civilized and integrated with the Trolls, Kobolds, Dwarves, and human Norse. Bogdar is the Valkyn god of the dead - because Valkyn are staunch believers in reincarnation, Bogdar's job is to evaluate each dead soul and determine its next life. As the soul is reincarnated, its old body is discarded and eventually is returned to the Earth Mother through decomposition. Bogdar grants Bonedancers the power to re-animate the skeletal remains of discarded bodies as creatures that will obey commands.

Bonedancers start out as Mystics, and share the Mystic Darkness and Suppression base lines. Valkyn, Trolls, and Kobolds can become Bonedancers.

The heart of this new class is that they are a pet caster who can summon more than one pet at a time, at higher levels. However, they control only one pet directly, the commander - all the other minions are controlled by the commander. If a commander is killed, all the minions are immediately released, hence it is imperative that the Bonedancer keep his commander alive. By extremely high levels, the Bonedancer can have up to three different minions under his commander's control (four pets total).

At low levels, they can summon only an undead commander, and act much like a normal pet class up until about level 15. From then on, they can mix and match several combinations of minions: archers, buffers, debuffers, nukers, and melee tanks in addition to their commander.

Please note that all Bonedancer pet models are placeholders and will be replaced by release.

Bonedancer Spells

Darkness Specialization

Bone Mystics Line, summons undead Mystic pet to cast ranged damage spells.
15 Summon Bonecaster 1
21 Summon Bonecaster 2
27 Summon Bonecaster 3
33 Summon Bonecaster 4
39 Summon Bonecaster 5
45 Summon Bonecaster 6

Bonebreaker Line, summons undead mystic to cast ranged debuff spells before engaging in melee combat
18 Summon Bonebreaker 1
24 Summon Bonebreaker 2
30 Summon Bonebreaker 3
36 Summon Bonebreaker 4
42 Summon Bonebreaker 5
48 Summon Bonebreaker 6

Direct Damage Line, with Snare
1 Solidify Skeleton 1
5 Solidify Skeleton 2
9 Solidify Skeleton 3
13 Solidify Skeleton 4
17 Solidify Skeleton 5
23 Solidify Skeleton 6
32 Solidify Skeleton 7
41 Solidify Skeleton 8
50 Solidify Skeleton 9

Debuff Line, debuffs body resistance to boost Bonecaster damage
22 Bolster Bonecaster 1
34 Bolster Bonecaster 2
46 Bolster Bonecaster 3

Strengthen Army line, buffs pet strength and constitution.
3 Strengthen Army 1
7 Strengthen Army 2
12 Strengthen Army 3
20 Strengthen Army 4
25 Strengthen Army 5
31 Strengthen Army 6
44 Strengthen Army 7

Suppression Specialization

Bone Guardians Line, summons undead seer to provide buffs to caster and minions.
15 Summon Boneguard 1
21 Summon Boneguard 2
27 Summon Boneguard 3
33 Summon Boneguard 4
39 Summon Boneguard 5
45 Summon Boneguard 6

Bonemender Line, summons undead seer to heal caster and minions.
18 Summon Bonemender 1
24 Summon Bonemender 2
30 Summon Bonemender 3
36 Summon Bonemender 4
42 Summon Bonemender 5
48 Summon Bonemender 6

Strengthen Bones Line, Realm targeted melee absorption buff.
32 Strengthen Bones 1
38 Strengthen Bones 2
46 Strengthen Bones 3

Crumble Skeleton Line, low damage insta-cast lifedrain.
1 Crumble Skeleton 1
2 Crumble Skeleton 2
4 Crumble Skeleton 3
6 Crumble Skeleton 4
9 Crumble Skeleton 5
13 Crumble Skeleton 6
17 Crumble Skeleton 7
22 Crumble Skeleton 8
29 Crumble Skeleton 9
37 Crumble Skeleton 10
47 Crumble Skeleton 11

Shroud of Cowardice Line, Focus snare spell, with increasingly larger areas of effect.
14 Shroud of Cowardice 1
23 Shroud of Cowardice 2
31 Shroud of Cowardice 3
41 Shroud of Cowardice 4
49 Shroud of Cowardice 5

Boneshell Line, minion hitpoint buffer that absorbs 50% of incoming melee damage
12 Boneshell 1
19 Boneshell 2
25 Boneshell 3
34 Boneshell 4
43 Boneshell 5
50 Boneshell 6

Bone Army: Bonedancer Base Line

Summon Bonelord Line, summons undead commander. Higher level of commander can control more minions.
1 Summon Bonelord 1
15 Summon Bonelord 2
30 Summon Bonelord 3
45 Summon Bonelord 4

Bones to Dust Line, Damage Over Time
2 Bones to Dust 1
3 Bones to Dust 2
5 Bones to Dust 3
7 Bones to Dust 4
10 Bones to Dust 5
13 Bones to Dust 6
17 Bones to Dust 7
23 Bones to Dust 8
29 Bones to Dust 9
36 Bones to Dust 10
44 Bones to Dust 11
50 Bones to Dust 12

Bones to Iron Line, minion healing
6 Bones to Iron 1
8 Bones to Iron 2
11 Bones to Iron 3
16 Bones to Iron 4
22 Bones to Iron 5
28 Bones to Iron 6
35 Bones to Iron 7
43 Bones to Iron 8

Bone Warriors: Bonedancer Bone Ary Spec Line

Summon Bonebolg line, summons undead archer to attach foes at range.
15 Summon Bonebolt 1
21 Summon Bonebolt 2
27 Summon Bonebolt 3
33 Summon Bonebolt 4
39 Summon Bonebolt 5
45 Summon Bonebolt 6

Summong Bonesmashiner Line, summons undead melee warrior.
18 Summon Bonesmasher 1
24 Summon Bonesmasher 2
30 Summon Bonesmasher 3
36 Summon Bonesmasher 4
42 Summon Bonesmasher 5
48 Summon Bonesmasher 6

Bones to Blood line, advanced DOT, stacks with Bones to Dust
1 Bones to Blood 1
3 Bones to Blood 2
5 Bones to Blood 3
7 Bones to Blood 4
10 Bones to Blood 5
13 Bones to Blood 6
16 Bones to Blood 7
22 Bones to Blood 8
28 Bones to Blood 9
35 Bones to Blood 10
44 Bones to Blood 11
49 Bones to Blood 12

Cloud of Decay Line, AOE DOT, does not stack
20 Cloud of Decay 1
26 Cloud of Decay 2
32 Cloud of Decay 3
38 Cloud of Decay 4
47 Cloud of Decay 5

Hasten Army Line, buffs minion dex/quickness
2 Hasten Army 1
6 Hasten Army 2
8 Hasten Army 3
14 Hasten Army 4
19 Hasten Army 5
25 Hasten Army 6
34 Hasten Army 7
43 Hasten Army 8

( )



The Savage is a hand-to-hand combat specialist that receives a special line of abilities called "Savagery" as well as a new weapon skill called "Hand to Hand". In general, the Savage's hand to hand weapons attach to his hands and can deal out slashing or thrusting damage. Valkyn, Norse, Troll, and Kobold Vikings become Savages by joining the House of Kelgor.

H2H is a dual-weapon skill, in that it allows the Savage to wield two weapons at the same time. However, it is set up differently from the dual wield/left axe skills that are currently in the game. H2H will always attack with the right hand by default. When the skill "fires", then the Savage will hit with both hands in that round. Please note that at higher levels, Savages have the chance of hitting more than twice per round. Please note that the weapon models for hand to hand weapons have not yet been implemented, so your H2H weapons will appear as normal swords for the time being.

The Savage learns special H2H combat styles as he specs up in the H2H spec - some of these combat styles allow the Savage to attack more than one enemy in the same round. Check out the section later in this document for the complete H2H combat style list.

The Savage also can specialize in a set of combat abilities called "Savagery", which allow the Savage to modify his combat chances, such as chance to evade, parry, buff attack speed or DPS, and also convert hit points to endurance. All Savagery abilities take a percentage of your base hitpoints when they wear off or are refreshed. Please note that the instant endurance-healing ability, Kelgor's Vigor, will take the hit point cost immediately when used. You can find a list of all Savagery Abilities below.

Savagery Spec Abilities

Please note that all Savagery ability names are placeholders.

Buff Chance to Parry
1 Claws of Kelgor 1
9 Claws of Kelgor 2
18 Claws of Kelgor 3
27 Claws of Kelgor 4
36 Claws of Kelgor 5
46 Claws of Kelgor 6

Buff Chance to Evade
2 Swiftness of Kelgor 1
10 Swiftness of Kelgor 2
19 Swiftness of Kelgor 3
28 Swiftness of Kelgor 4
37 Swiftness of Kelgor 5
45 Swiftness of Kelgor 6

Buff Resistance to Crush
5 Ignore Force 1
13 Ignore Force 2
22 Ignore Force 3
31 Ignore Force 4
38 Ignore Force 5
44 Ignore Force 6

Buff Resistance to Slash
6 Ignore Rending 1
14 Ignore Rending 2
23 Ignore Rending 3
32 Ignore Rending 4
40 Ignore Rending 5
48 Ignore Rending 6

Buff Resistance to Thrust
7 Ignore Puncture 1
15 Ignore Puncture 2
24 Ignore Puncture 3
33 Ignore Puncture 4
42 Ignore Puncture 5
47 Ignore Puncture 6

Buff Attack Speed
3 Zeal of Kelgor 1
11 Zeal of Kelgor 2
25 Zeal of Kelgor 3
35 Zeal of Kelgor 4
48 Zeal of Kelgor 5

Buff DPS in Melee Combat
4 Savage Blows 1
12 Savage Blows 2
21 Savage Blows 3
30 Savage Blows 4
39 Savage Blows 5
49 Savage Blows 6

Convert Hit Points to Endurance
20 Kelgor's Vigor 1
29 Kelgor's Vigor 2
41 Kelgor's Vigor 3

Hand to Hand Combat Styles

2 Kelgor's Bane - Low fatigue, medium damage bonus, increase chance to parry

4 Tribal Rage - Very low fatigue, parry opening, high damage bonus, low to hit bonus

6 Wild Call - Medium fatigue, use any time, low damage bonus, taunt target, medium defensive penalty

8 Clan's Call - Rear positional, low fatigue, high bonus damage, medium to hit bonus, short duration stun

10 Tribal Assault - Very low fatigue, #4 opening, high bonus damage, low to hit bonus, low defensive penalty, hit up to 2 targets

12 Kelgor's Might - High fatigue, no opening, no bonus damage, cause medium duration attack speed debuff on all surrounding targets

15 Taunting Call - Medium fatigue, no bonus damage, strong detaunt, high defensive bonus

18 Clan's Might - Very low fatigue, linked off #8, very high damage bonus, hit up to two targets, medium duration bleed

21 Totemic Fear - Very low fatigue, evade opening, high damage, long duration snare, high to hit bonus

25 Totemic Wrath - Very low fatigue, linked off 21, very high damage, medium to hit bonus, hit up to 3 targets

29 Totemic Claw - Medium fatigue, no bonus damage, raise chance to evade next round

34 Tribal Wrath - Very low fatigue, linked off #10, very high bonus damage, high chance to hit, medium defensive bonus, raise chance to parry next round

39 Kelgor's Fist - Low fatigue, side positional, high bonus damage, medium chance to hit

44 Kelgor's Wrath - Very low fatigue, linked off 39, very high bonus damage, high chance to hit, long duration stun

50 Totemic Sacrifice - No fatigue cost, linked off 25, very high bonus damage, very high chance to hit, hit up to 4 targets

( )


I for one find the Savage quite nice :D
Too bad my main realm is albion.. hmm... maybe start one on another server when we get SI, or maybe on PvP.
The chance to parry/evade etc. must cancel each other out though? I mean... what would be the point otherwise?


Contrary to your belief, sfx, are we other forum browsers capable of clicking links. No need to copy/paste entire sites :p

But yes, the Savage sounds nice.
Throw in the /duel-command and we can have some nice bar-fights :D


Who cares :)
Some people are lazy so might as well, not like it matters anyhoo. Fine, I'll make a little edit on my first post...

EDIT: Oh yeah if anyone has not seen this, it's worth a look. New classes with new engine in action. Too bad the resolution is so small...

Created By Aladora, this is the Video that inspired the Official Mythic Promotional Video Shown as a feature on another Gaming information site. (.wmv Format ,41.52Mb 5:09)


As if I wasn't already convinced I'd make a savage, now I am 110% sure :D

But no advanced evade for that class? Bites :)


the necromancer as a lvl51 spell (pbae) ???

51 Billowing Death 9 0


Savage sounds so ace. :D the bonedancer could be great fun or a real nightmare (pet bugs?) :eek:

ooooh and them Animist turrets!



well at first glance, it seems these new classes are gonna be far superior to previous calsses, so pretty soon all the old ones will be obselete.. thses new ones also mostly all get far more interesting new style effects, hopefully some changes will be made to existing styles to bring them in line with these new ones.. I mean there's stuff like:

4 Sawgrass - Low fatigue, use after parry, high bonus damage, small bonus to hit, causes medium duration slash resist reduction

Python 25 - Very high fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, str debuff on all enemies in area, low bonus to hit, low bonus to defense

Leviathan 50 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, high bonus damage, enemy hit with lightning effect, medium bonus to hit

12 Kelgor's Might - High fatigue, no opening, no bonus damage, cause medium duration attack speed debuff on all surrounding targets

29 Blizzard Blade - Low fatigue, use after 18, medium bonus damage, high damage PBAOE cold damage

all interesting and cool stuff.. but sort of leaves the crappy old styles we have a bit behind doesn't it? unless there are some major alterations to current style lines I can't really see many of them being nearly as viable anymore..


Necro and Valewalker sound nice, i think the Valewalker will prob be the first class i can level with in hib, i hope another eng erver will come soon so i can play all three realms, and i dont wanna level on PvP cos it sucks :p


Oh oh, I wanna be that nature guy with turrets and exploding plants.

hehe, when's it out?


The savage sounds overpowered already. They have a long duration stun off a side positional style (lvl 39,44) and as of 1.54 when mezzed/stunned you can't swivle your camera.

Also being able to buff your melee resistances and every other stat seems a bit silly, why don't they just give them some base melee resists which increase with your level. This way everyone has to wait 2 minutes before they can leave the portal keep while the savage is buffing himself up, rince and repeat every 10 minutes.

Hell yes I'll be making one :)


Originally posted by [Cerebus]
Oh oh, I wanna be that nature guy with turrets and exploding plants.

hehe, when's it out?

Thats what i was thinking, might have to delete all my mid chars on excalibur.


It's good, it's very good:clap:

Thankyou Mythic, you have laboured well.

Check out the water, it looks great in motion, mob resolution looks good, the walk on the Necro's bit dodgy though, like your playing a one legged zombie. Birds in the sky!!! Better view distance, it's all there.
I am the proverbial happybunny:)


Why am I having visions of nothing but fg's of savages in emain?

Happy bunny? Have you been reading the 1.55 patch notes? I think maybe some of the damage adds on these new classes are a lot more powerful than 44 enchantments which is why they are capping them cast on lowbies to prevent insane PL'ing.


There's a little error in your Reaver info there, it says main stats are str/dex/int but Mythic changed it during the beta, the current stats are str/dex/pie.

They changed it so Reavers could use the chain designed for clerics otherwise they would have had to create whole new sets of chain armour with +int on it.

Also the Reaver's flexible weapon line doesn't require you to train slash/crush/thrust to decrease your damage variance so it's like LW for heroes. Also, there are no flex weapons that do thrust damage. The only types of damage for flex weapons is slash or crush. Thrust might be added when the crafted flexible weapons get introduced but I seriously doubt that.


the damage adds are self-only and short-duration (with timers)


It's like adding a fireball to each of your hits for a round or two (the final spec fire DD dps is 78 base, this gets multiplied lots :) base damage of 450 is it? (before resists) which is 160 dps)


I dont give a flyingfuck bout nerfs, buffs, who's good, who isn't.

I want to play in a cool lookin world.
90% of combat is player skill, numbers, and who saw who first.
That 1/2 second quicker cast ain't gonna help you when 25 Albs are running over your battered body.
Teamwork is what wins battles, and of course numbers, no amount of teamwork can stop a zerg.


Those new dmg adds work differently from the old ones I think.

The Savage TL posted on whineboards that the savage dmg add is 25% and not 25 DPS.

16 DPS weapon would be around 20.


S.I is going to spoil the game all these new classes are overpowered and no one will play the older classes when these classes are introduced into the game therefore your rvr is going to be of 6 different classes oh joy, i can't wait.


Originally posted by old.logun
S.I is going to spoil the game all these new classes are overpowered and no one will play the older classes when these classes are introduced into the game therefore your rvr is going to be of 6 different classes oh joy, i can't wait.
Oh joy, we live in Europe and americans get to go through that phase. By the time we get SI they'll have brought on the nerf bat... then GOA has to translate (sigh) the patches and we have SI classes that are more balanced than originally.
US is our laboratory and US players are our guinea pigs. We are the consumers who get the finished product, but with a slight delay.


Aye but we get the patchs god knows how much longer after also so it kinda cancels it out :/


I really doubt SI will 'spoil the game'. Sure, there will be lots of people playing the new classes and races, but that's only to be expected. As it is, we're seeing trends in newly-rolled characters depending on nerfs, new features with patches, and so on. After the PBAoE 'craze' of recent patches, Midgard has seen a massive influx of spiritmasters leveling their merry way up to BG range... and then what? New players still roll berserkers and healers and whatnot.

So, yeah. When SI finally arrives, we'll probably see a large number of people playing the new races and classes, but I really doubt it'll be to the near-total exclusion of the already-existing ones.

Náttrún Bergsveinsdóttir, Skald of 38 seasons, Excalibur server.

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