I am not sure that is true. The way I read it was the house was his sisters and she she died he was given a temporary lease as he was living with her. The article references 6 months. And now rather than assigning him that property as his own council house they want to put him some where more sensible. I may be reading between the lines but i do not get the sense this is his council home and has been for years.
When your kids grow up and leave home you lose Child Benefits, losing the home you were given to make raising them easier is no different. Its not like you are kicked out on your arse you are moved to a smaller property.
He should have left years ago tbh, selfish prick
He should have left years ago tbh, selfish prick
Its where he has lived all of his life, some of you are completely lacking in any empathy for older people. It is not a co-incidence that you're in the south where social values are breaking down more rapidly than in other parts of the country.
I'm sure there are some people in the north who would agree with you, but I'm pretty sure they'd be in a minority.
Its where he has lived all of his life, some of you are completely lacking in any empathy for older people. It is not a co-incidence that you're in the south where social values are breaking down more rapidly than in other parts of the country.
I'm sure there are some people in the north who would agree with you, but I'm pretty sure they'd be in a minority.
Could view it both ways, what about having sympathy for the young couple who are having to live in a bedsit because all the houses are taken up by old people who refuse to move to somewhere smaller.
I'm not saying either side is right btw, we have a housing shortage soomeone is going to lose out, its just a case of who.
Surely it should be those who have never contributed to the country? Either way it isn't nice but the people that pay into the system should come first, the problem is that newcomers get bumped up the ladder due to emergency housing rules.
His rights are enshrined in law though, so now we change the law to suit the circumstances. It is an assbackwards way to govern.
Starts getting slightly complicated in terms of evaluating who has made a contribution (and how much, monetary vs serving society), time in country, time on waiting list, maybe someone didnt contribute to the country but had a valid reason etc
Basically what cho and bloodomen and turamber want is a country where we are ruled by hearts rather than heads.
Damn straight - compassion and empathy is what keeps us civilised and human, if we ruled by our "heads" then we wouldn't have a housing problem we could just castrate anyone who wishes to have children and can't support them financially.
So you didn't read the daily fail article then? He's only on a short hold tenancy agreement, a 6 month one. What is being proopsed is that the counil give him notice when that expires, as they are within their rights to do so. It was his sister who had the long term agreement, and that expired with her death.
I have been saying the same about you frequenting this website for the best part of a decade!
Damn straight - compassion and empathy is what keeps us civilised and human, if we ruled by our "heads" then we wouldn't have a housing problem we could just castrate anyone who wishes to have children and can't support them financially.
Don't think it applies since he signed a new agreement.
Anyway, adios to this thread. Let's wait and see what actually happens. Maybe the old guy didn't actually say any of the bollocks the mail has printed and might move happily?
as has been said if you don't own the house then you get no say
cho, I've just checked. He's not a sitting tenant. Shorthold tenancy agreemtns are not covered by the now obsolete Rent Act. His sister was the sitting tenant, on her death he has taken a new shorthold tenancy on the property. This is covered by the Housing Act 1996.
Now if he was to refuse to move once given notice, it could be interesting, as it would be the courts decision.
edit: // just to clarify. The Rent Act gave the right to a property for life to the original tenant, or their spouses or offspring. As a sibling he is not covered by this right.
Now if he was to refuse to move once given notice, it could be interesting, as it would be the courts decision.
We need that council house for a bigger family.
We need that hospital bed for someone younger.
We need you to die earlier to pay for the next generation.
We need your organs for someone more important.
I love ramping things up out of all context.
I just don't get this house shortage in the UK..they are building estates absolutlfrekineevrywhere!
We need that council house for a bigger family.
We need that hospital bed for someone younger.
We need you to die earlier to pay for the next generation.
We need your organs for someone more important.
I love ramping things up out of all context.
I just don't get this house shortage in the UK..they are building estates absolutlfrekineevrywhere!
its because of the amount of foreign people coming to live here the rate they come in is faster than the rate they're building houses.. common sense would say to stop them coming in if theres a shortage of housing? not rocket science really but then again the gov is rather thick in that respect.