


Put NS DD on a 10 sec timer instead of 20 and i'll be happy :)

Also all that crap about NS's being uber after RR5 is bullshit, WA/Viper only apply in 1v1 fights when you weps are poisoned. Avoid pain okay nice RA but you need to get it to level 2 at least for it to be much help..

All that said I dont fear Infils I beat plenty in one on ones, probably a 50/50 ratio but against SB's theres no chance, I have probably beaten two maybe three in outright swordfights. Beat more when I get the jump on them and manage a PA (which is rare). I cant belive they dont know they are overpowered? Do you not accept that you NEEDED this nerf?

Kerram Darktyde

Originally posted by Tobold
i repeat
ns get nukes
sb get 2h
inf get 2.5

they all have the same specs (CS, envenom, stealth, weapontype1 (blade/slash/sword) weapontype2 (pierce/thrust/axe) and 2weapon wield (LA, CD, DW))

right, so thats fair. (Oh and please please don't moan about dragonfang, if you have a problem with your realms spec styles, change realm.

infiltrators were not given 2.5x because of LA being overpowered, it was because ns and sb had that little extra (2hswords, nukes). Notice NS didn't get 2.5x

You sir are badly informed...
SB ONLY have weapons that are slash damage type...
secondly a Dodge on a 2 hander attack will not happen more but is more of an influence to the out come of a battle..

Mid 2 hander attacks are less damaging than the other realms 2 handed.

SB's have a sucky RA totally outclassed by Hib and Alb RA's but then 90% of Mid RAs are crap....

Dragonfang is overpowered but nothing will be done about it as it is on a Mythic Favoured Alb class...

and your comment about changing realm is the stupidest ever comment.. Ok lets ALL play albs.. oh look albs are now 99% of server pop.. RvR = DEAD....

the classes should be balanced sadly mythic do not seem to be able to find a balance.. but heck what do they care as long as the bucks keep rolling in :)

they are not going to please all the people but do seem to make very silly changes to game....


Bet post people whining about sb's, and their dmg output, have been beaten silly by buffed SB's.

Unbuffed, LA sb's = teh suck

Some people just want classes nerfed becasue they have been beaten.

I'm a Thane, I can get beaten BY EVERY SINGLE CLASS (cept wizards and scouts) in 1 vs 1 fights.
Does that mean that 90% of classes should be nerfed? No, I wouldn't say so. It just tells me not to run solo, and thanes need some loving.

I got hit by an infil for 670dmg. This is him using an anytime style. Granted, he was buffed, but 670 dmg by a fucking dagger?
Then there's nightshades, who hit me for 100-200 dmg every 3 secs. I hit them for 200 every 4 secs... that is, if I can hit at all. I've fought shades and not hit them once, even burned IP.
There's loads of ocurances.... just because SB's can do damage doesn't meant that they need to be nerfed.... if CS was a viable specline, then people would go for that. But SB's need LA to use 2 weapon... which means they are forced to spec LA... where as infils and shades can ignore DW/CD.. cos not speccing it wont reduce their damage... but if a sb doesn't spec LA, and uses 2 weapons, his/her dmg is reduced by 60%... not to mention that if he, or she uses a shield, she loses the chance to use envenom on 2 weapons.
SB's are in a no win sitiuation atm... but why am I writing this? Albs and hibs are just rubbing their hands waiting for the next midgard nerf....

[edit: typos]


I got hit by an infil for 670dmg. This is him using an anytime style. Granted, he was buffed, but 670 dmg by a fucking dagger?

Thats a lot of shit tbh...unless your simple and talking about PA which can hardly be called an 'anytime' style...

and yes Thanes do need love :p

and if you can't except that LA was stupidly overpowered theres no point discussing any of these arguments...

Unbuffed, LA sb's = teh suck

Why ? They are a huge amount better than infils due to stupid overpowered LA styles and certainly better than poor old NS xD

and whoever it was that said LA styles take up huge amount of end USE LIGHTER WEAPONS duuuuuuuuuuh Garrotte etc take huge end aswell and thrust has shit anytime styles, its saving grace is dragon fang which is a little ott...


I got hit by an infil for 670dmg. This is him using an anytime style. Granted, he was buffed, but 670 dmg by a fucking dagger?

Thats a lot of shit tbh...unless your simple and talking about PA which can hardly be called an 'anytime' style...

I had just blocked both attacks, and I got hit for 670 dmg...
Wasn't on this pc, so cant check if I got a SS

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