should the community know? <mods delete if you see fit>


Dec 22, 2003
I would love to say but

1. I like Requiel even though he's a lazy git.
2. I would get my forum account banned.
3. He made a mistake, and I would not like to have my number given out so people could contact me outside of work hours much like his toon (and forum) name.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
I would love to say but

1. I like Requiel even though he's a lazy git.
2. I would get my forum account banned.
3. He made a mistake, and I would not like to have my number given out so people could contact me outside of work hours much like his toon (and forum) name.

There's no proof in that, even though I had heard a similar 'rumour' :)


Dec 22, 2003
Lets haul this thread back on topic folks!

A very serious lapse in judgement by this guy, but in all reality i think it is an idle threat, because anyone with the slightest bit of sense would never had made them comments. And with that mindset I wouldnt think he would have much chance of getting a position such as a community manager.

Corran, i'm not sure it was just a lapse in judgment. If it was a lapse in judgement I'd expect to see a "die irl" or something in that thread as he posted in the heat of the moment. Here he's obviously gone to the effort of writing a PM to a number of people, which seems a lot less "angry friend" and much more "potential power abuser" If you see what I mean?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ofc we all know who Requiel least I do :(

Cant remember his game name, but know more relevant stuff so i guess I do know who he is :) But that doesnt matter, because generally he done well keeping his identity to himself other then a little slip up. Another GM i got a rough idea who they are though but again they do well keeping it from the public. That is something this rather comical person has no comprehension off.

Lets haul this thread back on topic folks!

Corran, i'm not sure it was just a lapse in judgment. If it was a lapse in judgement I'd expect to see a "die irl" or something in that thread as he posted in the heat of the moment. Here he's obviously gone to the effort of writing a PM to a number of people, which seems a lot less "angry friend" and much more "potential power abuser" If you see what I mean?

Lets just say I was being diplomatic on my opinions about this persons mentality. But going out your way to make a threat of this type is a lapse in judgement, a severe one mind you.

Yes it appears that this person has got a serious issue with power, and it is clear he is someone that can not control some impulses. Also, for someone that is meant to have intellegence (he quotes an IQ of 170 in a thread), he lacks alot of sense and understanding. Surely they realise that in order to get an account banned he would need evidence, this would then be overlooked by someone above him before a perminant ban would be given and so the threats would be completely worthless.

So I still think it was a lapse in judgement amoung other things including bringing his mental capacity and control into question.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
it doesn't really matter which toon requiel plays, those that do know i would hope keep it quite, no matter how much of a bad GM people think he is, he has a right to enjoy the game in his own time. Personally I happen to think he does a good job given the resources given to him by GOA, the rot is much higher up the food chain.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
Never said he does a bad job. I like him. Alot. (wink-wink.)

Anywho, back on topic we go!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 18, 2004
the Gm's are fine but GOA as a company is a joke they lack so many things i just hope its sorted out for WAR so the gm's have better access to help the players.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Well, the plot thickens; (idiot boys ramblings in bold)

Raven said:
Legaethiel said:
Raven said:
Legaethiel said:
I will give you another metaphor to digestive over:

If my cultural capital is 750,000, and you have given me 850 reasons for want a face to face chat. What is the likelihood of you flaming me on a forum again?

Seriously this was meant to be a tribute to a friend, is it really worth intellectualizing and trying to prove who is bigger and better. You seem a well rounded person - why provoke a confrontation, just because Brad is too immature. Immature in the sense that he can't leave alone. If he takes the advice of the future ECM, and apologizes to Javai, then nothing more will be said.

Please don't question my intelligence again, there's a good chap.

He shouldn't have to apologise to anyone, if you wanted a private goodbye then you should have used a private message board, as it is you have used a public forum where everyone has a right to voice their opinion.

I am not trying to provoke a confrontation, trust me if i wanted a confrontation i would be much more imaginative, however saying someone cant voice an opinion on a public free to use forum is wrong.
Your idle threats wont get you anywhere, get over yourself.

I am glad Brad took the bait, because the sooner they close this game down, the better. So wankers like you and Brad will no longer get a voice on this forum. I am alot smarter than you give me credit for fella. This game will die, servers will close and no-one can spread their filith. I was not making an idiol threat, more like adding closure on a game. This game reached its course for me, I can move on, now, with a sense of pride that I ended it. /Respect fella now learn how my mind works, and move on.

So in conclusion, you aren't quite as clever as you like to think you are?
I really couldn't care less about your "closure" its up to you if you want to play DAOC any more or not, nobody forces you to play. If you don't like it leave.

I am not exactly sure how Brad took the "bait" you (quite clearly) lied about a job at GOA so you have probably lied about everything else, face it you are just another faceless nobody with grotesquely inflated ego.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
What a fuckin tool.

I'm sure I said that before but it needed to be said again :(

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
For someone with an IQ of 170, his English is pretty bad. And I'm not even English! :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Some ppl can't rly stop digging his own hole, priceless shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Does the community have a right to know that the next (according to himself) GM of the English cluster makes threats to people regarding banning their accounts and "Real life contacts" just because they do not agree on a particular subject?

If it's simply a disagreement then of course someone shouldn't face rl repercussions (or even the threat of them). But if someone's just being a **** then I reckon it's fair game. Too many people hiding behind their pcs throwing out abuse without consequence is what f*cked up FH.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
I'm waiting for him to find this thread for some more comedy!

Going to do two things.

1) Agree with that comment, as it's Monday and I've got nothing to do.
2) Give you a rep.


Heh, totally agree. Could make things more interesting.. Perhaps PM the link.



Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Taking bets at 50/1 with daoc gold that he will NEVER post here again.

I know from talking to his guild a bit - they are a group of friends who started off doing " Live Action Roleplay" - and speaking from experience myself ( 10 years of it) whilst " Larping" you do indeed take on a different persona for the day. I had Crispy the Crusader - a young upper class male and Radion the Unclean - Evul Drow, and many others. You get points/experience from how well you play your character etc..

This guy - im pretty convinced now is try to role play !


Loyal Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
hes a future ECM! do wat he says and apologise!!!!!!
sumhow i dont think he will get the job nemore....priceless idiot.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2005
I've seen the PMs that the other player recieved although I wasn't aware that you'd recieved some too.
I can quite unequivocally state that we expect all our staff (GMs especially) to uphold the highest standards and that any one of us who abused their power in any way would quickly find themselves out of a job.

Integrity and impartiality are absolute requirements for this job and anyone who can't keep that in mind simply cannot do this job. You needn't fear that we would ever employ anyone who'd demonstrated such a serious lapse of judgement.

Good to read that statement. I hope that future Eyes and Ears in DAOC or WAR will also be carefully selected. The majority were very good and would not have dreamed of taking advantage of their position or issuing threats, but there was the odd bad apple.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
I know from talking to his guild a bit - they are a group of friends who started off doing " Live Action Roleplay" - and speaking from experience myself ( 10 years of it) whilst " Larping" you do indeed take on a different persona for the day. I had Crispy the Crusader - a young upper class male and Radion the Unclean - Evul Drow, and many others. You get points/experience from how well you play your character etc..

Well most of the Larpers in our previous guild quit the game months back, and the current guild is much more people who met in Camelot. Think there are only a couple of Larpers left.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
some people are just incredibly.. STUPID.. it never stops amazing me. Funniest shit is that this fella actually truly believe he is intelligent, haha


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
some people are just incredibly.. STUPID.. it never stops amazing me. Funniest shit is that this fella actually truly believe he is intelligent, haha

I already imagine him running around the house singing "Me myself and my SmartAss"!!

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