Should Police in the UK be able to equip and use guns?


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004

My personal opinion is Yes. Not only does everyone feel at ease when a police man is able to enforce the law by any means necessary but it is also for the police man's own protection. Perhaps by introducing a 'shoot to disarm' policy, the police could stop people runnin away etc. by shooting them in the leg with a pellet or a plastic bullet. The only problem I can see with giving police men in the UK guns, is if the criminals somehow get a hold of them.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
pip said:
No cause if they do, I will shoot them all:touch:

pip take your coke-drinking adventures elsewhere :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
If policemen carry guns, there will be a lot more dead policemen. If getting caught means facing a policeman with a gun, then more criminals will carry guns to be able to deal with that and gun crime goes through the roof.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
some police already carry guns, the ones in airports and such xD


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
No and yes, no in the parts where the nice estates/areas are, because there arn't many criminals with 9mm pistols and shotguns about. In Moss Side and London then sure.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
chretien said:
If policemen carry guns, there will be a lot more dead policemen. If getting caught means facing a policeman with a gun, then more criminals will carry guns to be able to deal with that and gun crime goes through the roof.

Completely agree, one thing that I feel the UK has done right is to not have armed police by default. There are special trained units that regular police can call upon at a moments notice and this is the best way for me.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
poliec dont need to carry guns... they need to carry TAZER guns.. seriously... yourtube police tazer and watch

its insane


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
- English - said:
poliec dont need to carry guns... they need to carry TAZER guns.. seriously... yourtube police tazer and watch

its insane

CS Gas > Tazer guns imo!


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
general police?
no not at all, this may sound wierd but the fact the police dont carry gun's is why the use of more advanced guns is so low in this country.
As said before, but ill elaborate a bit;
current situation:
police: no guns
criminals: hand guns, you will very rarely see anyone with anything more

police: hand guns
criminals: rifles with armour piercing rounds

such as the state in america atm

also said before in this thread, if you wield a gun you make yourself a target and more guns on the street. what they need to do is make the prison system something to be scared of rather than the joke it is now


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I say no i think police officer should be issued with tasers . I think the system of ARV's in the UK works well they see a gun they call in the heavy mob who only have one set of rules to worry about.

I do want to see laws change to support police officers im fed up of reading xyz claims police officer racial abused them, they cliam thier arrest was racially motivated. It seems the easiest way to get off with something in this country is to say the police officer planted evidence ect and claims brittian support you all the way.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Laddey said:
CS Gas > Tazer guns imo!

lol no way!

you just fire a tazer from a safe range and press a button... ITS PAINFUL and totally immobilizes the person... and it does no harm

seriously.. check youtube videos of police tazer.. they r cooL!


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
soze said:
I say no i think police officer should be issued with tasers . I think the system of ARV's in the UK works well they see a gun they call in the heavy mob who only have one set of rules to worry about.

I do want to see laws change to support police officers im fed up of reading xyz claims police officer racial abused them, they cliam thier arrest was racially motivated. It seems the easiest way to get off with something in this country is to say the police officer planted evidence ect and claims brittian support you all the way.

Aye, but some of the police these days, not all of them. a small majority of them, are racist, will lock you up for nothing, have bad attitudes and all that. Not all though, met some pretty nice coppers

- English - said:
lol no way!

you just fire a tazer from a safe range and press a button... ITS PAINFUL and totally immobilizes the person... and it does no harm

seriously.. check youtube videos of police tazer.. they r cooL!

Never seen a tazer gun in action. Only CS Gas, and that was in the gas chamber!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Laddey said:
Aye, but some of the police these days, not all of them. a small majority of them, are racist, will lock you up for nothing, have bad attitudes and all that. Not all though, met some pretty nice coppers

i 100% agree some are nasty bastards but the fact that some good police officers lose thier jobs because some life time criminal says he will sue really pisses me off :)


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
soze said:
i 100% agree some are nasty bastards but the fact that some good police officers lose thier jobs because some life time criminal says he will sue really pisses me off :)

Aye, twisted people out there etc. It's life, I know i wont be a police officer anytime soon. Maybe a prison officer!

Adlatus Hellbringer

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
I would say no.

We have always taken pride in being able to resolve situations without the use of guns. Also the police has armed response units aswell as a lot more police armed for anti terrorism (in airports etc).

Arming up leads to esculation. U equip guns they buy automatics... u wear kevlar they use armour piercing rounds etc etc etc....



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
chretien said:
If policemen carry guns, there will be a lot more dead policemen. If getting caught means facing a policeman with a gun, then more criminals will carry guns to be able to deal with that and gun crime goes through the roof.

Totally agree with Chretien. There are enough cases where police officers are being shot without making it routine for criminals to arm themselves in case the police are armed.

Having gone out with a policeman for seven years, in which time he got stabbed, plus worked on the rapid response unit, it would have been even worse worrying about whether the hell or not he'd had to use a gun.

One of my best friends was also a member of the Metropolitan Police's diplomatic protection squad, and another friend was on West Yorkshire Police's firearms unit. The tales they tell are enough for me to know that you don't want ordinary police officers walking around with weapons.

There are plenty of weapons available to the police as and when required and, thankfully, there are plenty of rules and proceedures to go through first before they are allowed to deploy them (outside of airports/train stations etc).

It's also a falacy about the shoot to wound option. If a police officer HAS to shoot they will go for the central body mass and their intention is to bring the suspect down. That's why most times police end up shooting someone, it's fatal.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
No guns.

A gun is only useful while its in your hand! A policeman will be trained to think twice about shooting someone, whereas if a criminal manages to get a gun off a policeman then thats most likely one dead policeman and one criminal with a brand spanking new gun.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
no they shouldnt have guns.

When they have guns they gun crime will get alot worse


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Every policeman in Germany is wearing a gun. And I don´t think that there are more policemen being killed in Germany than in the UK.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Also not everyone can be trained mentally or moraly to carry a gun, i'm an ex soldier and know what its like to carry a gun. I wouldnt feel safe if one of those fat lazy cops had one and didnt go through the type of training i went through to know when to fire.

Guns + Civilians are a bad idea


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
I don't think that UK will face the same problem as US because there are hell of alot more guns in US per capita than in UK.

About racist cops, racists are known to be weak-minded individuals and being a police gives them some kind of authority which they never would have without a position like that.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
in training with my uncle atm who is a DI and i asked him this question and his answer was this:

" The more guns we have on the steets police or civilians the more deaths we will have, we are not America we are Britain our laws suit the service, we dont need to carry guns to defend ourselfs "


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Body armor, bullet proof vests, combat helmets and the latest assault rifles around.

And the lisence to shoot anything the f*ck they want.

Well, i don't live in the UK so ofcourse i would love to see other countries cops like this :D


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I think its only a matter of time before the UK police force are issued with firearms as a matter of routine. With gun crime, knifings, murders, muggings, drug wars, hoodie crime all on the increase, our cops are eventually going to need something more than a telescopic stick and harsh language to deal with crims who will not hesitate for a second to kill rather than get nicked.

My personal preference is that I feel safer & more comfortable without them being armed. But then again we live in a country where the possession of unlicenced firearms is illegal.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Dog the bounty hunter only uses CS spray, no guns and Dog > The Police



I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Lamp said:
I think its only a matter of time before the UK police force are issued with firearms as a matter of routine. With gun crime, knifings, murders, muggings, drug wars, hoodie crime all on the increase, our cops are eventually going to need something more than a telescopic stick and harsh language to deal with crims who will not hesitate for a second to kill rather than get nicked.

My personal preference is that I feel safer & more comfortable without them being armed. But then again we live in a country where the possession of unlicenced firearms is illegal.

I think police soon will just be forced to wear more body armor and maybe travle in groups of 3 or 4 to protect from mob violence.

As is i doubt half of our police force could pass the trainging to become a armed officer as i understand it is harsh. Mental problems physical fitness and then little problems like near or far sighted for a normal cop ok for one shooting at people a big problem ;)

I like the idea of more snatch and grab type units if theres trouble you either calls the boys with the guns or the boys in full riot gear who show up grab the trouble maker and f off with them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I'd have to say No...otherwise we'll end up like the US, and we all know how much of a f*ck up that place is...

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