should people make a profit from powerleveling?



Originally posted by legot
I was just searching around google and came across this advert at the side:
they offer a leveling guide,a money guide and the speed hack
they claim:
We will also let you know how to cheat the game mechanics to RUN FASTER!
No explanation needed for the usefulness of this cheat, it will LET YOUR RUN FASTER!

its a shame mythic would'nt be able to do much about them :(
almost everything they seem to offer seems avalible for free as well
omg ..... :puke:


Im sure you can buy an a/c for a couple of $100

If your not playing a stealther and playing only one char its perfectly easy to level yourself to 50 within your free month period.

Btw this is difficult to do yourself Aoln, its harder than using one char to pl someone, they have a team of people like 2/3 sm's, tanks and healers/shaman all active players. Think in the end there maybe 6 of them therefore 6/600 = $100 each. To me sounds like true pl if you can afford it.


Originally posted by towell
You ever thought it might be a joke?

It isn't. Or if it is, it's an incredibly elaborate one, what with a payment page and PayPal setup and all.


its a bargain imo, i paid twice that to get my char to lvl 50... ooops nm :p

Kharok Svark

Wasn't there some bloke in the US who powerlevelled char's for Pizza ?


I don'k knock that idea. If someone has taken a character to 50, has a full time job, can't take the time out to do it again, their choice if they want to pay....

Also the cost to some people in terms of RL probs (kids time, wife, too tired to work, we all the probs we know DAOC addiction can cause) this may be the bargain of a lifetime :)

To the people actually doing the PL'ing, to them it may be the best job in the world! Good on em.

From their site looks about 50hrs to get to lvl50. $600 = £400, so they charging about £8 per hour.

Work 40 hours per = £320 per week, = £1280 per month. 11 months per year (1 month holiday) = £14k per year. Not a stellar salary.

Given the cost of your PC, isp, power, rent, website etc, I'd say they are undercharging :)

I see real money having a much bigger impact in online games going forward, and lots of opportunities. Better get used to it I suppose.



This is not new. It has been around since UO as far as I recall. People then were offering to create you a 7GM character ( though then you could macro that so it was effortless ).

Prices for MMORPG accounts have also been stupid. The worst I heard was a UO account with 7 characters all with 7GM status going for $47K.

I sold my own 7GM UO character that had GM parry and GM magic resist for $3k.


Think its sad that some people always have to take shortcuts. But then again it your money and if you are sad enough to pay for this crap then do so. I will do something else more rewarding with my cash. :p


Originally posted by Bigade
its a bargain imo, i paid twice that to get my char to lvl 50... ooops nm :p

shush you said you'd never tell!!

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