No idea Should London be an independent state?


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I've been reading / hearing a lot of opinion on Scottish Independence lately and there's been a few opinions and musings that have come out along the way. One of those is the question of "should London breakaway?". There is a common "end London rule" feeling among Nationalists, but then I wondered if those in Wales, the Midlands or the north of England has similar sentiment.

What do you think?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Oh really and where woukd you draw the border?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
No. The more layers, the more dickheads drawing salaries for doing nothing. We need fewer politicians not more.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Not really, because I respect the fact that if it wasn't for London, we'd be in some sorta poverty right now, I think Governments should do more to invest in the rest of the UK, but I don't think it's a case of independence.

Would be a sad day if that happened, because it would mean that we've truly lost that 'caring' characteristic, where money comes over wider society, where you're prepared to see your own 'countrymen' suffer so you can potentially have more money.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
London isnt some place thats doing well...its OUR capital city and it draws in talent from the whole country...its a huge centre of commerce BECAUSE its our
Where would you stop...seperate inside the M25...soon people would be saying..that eastend is dragging us might as well simply make the financial center its own country.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Can't see it ever happening.

London is a leading world financial center, something the Germans and French would love to take.over under the guise of an EU Finance center. The government supports the city in many ways including legislation on financial services and taxation of those services. They helped create 'The City'. It draws on talent from all over the world not just the UK.

I think the North South divide is also much less apparent in the UK now than it used to be in say the 80's. Many schemes like the Welsh Development Agency have been successful in attracting business though tax incentives and cheap land etc. I'm sure a few Northerners will rip me a new for this though :)


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Meh, if they did become independent, then a lot of southerners would die, because they're fairies, and northerners are 'ard as fook, and the North would invade.

Jon Snow.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I think the North South divide is also much less apparent in the UK now than it used to be in say the 80's. Many schemes like the Welsh Development Agency have been successful in attracting business though tax incentives and cheap land etc. I'm sure a few Northerners will rip me a new for this though :)

I'll have what you're smoking. The North/South divide is getting wider every day. A two second look at average house price trends will show you that.

Its not just in the UK though; here the gap between Dublin/everywhere else is now a gulf (something like 90% of inward investment is now coming to Dublin, despite tons of schemes designed for regional development) and unemployment is declining in Dublin but still rising everywhere else (as is emigration; all those Irish kids on Bondi Beach are Boggers), and house prices are a joke; up by 10% across Dublin this year, down everywhere else. As I understand it there are similar issues in France and Spain (although in Spain's case Barcelona, rather than Madrid, is the only growth hub), and probably others.

So around the world various 1%ers are saying "hey, why don't we jettison all these worthless bits of the country and go it alone?" So you've got the Northern League in Italy at it (UKIP fellow travellers), that fuckwit talking about dividing California into six states, and muppets talking about London as a state, as well as lots of others. Its a nasty trend driven entirely by the very wealthy to avoid paying for "scroungers", which is basically anyone without a yacht and a butler.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004

Well I only go by the Dailly Mail of course ;),

living in Dubai for the past 12 years may given me a slightly skewed perception. My sis lives in Manchester and she tells me things are getting better up there.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Thats not the whole of London though. Thats the city. You know when you enter it you see the dragon boundary markings.

Duh, Dys. I was responding to Job who made a point about the city.

If we talk about the rest of the country, London, or different parts who want "independence" (Cornwall, Yorkshire etc.) - a quick read of that article (which is very good by the way) will show that this entire discussion is bullshit.

"Independent" is what the City of London is, but not what Scotland would be if they hit the Yes button - so to talk about London being independent is to yack about pointless shit that doesn't matter either way.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
If London was removed we'd have to make another one..not Birmingham of course..oh nosy no no.
This is so pointless..its like saying Mo Farrah could run faster if we removed his skin to loose weight.
The house price divide is utterly irrelevant.
London prices are not tied to income..they exist in an alternative universe of fucking madness

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