well dys, I'm an old timer on the dvdforums and a bronze trader there
oki doke -
Alias Season One (R1)
Saving Private Ryan (R2, original issue)
Minority Report (R2)
Ali (R2)
Jackie Brown CE (R2)
French Connection 1 & 2 box set (R2)
Behind Enemy Lines (R2)
Planet of the Apes (R2, remake)
Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition (R2)
the above are what I call batch 1 - stuff I'm happy to sell immediately and its pretty bog standard stuff.
Seeing how that goes I've got more interesting stuff like Ichi The Killer, Audition, Hero, Das Experiment, Versus etc. I'd rather hang on to stuff like that but well cash flow and space etc.
Saving Private Ryan sounds amazing in 5.1, i bought it the other day just so i could hear the beach scene on our new surround sound shit in the front room!
More stuff sent out today, one parcel to send tomorrow - thanks
Full list now available and as a few people have already seen it and purchased I might as well post the remaining here.
If you fancy something PM me and we'll take it to e-mail. I take payment by nochex or PO, I *can* take cheques or cash but would prefer not to.
I reserve the right to deal with who I want, preferably regulars who I know. All PM's will be responded to btw.
I send everything first class and get proof of postage - you will receive mails to a) confirm the deal, b) to tell you when payment has been received and c) to tell you when the discs have been dispatched.
I look after my DVD's, it isn't a shop its a personal collection I'm parting with to fund a trip to North America.
List as follows -
Enemy At The Gates R2 – SOLD
Battle Royale R2 – SOLD
Three Kings R2 – SOLD
Fight Club SE R2 – SOLD
28 Days Later R2 – SOLD
Alias Season One R1 Box Set – SOLD
Hero R3 – SOLD
The Eye R3 – SOLD
Versus (Director’s Cut) R1 – SOLD
Ichi The Killer R2 – SOLD pending payment
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon R2
Raging Bull SE R2
This Is Spinal Tap SE R2
The Godfather Trilogy R2
Alien SE R2
Aliens SE R2
Alien 3 R2
Alien Resurrection R2
The Matrix R2
American Psycho R2
The Longest Day SE R2
The Shining R2
2001: A Space Odyssey R2
Man Bites Dog R2
Gladiator SE R2
A Clockwork Orange R2
Unforgiven R2
Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones R2
The Eagle Has Landed R2
Apocalypse Now Redux R2
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Director’s Cut) R2
Snatch R2
Ronin R2
Quadrophenia R2
Heat R2
X-Men R2
Narc R2
Goodfellas R2
Gangster No.1 R2
A Bridge Too Far R2
Brain Dead R2
Dr. Terrible’s House of Horrible (Steve Coogan) R2
Matrix Reloaded R1
Irreversible R2
Audition R0
Saving Private Ryan R2
Black Hawk Down 2 disc SE R2
The Transporter R1
The Deer Hunter R2
Das Experiment R2
The Good Thief R1
Resident Evil R1
Dark Water R3
Akira SE R2
We Were Soldiers R2
Memento R2
Jackie Brown SE R2
Dog Soldiers R3
Behind Enemy Lines R2
Shaolin Soccer R3
The Thin Red Line R2
Planet of the Apes 2-disc SE (Tim Burton) R2
Ali R2
Minority Report 2-disc R2
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