shaman cant dps
Should learn to play your char then
They can, but not well.
True but then what do you call DPS? They can get by solo, but if you're spending more than 1% of your time in a scenario DPS'ing then you're doing something wrong.
To the OP: If you rolled a Shaman for doing any real damage, I'd seriously consider a reroll, the only damage you're going to do endgame is the odd DoT where you have a break in healing for long enough to DoT instead of stealing AP/silencing instead in that timeframe or when you use Gork Sez Stop on a newbie![]()
Here's a tip a shaman in my guild was giving another shaman in my guild. He said that if you run out of action points in a fight after healing and everyone is at full, to not do any damage and just let your action bar recharge and by the time that happens there will definitely be someone to heal. So you'll have a full action bar for healing as opposed to an empty one because you ran out and tried doing damage instead of letting it fill up. You'll probably top the healing charts in scenarios by doing this.
Yer Not So Bad Ailment
Core Ability
40 Action Points 100 ft range
2s cast 20s cooldown
Gork's Waaagh! reduces cast time.
Steals 180 Action Points from your target over 9 seconds.
If you're spending more than 1% of your time in a scenario DPS'ing, then you're playing the shaman right as you actually have to do damage to increase your healing.
shaman cant dps
Afran: I may have used the wrong words in my first reponce. I meant the way as in, their DPS is ENOUGH for them. Have to "DPS" to make healing easier, so their DPS isn't totally useless (love the focus DD, is fun way to keep people quiet)
Sorry for the wrong context.
ALSO! YesCave shammy keeps being annoying. I keep wondering my my insta AoE is :I
Shamans can do relativly nice dps if they like.
Playing a Rank 20 shamie myself and I can quite easy make around 60-80k dmg in a temple scenario.
But then again i can also just swap some gear around and make just as mutch healing.
Only requermant to dps is you cba healing while doing it =P.
I agree its a healer class primarly and i play it as one when I play with friends but when I just join a random group i play as solo player easily getting 20k+ xp 1k+ renown / run.
So for all who says than shamans can't dps LEARN YOUR CLASS! and be creative.
That would be because the 50% reduced AP cost tactic doesn't actually work. Yes you get the buff icon up, but no, it doesn't affect the cost of your spells.As a healer I found shamans have the best AP management in the game atm, played a 40 AM also and the 50% redux in AP doesn't even come close in most situations.
That would be because the 50% reduced AP cost tactic doesn't actually work. Yes you get the buff icon up, but no, it doesn't affect the cost of your spells.
Apologies for side-tracking a Shaman thread a little there, just think it is relevant in a comparison between the two classes. I personally think the Shaman comes out on top between them due to this tactic not working as well as a few other "slightly" annoying issues that differ between the two classes.