Shadowblades and infiltrators...



ahahaha oh my word you're going to have a shock :eek:

Come try your theory out anytime emma ;)

Level 50 Infiltrator
Saracen Gryphon Knight
Servants of The Lake
"The Peoples Gimp"


rofl Jadow, is that the best you can do, PA for only 560 dmg :/ wait until im 50 then you`ll see what PA is for real :p


<cries> seems everyone agrees that nightshades are the weakest assassin class.

the DD is quite pants doing 60 damage roughly at lvl 50, we have a spell that does around the same with a 3 second cast time, i've used the spell around 6 times in my entire nightshade life,

is that truely worth .3 spec per level......didn't think so, a 2 handed weapon or more hp would have also been handy as well.

but no i'll just go about my gimped life taking down the bigger guys who make a mistake. people tend to always underestimate us :p

Jexa u will be mine!


Originally posted by old.k70
Shadowblades which use left axe always hit with both weapons. This means that they have a guaranteed chance to proc both poisons. Being able to PA+dot+disease and just jump from the keep is a big advantage. Infiltrators have to spend a lot of points in DW to be able to get a fairly good chance to swing both weapons and will never get even close to 100%.

Just to correct you

LA only guarantees the SWING of both weapons, not the HIT.

Whereas DW has a chance to SWING, followed by chance to HIT.
LA always SWINGS but either axe may miss (or BOTH).

Note the Offhand has zero tohit bonus meaning it often enough misses. This wasnt so bad when Doublefrost meant 80% Style damage (which is added to the Right Hand which has a nice tohit with styles). SInce the last patch when they nerfed Doublefrost Style damage and increases Base damage (with spec) this means a miss of the Offhand offers a greater loss of damage (and in SB case also means the Poison is not released)

Dont think LA users have it all rosy cos they done, esp for SB who dont spec LA to 50 so lose a lot of damage scaling from not speccing LA to same as level.

DW damage scales better than LeftAxe as its not based on spec but based on Level of char, unlike LA


i cant say much for nightshades as ive never played one (played a ranger though :D) but infils are a powerful class sometimes too powerful and there`s no way in hell 50 extra hp`s, or a crap dd makes up for 450+ extra spec points, i`ll put that into perspective thats envenom at lvl 30 free of charge. I have played an infil i started one on excal/alb not long ago, only got to lvl 9 but with slash/dw and env specced fairly high for lvl 9, infils must be the only melee class char that can solo a red mob at early lvls, granted they cant do it all the time, poison/etc has to stick, but i can say ive done it, lvl 9 in Mithra solo`d a red mob as an infil. And now with there new ra`s etc they just improved and already powerful class by allowing them to PA a target twice every 30 mins :(


I don't think anything needs to change with the SB, but I wud like to see the Infil spec drop a bit :)

I didn't delete a NS45 on the spur of the moment. Took ages, but in the end lvl'ing a class that can panics solo'ing a blue con is frustrating.

3-4hrs waiting everyday, trying to get into a group, blaa blaa.

The ranged DD is next to useless, some say "ah but u can stop casters etc" coz it's got a 3sec ct. mmmm think i'll let the rangers do that.

DD shout, does same dmg as a single hit, non-style. And as for using it to un-cover other stealthers, I had to wait till 45 before the damn thing wud work ;( all u L50 SBs and Infils running around, resist....resist....resist....

At least u SBs and Infils can 'choose' a template, for NS there is really only 1. So hardly any variance on specs.


Infils are not overpowered..ppl die to infils for one reason only:They can't play (or they're blue/greencon ;) ).


people die to infils because of there high stealth spec, high envenom, high weapon skill,high cs skill, ohh yeah and the occasional double pa



Yep unbuffed that's the best I can do. It's all i need to do to bring down a level 50 tank with IP though and they have a -lot- more hitpoints than you ;)

1 word. Dragonfang.

You still died didn't ya?:)

Level 50 Infiltrator
Saracen Gryphon Knight
Servants of The Lake
"The People's Gimp"


course i died im lvl 40 your lvl 50. but 560 dmg on a green con, jesus im gonna wet myself in a minute, with my old sb at 44 my pa would cap 1000 dmg on a yellow con caster :/ sure your not gimped Jadow ;P


Emma your old shadowblade was a critblade :D (and we both know 1000 is a tad extageration or you was facing green armour mages and had a CS close to 50)

Never got the chance to see dragonfang sadly the one or two times I face jadow I was dead before.

Don't neglect doublefrost though jadow, it is an incredible style.
I once got PA by a orange con NS for 30 damage less than my doublefrost hit back.


Comparing the PA of a in dual wielding with a 2.9 Speed main hand weapon and near capped Qui agianst a 5.3 Speed 2H SB Crit blade is a bit silly.

His PA is directly factored by his wepaon speed and the Dual Wield, you PA is always going to be superior, shame u gotta wait 5 secs before u can CD him :D wherehas he has CD u before u even notice he PA u, thats the diff.

Tanks can Engage/Slam Critblades cos of the long delay from 2 H weapons, Mid tanks cant do that to Infils and get Stunned before we can even press the /stick and engage button.

Emma I really wouldnt mouth at Jadow, he is probably the most sensibly specced Inf on the server (bah hate having to side with the gimp, but i got no choice this time :()


Bullshit Derric honey :p


Infils are not overpowered..ppl die to infils for one reason only:They can't play (or they're blue/greencon ).

You can own lvl 50 tanks alone!

Stick me against a lvl 50 pala or armsmen i think ill have a small chance providing i evade like a monkey!


actually if i remember correctly my spec at lvl 44 was something like stealth 37+9, sword 36+5 (maybe 4), cs 44+9, plus 2 from rr... so cs was arround the 55 mark. And for those that remember me, Krait/Durgi/Dji/Artemis(was 50 back then didnt like him much cos i couldnt bloody find him 99% of time) i wasn`t affraid to get you in groups at all hell i even took out a lvl 50 minstrel, dont think he realised he had been hit for over 70% of his hp :p...

I know that most infils use very fast stilleto`s or short swords and im currently using 5 weapons, 2h axe 5.5 spd 100% qual for PA, then switch to either my 2 cleavers 4spd 91% qual (for casters mainly cos the cleavers look cool :D) or 2 epic 40 axes for other encounters 3.5 spd 100% qual. i`d love to meet one of you lvl 50 infils in emain just so i can hit you once with double frost and see just how much dmg i can get, but im 100% sure that i hit someone for roughly 140dmg with df on saturday and they where 10 lvls higher than me, so imagine if i was lvl 50 as well, i wouldnt be supprised if that was near 250-300 dmg at all. well i hit an orange con armsman for 100dmg with df so its bound to hurt a leather wearing infil....

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