shadowblade 5spec end spec/respec help!



We can but hope :) Though until some brave person I know tests this for themselves, or for some mad moment of understanding resulting in GOA provided the secondary servers with a day or two on Gorre, I suspect neither will happen within the 2 level limit (or is it 3, lol), so I expect respec to not be happening for my Shadowblade anyway :(


If you want to spend every last point then this one may work. (Based on Autotrain 48)

Axe 39
CS 39
LA 44
ENV 19

I have no idea how good it will be but if I miss Envenom i could drop crit to 34 with a respec.

BTW why hasnt someone started rent abuff the shammy charging gold for those entering the pk's? I know you go buff your mates and the odd stranger as you feel but i'm sure people are willing to pay for a service where they can ask.

P.S. Next post is where someone tells me I cant add up :)


Ah my favorite forum topic atm. Nothing really new to add to the issue of respec and autotraining, after kemors response to my enquiry was only to ignore the question and confirm that the monday news was incorrect.

One thing I can add is that I am fairly sure u can continue to auto train a spec line if you have dropped it to its minimum. Not particularly useful info, but news none the less.

What I did want to discuss was a spec variation crossing the 5 spec and SZ to for yet another hybrid, I suppose along the lines of the Soulblade except it has LA instead of venom. Given resists are soon to affect poison and most noticeably the DOT's I considered dropping Envenom and came up with the following template. It still assumes stealth was autotrained to 48 although there are some leftover points so full auto training isnt necessary, 15 to be specific so you could stop autotraining at level 44.

Edit: lol @ myself, just read previous post and realised we have had the same thinking :)

Stealth - 35
Venom - 25
CS - 34
Weapon - 39
LA - 44

Any thoughts or comments from you players currently using either of the standard 5 spec or SZ templates? With the DOT line of poison possibly becoming less signifigant this template provides u with a slightly better CS than than the 5 spec, and given bonuses roughly the same melee as a standard SZ.


I am considering this Thorung, its a great spec for an alternative opening vs non bubble classes, eg other assasins and tanks.

Snowsquall/Icy Brilliance opener will do a shedload more damage with this spec than a PA=CD using same spec.

Higher LA skill means you wont have to use those nasty DF bracers to increase LA and can assign better bracers in those slots.

I autotrained to 32 however so will have to drop Env by 1-2 points I think. (25 is low as it is, 23 would be awfully low and close to a Soulblade spec)


here's some specs that's confirmed working;
st35 Axe44 Enven22 CS34 LA39

st35 Axe44 Enven1 CS35 LA44

st34 Axe42 Enven18 CS34 LA44

st35 Axe39 Enven23 CS39 LA39

These are not really 5specs due to the low envenom, but are what we call Soulblade.
I'm 5mins from respecing my SB now, and have not decided what to do yet....hehe

good luck



Why on earth would anyone spec higher Axe than LA for a soulblade? what a waste of points.

You spec LA for the styles Axe for damagevariance, all you need is enough Axe skill to get your spec to 45+ with items and RR.

I would go 44 LA 39 Axe anyday over 44 Axe 39 LA on any LA spec SB soulblade or SZ or 5 spec.

I guarantee you you will NEVER EVER use your axe styles.
Over 39 spec in Axe for a LA using SB is pure waste imo.

And what does "Confirmed Working" mean?


Originally posted by old.Emma
reason for BS2 is BS2 dmg scales with lvl.. BS1 doesnt.. and the stun is slightly longer only 1 second but thats 3 seconds total enough time to get snowsqual in without them turning..
You can turn while stunned...


1.54 prevents stunned and mezzed classes from turning :D


You keep the points. The game subtracts 1 from your stealth total until it gets to the minimum autotrain lvl and gives you the points for each lvl of stealth it took away.

So if you earned free lvls of stealth you still have them after a respec cause you didn´t pay for them with points in the first place.

Atleast it did on US servers...


I very much hope this is the case, however I'm still reluctant to respec until it is officially confirmed. With this in mind I have sent kemor a PM basically asking him to preform the following test.

A level 50 SB that autotrained stealth to level 48 will have 3330 skill points in their 'pool'

So if they then preform a /respec all, all spec lines will be dropped to 1 except stealth that will be at 12, the minimum spec possible. The number of spec points available to then spend will clearly reveal whether the 'free' auto points were lost or kept.

Lost = 3176

Kept = 3253


I can now confirm u get all u points from auto-train back if u respec. It was done yesterday so have no fear if u do it :).
My idear of a soulblade was made !!!! and if u do soulblade with auto train still have a nice snare and debuff.
Maybe u loose some in dot compared to a 5-spec but just on using SQ >> IB 1 time u make up for that and sure does hit hard.
Comparing soul to a zs, a sz sure would do more damage if no PA CD is landed, But land a PA>>CD run through stick>> SQ>> IB gives all the best a blade has to offer i think.
Finnal spec looks like this:
CS 34 Laxe 44 axe 39 stealth 35 env 25 (auto)
lvl 25 env + 15 would give third highest dot second highest debuff, so I fell the few extra ticks from dot is a lot less then the damage you will make.
Could go 44 axe but still think debuff is important.
Btw is it just me or has the damage increased alot from LA styles ?

Zapsi lvl 50 healer
Zapsis lvl 50 sb


Yes many people on US said LA damage was raised around 1.52.

I am gonna go same as you ZapZap, how much autotraining did you do btw?


This is with auto-train till lvl 48, BUT there was 15 points left over after re-spec. So lvl 44 auto-train should do it ( can i count ).
If less auto-train an option would be 34 in stealth, 34 + 11 +rr5 is 49 more then enough. Zapsis can have 50 but using other cloack to get more resist, hope the GG cloack is nice option instead of jade cloack. So why 35 some may ask now, simple to able to remove a stealth item and use a nice resist item or example the legion neckless with damage over time, but sure there are other nice things to be used aswell.

Zapsi lvl 50 healer (soon semi-tank)
Zapsis lvl 50 SB


It's even stated in the patch notes that they raised the LA-damage if I don't recall entirely wrong.

And nice to finally get confirmation about the autotraining issue :)


Originally posted by Solid
1.54 prevents stunned and mezzed classes from turning :D
Cool <mezzes a thane so the thanes can't turn> :p
Think you meant characters Solid... ;)


Done my respec so im now a Soulblade, Critzerker or whatver the name is. So glad not to lose all the auto trained points. Final spec will be:

LA - 44
Sword - 39
CS - 34
Stealth - 35
Venom - 25

And Im already loving the damage boost from opening with PA and CD, even when i dont bother to switch to a 2h weapon they still out damage the LA styles that I used then LA was 44 and main weapon spec was 44.

As for venom, think I will be perfectly happy with debuffs/disease and snare. And even the level 40 DOT whenever I hit RR5 :)


Originally posted by thorungla
Done my respec so im now a Soulblade, Critzerker or whatver the name is. So glad not to lose all the auto trained points. Final spec will be:

LA - 44
Sword - 39
CS - 34
Stealth - 35
Venom - 25

Why spec in sword?
I Think axe is better..try attack a polearm tank with this opener :

39 Glacial Movement M M M L- Use From Beside Target Heavy Attack Speed Buff



What about critblades?
None left?
How good are they?

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