SG in trouble shocker!



Originally posted by echo
Woah good lad, nothing like standing up to shit managers who think they're better than you are ;D
but we are :p


Originally posted by S-Gray
ya i know, you expect till work to just be till work but alas! no :/

You get paid to be there, not just sit (or stand) on till. We are not in the days of unions starting, where a screwdriver bloke would not cover for the hammer bloke because it was not his job. Your Area manageress sounds like a right bitch, don't let her push you around, complain about her. You must have employee relations or a union of some kind.

Either way it simply sounds like some give and take is needed. At the end of the day retail is a hard job with little pay and long hours, if you can't deal with that then find something else.


woooah, i just picked up last weeks local paper aye, and was bored enough to check the horoscopes...

heres what i found:

fired up

The paper was sent out (apparently) for the 20th, and i posted on here for the 21st.

Think im gonna start paying more attention to these horoscopes :D


I'm Pisces and that isn't relevant to me at all.


Please see this article what I wrote for H2G2 years ago. It's still relevant today...


ummm SG, read the other 'predictions' in that column, most of them are relevant to your circumstances.


Originally posted by nath
I trust Simon Pegg got some royalties for that line?
'Scuse me? Am I being accused of plagarism? Evidence and source, please... :eek:


How come your area manager spends so much time at your store, is she covering till your old manager gets replaced or something?

On a side note i work in retail myself, at Marks and Spencer. There not that bad to work for really, theres the usual gripes about certain managers but most places have managers people don't like. I usually work about 40 hours a week and its all 6:30 starts. Don't really mind it though because i get the weekend off to spend my well earned money :) Its only just over minimum wage, but for what i do its ok, i mean 'customer advisor' is hardly on par with rocket science is it ;) Also i get my Christmas bonus of a month wages on the 10th of December which is probably the best bit about working there :D

SG my advice is look for another job in retail if you like it, theres absolutly loads of places taking on for Christmas and there probably mostly part-time hours whch you want. As well as that since you've worked in retail for 9 month and have a good reference in your old manager you'll get snapped up straight away.


Well i have (luckily) managed to avoid the area manager today, but i was really fucked off about the assistant manager who i thought was a decent friend to me... i guess not.

Today i was on a 7-3 shift, the "trainee" assisant manager was doing 7-4.

As soon as the proper assisant manager come in, it was like i got the blame for everything. We was way behind in getting the frozen stock out, he had to remerchandise freezers, and i had to put products back into freezers we defrosted over night.

I got the blame for the stock not being put out, and she wouldnt listen to reason. Then i was ordered to do 3,000 things at once, and they said to hurry up and get the frozen stock out. BUH?! hello?

Anyway, it all came to a nice ending when i said at about 1pm "So.. what time is my break?". She replied promptly saying "no one is having a break".

10mins later she "disapears" for 30mins because she "isnt well". Then wouldnt ya know it? The Trainee Ast Man gets his 30min break at 2pm.

When he comes back i rush down and tell her when my break is "3pm"... I tell her im going home then but she gives some cocky remark and says im gonna be paid thru my break.

Getting paid that uh, £2.50 doesnt bother me at all, id rather have 30mins break which is more important because i can get somethign to eat.

I know what she done was against the law... i just felt like phoning up someone (NOT my area manager ;))


I skimmed through the last half of the thread, so I don't know if that has been mentioned...

With references, in the UK at least, it is illegal to give a 'bad' reference.

The worst reference you can possibly get from an employer is :

<name> worked here between <date> and <date>.

Most references I have had from employers do this, because they have it mail-merged in Word or something, and they are generally too lazy to anything decent.

As fro giving a reference over the phone, well, you would need proof that they slagged you off...

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